Well I think I’m doing it. I’m switching to Seamonkey. To me it’s no point to use a diffrent program(s) for the same thing(s) just because it’s a diffrent operating system. Good programs are portable programs in my book and play nicly.

For Windows I’ve been using Firefox, nice browser and much more fun the Internet Explorer 5~6 was, althouhg I’m interested in seeing the changes in IE7. The only catch is I prefer Opera. While Opera is very nice and has awesome tabbed browsing support, good enough that I don’t mind a few quirks in it. The windows version of Opera is not so hot, on my system it also chews CPU time but rocks for BSD. Soo, I’ve returned to my old consideration.

I’m very adapt to Firefox and I use Thunderbird. Mutt I was hoping to learn but I don’t think it’s worth the trouble for the win32 port of Mutt. Konqueror is very Firefox like, lacks some of the extensions e.t.c. but is a great browser but doesn’t runon Windows. Since it’s a KDE app, it’s also a bloody nice file manager compared to explorer on Windows XP.

Seamonkey is the successor to the Mozilla application suite, which was kinda like Netscape Communicator on steriods you could say. (Netscape was before my time, we only got inet access around 2000). When the kitchen sink got EoL’d [End of Life] so they could work more on Firefox and Thunderbird the community picked up the app and she was reborn as the SeaMonkey [which Mozilla suite was code named Seamonkey]. It provides a browser (navigator in a very netscape like feeling) which is basically firefox, Mail/newsgroups (thunderbird for all intents and purposes), Composer a WYSIWYG html editor which I like for testing pages quickly [Nvu is basically an extended version of this], Adressbook, Chatzilla IRC client (Mmm maybe I’ll lay off X-Chat), plus a DOM inspector and some JavaScript stuff.

The mbox is the same as thunderbird so I can just point mail & newsgroups at my thunderbird local folders on my Lexar, no need to import. Plus SeaMonkey has Roaming support that lets me keep bookmarks/addresses/cookies e.t.c. sync’d the support is expiremental so it’s not very good but it seems a good start. Load times not much a bother on my desktop thanks to fast CPU and 2GB of reasonably fast DDR2 memory but on my laptop it’s a little slow. My latops got 512mb DDR and I run so much crap along with KDE 3.5.x that I use most of it but the system is still more responsive then windows under lighter loads for me, on the same machines. The program works great on my laptop, it’s just a little slow to start up. I suspect it’s because it takes awhile to load all the dep’s.


Very good intregation
Open source
“Modren” theme is nicer compared to “Classic” theme or the generic Firefox/Thunderbird ones (same thing).
Most Mozilla Suite addons should be compatible
No E-Mail import needed for thunderbird users
A nice editor for web design [at least for when I’m lazy]
If it had an AIM/MSN/Yahoo/X-Fire client and a sweet PIM in it it’d be a very full web application suite imho.
More standards complient then Microsofts I.E. but not as complient as Konqueror or Safari.
Roaming support


Takes a while to start on older machines
Uses a fair amount of memory when using allot of tabs/componants e.t.c. [just like Firefox]
Not every one may need all the features
Roaming support is not finished
Can’t right click on bookmarks in menu [have to open manage bookmarks]
Support is in the hands of the community, updates may take longer then Firefox/Thunderbird/Misc

All in all a very nice system, I figure I use Thunderbird and fire fox works ok for me (I prefer Opera but not Win32 ver) so the thing fits me well. I commend Mozilla for having created a kitchen sink and then deploying parts of it independantly so people could just use the parts they like if they don’t want every thing. [Mixing Firefox and outlook express comes to mind].

Die Cupsd, Die !

Well I tried every thing I could with cups-1.2.2 on the box with no luck. Hooked it up to my laptop running PC-BSD and cups 1.1.x and got a nice test page.

I tried to install cups 1.1.x with little luck, so I ripped every thing off the box (packages) and reinstalled cvsup-without-gui and fastest_cvsup (which added perl5) to sort later. I’m telling you I’d rather toy with arcahic UNIX printing, at least for that I’ve got enough books all ready about. Although most people dealing with lp/lpr tend to cringe I think hehe.

Comptemplating switching from firefox/opera + thunderbird to Seamonkey. I really like the F.F. UI, but Opera (not win32 version) has awesome tabbed browsing. My favorite browser is generally links for text but lynx dispite oh most no page layout is still the best in my book. Konqeror is by far a supurb program. I wish Internet/Windows Explorer was that good. Konqueror is also allot like fire fox in the UI so it’s easy to use, but why bother using Konqi on *nix and F.F on Windows? Any more then Opera/F.F.

