Every so often, life gives you a reason to be glad you learned something. Well, one for me was being stuck without working arrow keys on my server during early boot—and smiling because I knew vi well enough not to need any!

Today, I just got another lol. Setting up a bit of a server install here using some scavenged hardware. The keyboard I’m working with is both one of those annoying ones with the pipe (|) key missplaced in favour of a larger enter key—and having most of the keycaps in the wrong places! Well, unless they make a “<>PYF keyboard layout and the hardware see’s it as QWERTY :-D.

Where else but technology, could you have this much of a chuckle and life still be great? Haha!

Paste it!

A while back I was thinking of setting up a personal paste-bin, but obviously that means finding suitable software or writing it. In my case, I’d rather like one that is locked to me or restricted to logins I issue.

But it just occurred to me, that having sufficient access to the system, I can just use vim’s :TOhtml command to export a file as HTML, upload it to a designated area, and have the web server pick it up. Then use a cron-job on the server side to clean out files in that directory every now and then.


+1 for git in my book

Parsing this old blog post by Keith Packard, somehow makes me happy that I opted to follow the Git path rather than the Mercurial (hg) path when I left CVS behind. I also like the trailing comment xD.

That being said, git and hg are the only version control systems I really respect, above tar. Perforce and Darcs, I at least consider worth a closer look someday. Just haven’t had any excuse to leave Git on my own projects since the first date.

Yeah, I’m a lazy git alright.

Alice just proved her ROI lol. When I left work yesterday, I just unplugged her, closed the lid and slipped alice in my backpack. There it sat until getting to work just now—with 2:35 hours remaining on the battery!

This thing is energy efficient enough to take several times my laptops battery life, when under a normal load. Let it go into restrained sleep and it’s pretty darn long lived; I have Linux programmed to prefer using more power then is strictly necessary when on battery as well.

Using a custom window manager with Gnome / Ubuntu 11.04

I kinda expected that the upgrade to Natty Narwhal would be a bit bumpy, but it was pretty painless. Really all I use GNOME for is a way to get a system tray into my XMonad session with the least possible fuss. I also use a few GTK+Gnome oriented apps like evince and geeqie but have no real connexion to the old Gnome.

The only real bump that I have faced, is that overriding WINDOW_MANAGER and calling gnome-session is no longer enough to run GNOME with XMonad. Ubuntu 11.04 as of current update status, is overwriting this with compiz! Not even overriding the gconf key helps, it just gets reset to gnome-wm; which is what is *supposed* to be picking up the exported WINDOW_MANAGER variable from my X session file.

Solution? Found a helpful hint on the XMonad wiki. However rather than modify things at the system level (I am a BSD lover after all), I opted to instead setup a session file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gnome-session/sessions/$LOGNAME.session. The default value for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is ~/.config, $LOGNAME is another variable for $USER (your users’ login name).

[ terry@alice ]$ cat ~/.config/gnome-session/sessions/terry.session
[GNOME Session]
Name=Classic GNOME
[ terry@alice ]$

Then updated my X session to run this with commit 3e92fc91040573ba40ac20ad75a594d6eeef60b6. And for good measure, I unset the gconf key.

Now everything worky 🙂

Well, it looks like alice is now fully operational: and my fingers are adjusting to her keyboard rapidly. Fortunately, I am finding myself more often hitting fn+key in place of ctrl+key on dixie, then I am on alice. Whew.

I’ve installed Ubuntu Netbook Edition, and set it up to behave as dixie has been used all these years: a workstation rather than a terminal. I don’t have time to fiddle further with making OpenBSD play nice with Windows 7 on this rig. This does pretty much net me all that I desire: a bourne shell, decent terminal multiplexer, XMonad, Chrome, Pidgin, Dropbox, and a system tray area. I can live with the (ugh) GNU and Ubuntu parts.

The only real difference between the Desktop and Netbook editions of Ubuntu, the former comes with a customised GNOME where as the latter comes with a custom GNOME shell called “Unity“. I have really got to say that Unity SUCKS!!!!!! I seriously cannot fathom anyone getting real work done with Unity because you’ll have to set it up to do anything more useful than launch Mozilla, it feels so useless, that I think I would trade GNU/Linux for MS-DOS 2/3, and old DOS really, really did suck. Once I found the GNOME shortcut for the run dialog didn’t work, I decided instantly it would have to Go.

But to be fair, Unity does do some Very Good Things, and I commend the engineers behind it for breaking away from the Windows norm, that every GUI app tends to follow. The focus on full-screening the apps also is a feature that I like. The whole dock/sidebar thing is also quite nice, if kind of restrictive. Not even KDE4 offered as much nice “Wow, this looks integrated” kind of warm and fuzzies.

But I don’t want to take hours to try and restructure the thing, nor do I want to constantly grep programs by their menu pretty names, or have to push a button for just about every darn thing. OK, I still live in a command prompt 75% or more of the time, so sue me.

How Alice got her name

(12:58:07 AM) Noles: Project Alice?
(12:58:09 AM) Me: sh.alice // I was typing in a terminal when this window popped up
(12:58:19 AM) Noles: hmm
(12:58:26 AM) Me: alice is the hostname of this netbook
(12:58:51 AM) Noles: it is like Project Alice in Residents Evil 😛
(12:59:24 AM) Me: Part a nod to ASUS (starts with A), Alice in Wonderland (I’m nuts), and to Project Alice because this [netbook] is cool like Alice 🙂
(12:59:35 AM) Noles: heh

This morning, my mother rather piqued my technical-goat, when she said she was “Tired of my excessive computer buying”. Which of course, is an instant sequence of hash look ups in my brain:

  1. SAL1600 (desktop) was bought with a long lost inheritance and strings attached (*groan*).
  2. Dixie (laptop) was bought by my sister-in-law, so I could get work done around my mother driving me nuts.
  3. Vectra (improvised server) is currently residing in a hodge-podge of parts:
    1. Some from a gutted-Dell my brother was throwing out.
    2. Some from an old Vectra Vli8 handed down from someone we used to work for, when he heard my mother was being a bitch about letting me dual boot her (then “family”) computer.
Alice here, is the first computer that I’ve ever bought myself, not to mention it’s the cheapest computer I’ve ever had, lol. So, what the fudge is so “Excessive” about buying one computer, which probably cost me 25% or less than what hers cost? *Shrugs*
People are stupid.

This blog entry by Michael W. Lucas, has got to be one of the most impressive ways I’ve ever heard, for integrating OpenBSD in a hurry.