As much as I hate to not be working, I am kind of happy about this recent turn of events.
Yesterday the after work down-time was interrupted with a job interview: one that I’ve had apprehensive thoughts about, in regard to Operation Redeemer. We didn’t get it and apparently, my remarks about “32 hours” and needing 12 people to do the job, “Queered it” as H.R.P. put it. I also reminded my mother that she should be careful what she wishes for, since she had asked me to speak up! For better or worse, I prefer to speak honestly and don’t like to mince words. Also on the flip side, we got something else (and less painful).
Thursday was supposed to be a trial-run, in which I have wondered just how much stuff could be done in 6 hours of labour. The place is so big, to clear it from a SWAT point of view, would take 20 men and at least 5 minutes. Cleaning the place as a 2-schmuck team would take all week! It is just to freaking
As I often say, things always balance out in the end. The 2 jobs that virtually evaporated have also come back online in force, and after yesterdays interview, H.R.P. is most certainly less inclined to whine about them lol. For me, work is work; that’s roughly all there is to it. Although that being said, I would love to have a career that I can wake up in the morning and actually want to do the job :-/. (Ok, so a crazy spider can dream…)
The positive side is that