An idea occurred to me last night that I decided to try this morning: omelet in muffins.

I’m reminded of my mother telling me as a kid that her father managed to destroy several toasters trying to make homemade McMuffins when they came out in the early 1970s. Never really understood how you would do that, short of putting runny egg in the toaster. In my case, I simply put two whipped eggs in a greased tamagoyaki pan and only folded it over in half to finish before cutting that in half. Perhaps this is ironic considering that my grandfather was in the pacific theater during WWII, lol.
One muffin was made with a thick slice of snack-cheddar so that it would melt just enough to get soft and spongy enough to fill the crevices of the muffin and omelette, and the other with the available sandwich cheese at hand (a thin slice of Swiss). Kinda made me wish that I had bothered to grab some ham or pastrami while I was at it, but alas I did not.
Since I’ve been watching the sodium and cholesterol intake with my blood pressure, I’ve tried to avoid the temptation to take a Drive-Thru breakfast on the way to work over this past year. So I found this a rather nice breakfast, if rather large for me. Between the lack of ham and my disinclination to salt the shit out of my food, each probably represents half the sodium content of one McMuffin.