Resorting to the trap door clearance maneuver might be admitting default in trying to extricate all of your frozen french toast from the toaster. It is however a lot smarter than putting your fingers inside right after toasting something. Because that would be an oh so very stupid way of making a funny home video.

I find that Kroger’s frozen french toast sticks make a nice, simple, and cheap breakfast option. But it would be kind of nice if they weren’t split into the size of a large biscotti instead of something more like a slice of bread.

Passing thought: when you find yourself trying to decide between turning the heat up or putting on pants, it can be hard to determine if the real problem is you or the winter weather.

Working on my notes for tomorrow’s yet-another-meeting, I can’t help but find it curious how things have changed a bit.

Fifteen years ago when I got a laptop: notes were usually a sub directory in $HOME, pointed at removable media. Until the USB stick got bent, and then it was mostly just on my laptop.

Today, I don’t even use removable media much, aside from loading hardware via USB or backing up my laptop to a USB drive. My notes live else where. Most of my files live else where. The concept is still the same: destruction of my computer, the real loss is the hardware, not the data. But the way I interact with that data has evolved.

Also whoever decided to make the share this text selection menu be 90% permanently offscreen when it spans a few pages, can go eat an Apple.

This reminds me, I should put the monthly backup the entire shebang on my task list for the holidays.

One of the zillion ideas, or perhaps several of, that have been bouncing around my head of late is: “What if you designed a super carrier, that’s meant to carry its own battle group?”

This kind of got me to thinking. If you designed a super carrier around the idea of several hanger compartments, big enough to pack in 8 ~ 10 capital ships in destroyer or frigate tier sizes, that’s pretty useful. At which point, you may as well design the entire ship around its hangers, engines, and main guns.

We’d be talking about a very large ship. Something in the scale of a Covenant super carrier or an Executor class super stardestroyer–several kilometres of starship. All the more reason to basically build the ship around the guns, the hangers, and the engines, wrap the sucker in all the armour you can muster, and build vital crew services into the ship’s spine.

A follow on idea to this is the notion of a modular destroyer to accompany the super carrier. I mean, literally modular. Swapping out modules could adapt the destroyer from being focused on a point defense screen, or fit smaller Gauss cannons, etc. Swap hanger bays for mine dispensing packages. Need anti-ship torpedoes or the mother of all antimissile batteries? Swap a module. All the better if the aforementioned really big freaking super carrier was equipped to deal with that while underway, but outside of combat; because if you’re going big, bring some spare parts along.

Such a destroyer would go well with a carrier that is so freaking big that you can land the groups destroyers in the carrier, before making with the super duper space travel hijinks. Not to mention, good excuses to have a whole lotta starfighters, support craft, and probably the deck space to supply a planetary assault force or evacuate a small moon worth of people in a pinch.

Thus arriving at another idea that I’ve been putting around with for some years: that Gauss rifles and the like would be far more effective than some kind of damned phaser bank. You wanna knock the shit out of an enemy ship? Blast the fricken’ thing with a solvo of Gauss rifles. Run out of shit to fire out the Gauss rifle? Go mine an asteroid for something ferromagnetic worth processing into a coilgun slug. I imagine that much as cruise missiles took over the world of terrestrial navel combat, starships will rely principally on comparable missiles, and some really big coilguns for piercing uber thick armour is a requirement. Plus who doesn’t like to unleash some kinetic whoop ass?

I kind of picture a long rail of a ship. A quartet of forward firing large calibre Gauss cannons built into the four outer corners of the frame, and a long shaft running several kilometres. The sides of which amount to hanger bay after hanger bay after hanger bay; kind of like the hanger bay death crawls of Covenant ships in the original Halo, where you start wondering whether or not a ship can ever have enough hanger bays or if the engineers ran out of ideas.

Ask Ethan: Could Octonions Unlock How Reality Really Works?

I’m not sure what’s bothering me more: how interesting I found this article, or that computer graphics is the primary reason quaternions doesn’t  elicit a blank stare rather than curiosity at the idea of octonions.

Millennium Plus 20: How Photography Has Changed in The Last Two Decades

One of the things I find amazing: is how phone cameras became everywhere, and then became so good that they’re up to recording our important memories. Computers and networking helped make sharing what we care about easier: but film isn’t so idiot proof at that, or for most people, that cost effective.

Over the past decade the amount of photos I’ve taken at home has risen, as cameras became everywhere plus better. By contrast, most of my childhood is either on photo prints, or still on rolls of 110mm film.

Not quite as simple grandfather’s method of Christmas shopping for family, but I think my dogs will be very happy with this plan:

My grandfather’s way was to basically buy three bottles, tie three bows, and call it success. That’s actually a great idea in a way when you consider him, my grandmother, and my mother has different tastes, it’s something everyone can share, and will probably be consumed before next year, lol.

10 best skateboard stickers for defiling your new 16-inch MacBook Pro

While I’ve always felt covering laptop lids in stickers was kind of tacky, I’ve got to admit: I’d so put that Bones Brigade Ripper on a laptop. And probably can blame this article for my sudden urge to play Contra 3.

Full disclosure: I’m tacky enough to have finally done the sticker thing when I got my old Latitude. Had a Hulkbuster decal laying around, and it struck me as the kind of laptop Tony Stark may have been issued and tossed in a desk drawer somewhere. Thus the host name and lid sticker begging Iron Man references.

Willow: “I am a furry hobbit, therefore I deserve three times this many treats.”

Corky: “Does human shower in gravy? I must find out!”

Misty: “You should have food in hand when rounding the corner.”

Also the suggestion that dog food be eaten instead of yet another treat may be considered very insulting…