
  1. Misty’s feeling better, now that the knock out juice is out of her system.
  2. Willow’s sleepy, and not complaining about rained out walks.
  1. I’m pretty sure I could fall asleep right here.

Random curiosity, but it looks like more than a few pages about Pathfinder and the Sojourner rover are still online more than twenty years later, and probably last updated in ’97 or ’98 on average.

Here’s a neat one: https://mars.nasa.gov/MPF/roverctrlnav/rovercntrlnav.html

Many are also good examples of what the Internet looked like two decades ago :^o.

Sometimes I don’t want to get up, because the land of dreams is a place of unbound possibility. The waking world is shadowed by and constrained in reality.

Pass the coffee, anyone?

Over the years, I’ve pretty much decided: if you can make me laugh, make me think, or make me care, I’ll probably watch or read anything. It’s probably easier to entertain me by making me laugh though.

And then there’s somethings that are just there for popcorn.

Things that make me sad: how slow Crunchyroll’s queue loads in the web page.

Things that make me sadder: when my iPad outruns my desktop at loading that.

Passing thought: not sure I should be sad about how much I actually use cmd.exe when I’m using a Windows machine, or just glad that %compspec% isn’t an antique version of command.com.

Probably should just be glad that most of my relationship with windows these days, is driven by D3D video games far more than anything else.

For some reason, parsing Wikipedia’s article on CRT shadow masks, I am reminded that by the time old age kills me, more than a few pieces of technology will have changed. When I was a kid, I thought it was pretty damned cool that colour television was everywhere and most folks had VCRs.

Technology changes faster than people does. Or at least, I’d kinda like to not die that soon. It’s still my theory that my generation will make either a really interesting, or a really sad bunch at the old folks home, if we live long enough.

If I was doing the Bart Simpson writing on a black board thing, I’m pretty sure there would be references to never eating so many beans again without a box fan and a gas mask.

Two helpings of beans and I’m pretty sure the world is in danger of being blown away……lol

I’m not sure if spiking one’s evening tea with alcohol would be a success, or a failure, but I will admit the thought crossed my mind. Then again my choice of earl grey was based on it being the first teabag I grabbed, so what do I know? :^o.

Of late, most of my time at home has been spent on programming. Today, I think I have a different plan. Called catching up on video games!