As I begin to settle into my main machine running iOS, these are the Android apps I’ll really miss big time.

Beyond that, pretty much everything I use tends to be cross platform. Much like how most of the desktop apps I use, compile and run on both Linux and NT: most of the apps I use run on both Android and iOS. Many of them are also similar enough that the deltas are local convention, much like how Windows and *nix builds often relocate where editing application settings go in their menu bars.

But of course there are a few Android apps that I’ll miss, because they aren’t cross platform.

Aqua Mail

There’s not many mail clients that I like. In fact the next in line are the Berkeley mail program and the Mutt, both of which run in unix terminals; one of which could still be used on a teletypewriter with paper in place of a display So it’s safe to say most mail clients are kind of meh in my eyes, and I’ve used a lot of them since the ’90s.

Aqua Mail on the other hand is a superb client. Between how well it runs on my Tab S3 and my Chromebook, I wish I could transplant the damned thing to my Linux and NT machines as well. Be it my personal e-mail accounts or business accounts, it’s become the gold standard in my sending e-mail.

FolderSync Pro

The cornerstone of managing my wallpaper collection for a long time has been FolderSync Pro. Over time it’s great abilities to pretty much file sync anything to anything else have been pretty awesome.

Each of my Android devices have at least three jobs.

  1. Every night, move photos to my file server under Camera Uploads/{Host name}.
  2. Every week, sync my interal storage to my file server under Backups/{Host name}/Internal.
  3. Every month, sync Pictures/Wall Papers with the master in my cloud drive of choice.
Combined with alternate methods of syncing my photos offsite, FolderSync Pro basically makes it so I have to worry more about powering on my file server after a power break than I do about my device’s local files.

Photo Wall FX

Been using this so long that I don’t even want to check the receipt. Nor do I want to see when it was last updated, it’s kinda orphanware now. Over the years, I’ve amassed a lot of wall papers. The way I have my Androids rotate between them at random is Photo Wall FX. In addition to that simple goal, it’s generally been good about scaling and cropping the wide variety of images to fit my screens.
I’ve actually been worrying a bit, how the lack of updates and quirks with Android’s evolution interact. When Google stops allowing old-ass apps on new-ass devices this would be the first one I’d notice gone.

ArtFlow Studio

When it comes to drawing with my S-Pen, I end up in ArtFlow. It’s the most full featured drawing app I’ve met, and over time got good enough that I stopped bothering to look. 
By full featured: I mean whenever I go do something the process is like I’d expect from an app targeting desktops. To get any better than Art Flow, you’d have to talk to people that draw for a living instead of making this doofus glowy and happy.

Juice SSH

Since most of what I do depends on a Linux terminal environment, like literally if it doesn’t involve reading web pages or responding to e-mails, I’m likely to be found in an xterm or on my tablet.
Juice SSH has been a long companion, I’ve been using it for at least 6 years now. First on my Android 4.x tablets and later on my Chromebook as well, where the performance beat the tar out of the Chrome SSH thing. If it were better at copying terminal contents ala xterm, Juice SSH would be nearly perfect.

Samsung’s Calendar

Ahh, I remember the day I first realized how great it was. See, I used to have to take my mother to doctor’s appointments and cover her copays. But my momma was the kind who used a paper calendar. I stopped using a paper calendar when I was still in grade school. Thus whenever we had an issue of something that was on her calendar but not on mine, friction occurred. 
Easiest way I found to solve that is when making the next appointment on our way out, just duplicate the event and update it with the new appointment. Actually it works so well, I do the same with my own health care.
So, I’m standing in the middle of the doctor’s office and looking at my Nexus 5, and I’m like, “What the !@#$, why can’t I just duplicate today’s event and change the date, like on my Galaxy SIII?”. In the years since a preference for Samsung over Google has become stronger. I mostly ignore Google Calendar on my current, non SamWiz phone.

Nova Launcher

Honorable mention goes to Nova because not only is it the best Android launcher I’ve used in the post ADW world, it beats the tar out of Apple’s concept of a launcher 😜