Oh well, off to tinker for the night with browers. A good toy indeed, after all I sorta collect them.

I was thinking today at work, besides a jab about bill gates, a zealot in a penguin suit, and a Gnuodle trying to mish mash a MS marketed distro of Linux kernel and Gnos [GNU-DOS], Gnos is Not an Operating System. While a pufferfish works on improving the worlds most secure OS [OpenBSD] and then they disiding to sell OpenMSD instead hahaha. Ok back to my point.

I figure, if we should break up a problem into smaller pieces when working on a program, why not read it the same way? Last night I started reading some of the source for the “cat” command used by *BSD. The main function basicly sets up the data and desides on how to cook it.

To night I work on breaking apart the next function and some homework for SAS.

Well about 0320 UTC and whats possibly the 9th issue to warrient being dub’d a “WW” here seems to have gone to cold war status.

I’m alive, and I’m not worried about any one going silcian on me (tonight). Things seems to have calmed down, time to release some stress in the virtual shoot house.

Off to training.

Life sucks when you expect a loved one to stick a knife in yoru ribs at any sec, got trop’d lightly, not what I expected but expected some thing to hit.

Dunno whats more fsck’d up, to think that she’d kill me, or worry she’ll get a stroke screaming.

To night I think I sleep armed, my prefered self defense weapon near by. (Light sabre for sword practice.) It’s got allot more punch and range then bare hands if I need to disarm some one in the dark, without getting injured.

I know I’m far from the perfect son, surly I’m rotton enough at times but I’m not a target to for some one to vent rage on for lack of a more appealing outlet to a problem (even if I’m related to the issue). Life is just, fsck, crap. I wish my family didn’t have such a knack for anger… sheesh I can’t hate some one for more then 10 seconds and if I want to hate longer then that I feel like a disgrace to GOD. These people, can thrive on it.

Anger, fear, hatred, a dark road. I reject it and all it stands for. Only one person has a right to take my life, and that is Jesus Christ and no one is beeting him to the punch imho. This war, is not one I asked for but it’s one I must stand warry to parry.

Note to self, prep a emg escape and evasion route, back woods might be good. I’d be blind as a bat but it’s thick enough to stop pursoot. Don’t think I’ll ever need it but it’s always good to plan for worst.

TMPS01, 2006-09-12 @ 2434 UTC.

Life sucks when you expect a loved one to stick a knife in yoru ribs at any sec, got trop’d lightly, not what I expected but expected some thing to hit.

Dunno whats more fsck’d up, to think that she’d kill me, or worry she’ll get a stroke screaming.

To night I think I sleep armed, my prefered self defense weapon near by. (Light sabre for sword practice.) It’s got allot more punch and range then bare hands if I need to disarm some one in the dark, without getting injured.

I know I’m far from the perfect son, surly I’m rotton enough at times but I’m not a target to for some one to vent rage on for lack of a more appealing outlet to a problem (even if I’m related to the issue). Life is just, fsck, crap. I wish my family didn’t have such a knack for anger… sheesh I can’t hate some one for more then 10 seconds and if I want to hate longer then that I feel like a disgrace to GOD. These people, can thrive on it.

Anger, fear, hatred, a dark road. I reject it and all it stands for. Only one person has a right to take my life, and that is Jesus Christ and no one is beeting him to the punch imho. This war, is not one I asked for but it’s one I must stand warry to parry.

Note to self, prep a emg escape and evasion route, back woods might be good. I’d be blind as a bat but it’s thick enough to stop pursoot. Don’t think I’ll ever need it but it’s always good to plan for worst.

TMPS01, 2006-09-12 @ 2434 UTC.


Well, just so I don’t forget if I frag it later heres the write process of my logging program (still working on).

It’s pretty simple, just get input till we get a return char, then write it into the file and append a newline. The only bugger is that the input has to fit into a char array of 256, any attempts to modify this to what is needed has returned junk pointer warnings in realloc at run time. I’m still a newb whose trying to learn the standard library and more so simple code is probably good.

if ((rflag < 1) && (tflag < 1) && (fflag < 1)) {
char str[256]; /* this is enough space for our needs */
fscanf(stdin, " %[^n]", str);
fprintf(fp, str);
fputc('n', fp);

I figure one or two lines of text is what is most likly to be written to file, so str is big enough yet small enough for right now.

Un till I have the time, chance, and enegry to learn how to handle reading the file and printing it out to screen in a head/tail like fashion. I’m just having a system() call to invoke head or tail as needed on the file. /usr/src/bin/ cat, head, and tail are my current points of study for methods. Cat looks the easiest to follow but means I have to work on it when I have time to consintrate on the flow of the program.

