Thank GOD there’s coffee

Waking up this morning, I wondered why the heck my watch was displaying the forecast a day out of date as I started getting dressed for work. Then about the time I’d be putting my socks on, I realized yesterday was Saturday which means today is not Monday, therefore it’s time for coffee not pants.

Decided to run with a higher volume version of last weekend’s impromptu experiment, of grinding enough coffee to last a while. Looks like my Shardor was up to grinding about 110~120 grams, which is pretty much max capacity. That should be enough freshly ground espresso roast to feed my Chemex pour over next weekend and the weekend after, on top of giving me an ample amount of coffee today. I’ve been guzzling coffee from the big cup almost all morning as of time of writing, and probably have about a regular cup’s worth left.

In retrospect, I should have gone easier on filling the bag when I bought the coffee beans. It was so full it was hard to close the baggy, and ordinarily I don’t buy full bags of beans the odd times that I’ll go with the spout instead of pre-packaged stuff in grocery stores. But I’ve got to admit, the espresso roast at Sprouts Farmer’s Market is working for me, and the beans last quite a darn long time. It offers a bit of a spicy feel for coffee, and seems to retain its flavor well whether making a more intense brew or a thinner brew.

Ahh, darn, now I’m tempted to make more coffee 😅