Scrolling through old journal entries, interesting to come across A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked. The Story Behind Corning’s Vision. (2012) and my comments about it at the time.
In a lot of ways I still find Corning’s vision fascinating.
Something is also apparent to me in hindsight: casting. Bits like the car dashboard were still pretty foreign at the time. Approximately a year later, Google launched the first generation Chromecast. Devices like the Roku would likewise gain voice input and competitors like Fire TV weren’t far off just yet. Today in ’19 it isn’t abnormal to easily manipulate a screen but we’re nowhere near as cool as that video yet.
I don’t think any product like the Surface Hub was well known until a few years later. While iMacs and clones had already modernized by then I don’t wanna gander at history to see when more touch capable AiOs became readily available. Devices like the Surface Studio are Still. To. Damned. Expensive. Not to mention rare in people’s homes and work places.
Another thing that has changed since Corning’s video is the PC. Back in ’12 touch screen laptops were more of a novelty than an accepted thing. Hell, the modern tablet had just about come into its own, and was very unlike its PC based forebears.
A lot of things have changed in hardware and software since then and will continue to change. But I still hope the result looks more like A Day Made of Glass than 1984….hehe.