This is also a test to see if the html pre tags work the way I’m hopping they do, since I don’t know allot of html to start with. It’s just never interested me very much [xhtml/css/php/e.t.c.]

I hate not being able to sleep…

My work load piles up, theres always more to do tomorrow then there is today. I usually have to be up early to walk the dogs and get them squared away before work. So sleeping in’s not a big option.

My mind always wonders about, from thought to thought it just can’t shut up. I can be thinking of any thing from a programming problem, a good movie, food (a killer), or even some thing more interesting. I don’t want to sleep because I don’t want to think all night, yet I want to sleep because I can’t go any further with my things to get done.

Theres got to be a better way………..

I did a custom install using only the base system and GENERIC kernel, later I installed the man pages rather then swap around. Partitioned the drive [ad0] into one large slice [ad0s1] with a 256MB partition for /var, a 256MB swap partition giving me 7.1GB for a root partition. I didn’t see a need to split /usr off of / on such a small system. It was cool not to have many packages installed after using PC-BSD and FreeBSD on my desktop. I quickly setup a text based web browser and cvsup tools via pkg_add.

pkg_add -r lynx
pkg_add -r cvsup_without_gui
pkg_add -r fastest_cvsup && rehash

I used fastest_cvsup to check what the best mirrors would be for getting a current copy of the system sources. Usually I’d just zip it over on a USB stick but my local tree was out of date.

fastest_cvsup -c us

tested all the US mirrors and showed me the fastest ones, I copied the example supvile over to my root directory and set the mirror. [#cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile /root/]. A quick cvsup [cvsup -g -L 1 /root/standard-supfile] later and I was ready to update the machine. I checked out the make files, the FreeBSD handbook and the text files in /usr/src. I issued the make buildworld command and let her compile for about 5 hours. I then did a make buildkernel and it failed, I removed /usr/src and did a freash cvsup, tried again and failed again. Built a kernel using an alternate method discribed in compiling a custom kernel. Installed the kernel, dropped to single user mode and ran a make installworld. Life was good but the system still showed the wrong patch level, probably because the un updated kernel was running in memory 🙂
A reboot fixed that, tested things to make sure the system was working and no problems with commands not working right. The kernel was made /w sources downloaded a day after world. All was fine

rstf@.launchmodem.com-%uname -a
FreeBSD .launchmodem.com 6.1-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p5 #0: Mon Sep 4 22:48:50 EDT 2006 root@.launchmodem.com:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/GENERIC i386

I’ll setup hostname/custom kernel later and keep tabs of the security mailing list. Since then I have installed porteasy and the ports tree. I checked this link for some advice and isntalled gnu ghostscript via package, I checked on the ftp server to make sure I could get it without X11 support.

pkg_add -r ghostscript-gnu-nox11
I then built cups via porteasy -fb print/cups and took the night off.

I’ve still got to get back to setting up the printer but I’ve all ready begun on the configuration files. My primary goals for right now is to get the printer working and a custom kernel ready. Then I play with packet filter [pf the openbsd firewall] and tighting security. I’ll post more of my changes later since I have them logged.

Vectra II

Today I post a history and a log of my oldest computer here.

When one of my employers (who works in IT) found out I wanted to run FreeBSD but my mom wouldn’t let me repartition her computer (which we shared). He gave me an old office computer, keyboard, and monitor and I bought a Microsoft Basic Optical mouse for it. It gave me my first expirences with FreeBSD 6.0 and PC-BSD 1.0RC1-2. After PC-BSD made it’s 1.0 release, breaking upgradeability (via easy install patches) with the beta releases. After I got a new computer which runs XP and BSD, the machine sat more or less just for a way to quickly check system files or man pages when I needed to look some thing up.

After some time I tried installing NetBSD 3.0 on it, nice system but it just felt wrong after using FreeBSD/PC-BSD so much. So I overwrote it with a large install of FreeBSD. Just incase I might need to fall back to it I setup Xorg and Windowmaker. I wanted to set it up with Samba/CUPS so I could print form it and store some files on it. I never got a chance to finish samba config and the install burned most of the HDD. A few weeks ago I reformated with a bare bone install of FreeBSD 6.1-Release with the intention of learning more about system administration and security. System Specifications:

Model: Hewlett Packared Vectra Vli8 500
Processor: Katmai core, 500Mhz Pentium 3
Memory: 384MB DDR RAM
Storage: 8GB Maxtor IDE drive
Extra: 1 x CD-ROM drive, 1 x 3.5 1.44MB Floppy drive