We all agree that lazing out on the couch is a good plan, especially with a nap. Where the dogs and I disagree is on how cookies are people food, lol.

Much glares have been made in my direction over the course of eating to cookies. Enough that bribery with treats may have been a prerequisite for my continued survival….

The easiest way to tell I use my stylus a lot: the number of cringes between sitting down and getting up to go fetch my S-Pen from the next room.

Things that I find sad += 1.

If I get in the car ten minutes early, leave on time, or sleep in for five more minutes: I arrive at work at approximately the same time. The difference is the level of traffic o/

Nebo 2.3.

Gotta admit: the new support for keyboard input is kind of nice. MyScript’s handwriting recognition is pretty damned good, probably the best you can expect today. But I’ve generally found that the times it gets things a little off, thanks likely to the quality of my handwriting, it’s usually an idiosyncrasy that’s a pain to connect. If it’s not in the apps correction list, odds are retyping the letters or word in question is faster than fixing it by pen.

My plans for the weekend are quite imaginative: eat, drink, and be merry.

A few small goofs nearly threw the world into nuclear war.

Personally, I think we’re more likely to see misunderstandings snowball and jump start the apocalypse than we ever will be because some evil bastard decided on a first strike.

For the most part I like to believe that most people default to good, for lack of an inherent belligerents. We’re more likely to nuke^H^H^H^H kill our neighbors because of misscommunication or cascading failures than because we’d like to see them all wiped out. Most people have dampers on the level of crazy, if nothing else because they want to keep living more than they hate folks.

I rather like the comparison the article makes to Damocles Sword. Because at best, the risk of going to thermonuclear war over a 49¢ part failing may depend on someone not wanting to end the entire world without being pretty darn sure it was with their last breath. And between the major powers we’ve got more than enough nuclear weapons to keep the fallout going.

Being irked by how many of the “Nicer” USB Micro-B cables I have left only only make my Xbox One controller vibrate, not connect to my desktop, is somehow weighted by the troublesome fact that it is 2019 and I still carry a null modem cable in my work bag.

On the flipside the plastic cap on my Bluetooh adapter breaking seems to make connectivity with my shit much more “Go fsck yourself” than trying to save 1 cm of cable distance for the short ass cable I use for my controller was worth. This is probably what I get for how many times I had to pull the damned thing out in order to get Microshaft’s operating system to cooperate with something as new fandangled as Bluetooth in the first place 8-).

Every now and then my Google News feed shows me entries from local sources, including one that tends to have a “What’s going on this weekend” with events in the county. Usually the things listed tend to lean in the direction of live music and cold beer or family friendly movie viewings. Seeing a blurb that “The Heiress” is supposed to be running at New Dawn Theater Company Duluth was a surprise.

Reminds me that I’ve always had a soft spot for that story. Over the years of watching TCM with my mother, I was introduced to quite a few good films. The ’40s and ’90s adaptations of Washington Square included.

In fact, if memory serves when I learned of Project Gutenberg, I think the first books I downloaded were probably The Count of Monte Cristo and Washington Square. Because I’m odd, and many of the other books I wanted to search for at that time probably originated in latin 😲.