Settling in for the night

The oh so lack of any thing more willing to do… lol.

I guess I’ll settle into work on the book, I have the source open in vim and the original draft in abiword.

At first it started as an MS Word document which essentially served to draft much of the text. Later on I eventually decided to do a bit of ‘porting’ to a more normal style of writing. ]for me]. At the time I started it, I chose to write it in a narrative like manor because I’ve never been accustomed to reading or writing in that style and really wanted to try it. Perhaps it was a good idea at the time; while my inspirations were all the more closer to heart.

Eventually I decided to opt for the style of writing I’m used to, essentially negating much of the draft to scratch paper. When I decided to give up on word processors I also gave up on finishing the book… After I got around to using Vim + TeX/LaTeX for my typesetting needs instead of XHTM+CSS (i.e. what webpages are made of) I eventually restarted work on it, including the change in style.

The ToC atm

1 Prologue                                                                     5
2 The Beginning 7
3 No Way Out 11
4 The Last Patrol 13
5 The Nightmare 17
6 The Hanger 19
7 Simulator 21
8 The Drop 23
9 Into the Breach 25
10 Capture & Evasion 27
11 Reunited Again 29
12 The Records 31
13 Into the Wolfs Den 33
14 Epilogue 35
A Character Biographies 37
A.1 Heros & Heroines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
A.2 The Villainous Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
A BattleMech Specifications 39
A.1 Inner Sphere 'Mechs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
A.2 Clan OmniMechs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Is essentially a transplant of each section named in the original draft, While the draft covers approximately 75-80% of the content, I’ve yet to finish transitioning it all here, I can reorganize it later.

Don’t know if the structure will stay, I mentally break things up a bit differently… based on the different segments of the story rather then a scene by scene basis.

Oh shit, not this lot again
Hitting the fan
Runs, Guns, and Healing
End Game

but that is not exactly conventional means hehe… At least, that is how I see things, which is a logical progression of supportive and flowing events.

As James Midnight is drawn forcefully back into the ol’outfit. To the mission going to heck in a hand basket, leading to him and Isabella Valkyrie litterly running for their lives, gathering arms, searching for safety.. Leading to a much overdue time for reconciliation. Only to be rocked by the shocking truth of their mission. And a lovers sacrifice leading to the final battle to the death thar will decide their fate: the Atlas Vs the Direwolf.

I don’t consider myself much of a writer, but when my imagination runs away with me I know a good story or two hehe.

I always thought of it as being to short in length, although the conversion from MS Word to a properly typesetable file format shows me it is going to be longer then I had originally imagined. Which really is interesting because the draft was rather lacking in my natural verbosity lol.

Oh well, tis start time.