Hard Target

Caught an interesting action movie on, Hard Target. I’m not a fan of Jean Claude van Damme, but I was well impressed. Throughout the entire action flick, I couldn’t help but wonder who made this movie… the planning and use of the camera was awesome; in a way, that I have not seen for years lol.

I also had the train of thought, some where along the lines that if John Woo didn’t have some influence on this, I’d eat my hat! Sure enough, Directed by John Woo, and executive produced by Sam Raimi, which really explains a lot. The shots in the movie alone make it worth watching, the ingenuity during fight, fusion of gun play and close quarters, go well beyond what you see in many of the more recent action movies. Not quite the invincible hero syndrome of the 80’s, or the regular 90’s flair but without a doubt, superb! Hard Targets a must see for any action movie goer lol.

Also good to see a techniques using a pistol in each hand, combined with Van Damme’s foot work; which can only be outshone by the bayou lovin’, moon shine drinkin’ uncle lol.