Yesterday was a pretty good day. The weather started off raintacular just like I like it but not to obstructive. Downside of course being it’s impact on traffic. Speeds out on the Interstates here tend to vary between 120km/h and 140km/h, and a lot of driver’s refuse to go that slow unless traffic forces them. Well with Mehring thinking the wrecks/minute ratio has hit 1:3, I think a few people may have learned the hardware to SLOW the **** down here and there!

With the weight of the ever popular SUV and pickup trucks out here, it’s even more important, because heavier vehicle == slows down slower + (IME) loses traction faster under heavy breaking. Not that anyone is ever going to learn that the *easy* way 8=). One thing that I do like about being stuck in the commute for like 225km every day, is Art “Mad Man” Mehring’s traffic reports. The morning show is good for chuckles and Lance always plays the most music on our way home, but heck, Mehring makes the trip worth while.

Heh, looking him up off Google, also just turned up some awesome humour for this soon to be retired commuter 🙂 -&#gt; Welcome to Atlanta, Park anywhere!

On the way home, I also stopped off to action off an idea that occured to me during lunch, but that’s a different subject. Today, well, I’m just glad to have hammered out what’s been stuck in my kick-around-list for the past two days. Also looks like I’ll get to do some (more so) interesting stuff in the next couple weeks. For the most part, it’s just been trying to get stuff squared away at work, so that I’m ready to roll on Monday. Courtesy of the move, I have to take Friday off (*groan*) but the move oguth to conclude on Saturday. At least, that *is* the idea! Tonight the plan is to saver a little last minute zombie slaying, since I may have to stay zombie free for a week :-/. As well as the sort my inequivalent to a “Go bag” and decide where the last minute stuff is going to be packed.

GOD willing, by Monday, I will be able to sleep until at least 0800, depending on the traffic, I might even get to sleep later lol. The flex time we have at work, more or less amounts to a wide spectrum, and while most people (smartly) would expect me to leverage that in a later direction. When you spend like 3 1/2 hours a day driving, it pays to just wake up earlier and try not to write bugs before (br|l)unch time.