Old tunes

One miscellaneous upside of the recent putzing with portable media players, I ended up cleaning off one of my older USB sticks where I had stashed some files that never quite made it into the Plex-ification of my music library back in the day, which in turn helped me find the associated backups of those on my file server.

In most cases, these are files that I either have on my server’s Music folder already, or have the original CDs and plan to make a modern rip. In some cases, old downloads and freebies where I’d just go back and buy the rest of the album at this point. But in a few cases there are files that aren’t so replicable: party mixes and compositions that musically inclined friends did back in the day, that I assumed had been lost in the years since my first laptop was decommissioned.

Yeah, well, it turns out I’m an even better backup-horder than I remember, since I’ve found copies exported from my first laptop, and archives of old backups from the same laptop, lol.