Just a quick’ish update before I pass out

Over the past two days, I’ve basically setup OGRE 3D from the trunk in SVN. Things are basically set for building under FreeBSD and Win32, I’ve just the FreeBSD Debug build to do; that can be done later. Tonight, I spent a few hours playing with CMake; inhaling practical documentation, and converting my ogre project from Visual Studio files to using CMake for the build system, including only /moderate/ streams of cursing in the process. Tomorrow I need to test it under FreeBSD but that should go according to plan, hehehehehe.

I want to spend some time restructuring the project files and checking things into git, now that the prototype is ready for progression *and* I have the energy to continue the experiments: it is time to get version control working.

Before heading off to bed, I figured I’d make a quick rounds of things, since I’m not going to have much time before work in the morning. Then again, I won’t have much time during the day either lol. Ugh, how I would enjoy a decent nights sleep… it’s been at least 4 days, although arguably it’s been years; that is a however, a different matter.

On the upside, I got to watch abut 4 episodes of Stargate SG-1 over on Hulu.com tonight. Among them was one called Window of Opportunity, which just cracked me up something fierce. To me, sense of humour is everything :-P. The premise of it all, is O’Neill and Teal’c being stuck in a time loop, repeating the same events ad infinitum until they can find a way to solve it. By the time Teal’C started juggling during the Latin study/translation scenes, I think I was about ready to fall out of my chair! The golfing bit through the Stargate was also a rather nice touch.

Sigh, 0800Z cometh….