Was having an odd but light dream. I dreamed something about having a German Shepard dog named Pip. I remember something about a car and a parking lot, and we ended up running home together on foot with no need for a leash. Eventually there was other people and the ground got rougher until finally Pip ended up injured along side; and a woman with near angelic qualities and a healing touch stepped in. Before Willow and Coco, I always thought if I ever got a dog of my own in the future, it would likely be along the lines of a German Shepard; and I’ve always considered myself more of a cat person anyway lol. But of course, I wouldn’t trade these knucklehead chihuahuas for anything!

When I woke up it was about on par with when I want to be getting up but I went to bed late last night, so I just rolled back over lol. Then I started dreaming about investigating a star-tanker that had picked up a Xenomorph, and only had few survivors left. The whole thing was kind of reminiscent of Will Smiths character in I am Legend but I know always keep the dang rifle handy ;).

The good thing? I’ve managed to not over sleep so badly today… haha!