In picking up a Pi Zero W in prep’ for project Power Book, I ended up buying a Raspberry Pi 4 while I was at Microcenter. Been wanting one for years, but every time I’ve talked myself into it, they didn’t happen to have the one I wanted. Well this time they had a whole bushel of the newer variant with 8 GB of RAM.
Running the Raspberry Pi Diagnostics on my old card, basically made the tool shout “Hey, are you kidding me or is this made out of cardboard?”
pi@magic:~ $ cat rpdiags.txt
Raspberry Pi Diagnostics – version 0.9
Fri May 7 11:19:27 2021
Test : SD Card Speed Test
Run 1
Sequential write speed 7742 KB/sec (target 10000) – FAIL
Note that sequential write speed declines over time as a card is used – your card may require reformatting
Random write speed 263 IOPS (target 500) – FAIL
Random read speed 1205 IOPS (target 1500) – FAIL
Run 2
Sequential write speed 7514 KB/sec (target 10000) – FAIL
Note that sequential write speed declines over time as a card is used – your card may require reformatting
Random write speed 230 IOPS (target 500) – FAIL
Random read speed 1215 IOPS (target 1500) – FAIL
Run 3
Sequential write speed 8197 KB/sec (target 10000) – FAIL
Note that sequential write speed declines over time as a card is used – your card may require reformatting
Random write speed 75 IOPS (target 500) – FAIL
Random read speed 1262 IOPS (target 1500) – FAIL
Since my old MicroSD card is literally crap, and always has been crap. And I can’t remember how far back that particular SanDisk goes, except at the time 8 GB was a fair price to capacity rating. I decided to splurge on a nice new Samsung card.
pi@victory:~ $ cat rpdiags.txt
Raspberry Pi Diagnostics – version 0.9
Fri Aug 6 20:15:09 2021
Test : SD Card Speed Test
Run 1
Sequential write speed 28248 KB/sec (target 10000) – PASS
Random write speed 1044 IOPS (target 500) – PASS
Random read speed 3686 IOPS (target 1500) – PASS
So much nicer 😜.
Here is the Crystal Disk Mark on the Samsung when I first plugged it into my PC.
CrystalDiskMark 8.0.4 x64 (C) 2007-2021 hiyohiyo
Crystal Dew World:
* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes
SEQ 1MiB (Q= 8, T= 1): 95.913 MB/s [ 91.5 IOPS] < 86494.56 us>
SEQ 1MiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 94.791 MB/s [ 90.4 IOPS] < 11043.40 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1): 9.103 MB/s [ 2222.4 IOPS] < 14370.86 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 7.239 MB/s [ 1767.3 IOPS] < 564.70 us>
SEQ 1MiB (Q= 8, T= 1): 67.578 MB/s [ 64.4 IOPS] <122501.70 us>
SEQ 1MiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 68.031 MB/s [ 64.9 IOPS] < 15374.68 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1): 3.327 MB/s [ 812.3 IOPS] < 39199.31 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 2.873 MB/s [ 701.4 IOPS] < 1423.66 us>
Profile: Default
Test: 1 GiB (x5) [E: 0% (0/60GiB)]
Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec
Date: 2021/08/06 20:02:47
OS: Windows 10 Professional [10.0 Build 19043] (x64)
I’ve actually owned hard drives slower :P.