A nice gander at the Apple Lisa

While the video might be a tad boring by contemporary standards, unless like me, you have an interest in such ancient technologies 😛. I think that this does make a nice demonstration of the system.

Since the guy is using actual hardware, it is also slow as crap by modern standards. Let’s just say that the world has come a long way since a Moto 68k and a meg of RAM was plenty. But I think it’s fairly impressive and innovative a system for its day.

I kind of like the more Electronic Desktop metaphor than the conventional Files and Applications approach that the typical Windows 9x PC functioned as some decades later. I love the document centric rather than application centric view as a concept. Seems like it was a good attempt at creating an environment for office workers, who weren’t computer people. The ability to have files with the same name is odd, but interesting if likely impractical for software developers. The natural saving and manipulation of content is nice.

In addition to the UI design, its relationship to the early Mac seems fairly apparent. In particular, one of the odd things that I encountered digging into 1990s PowerBooks and System 7 is how the classic Mac OS treats placing files on the desktop (basically a flag saying its on the desktop) and handling of floppy diskettes. Both rather different than modern systems of any sort. The Lisa looks like a lot of its concepts made their way into the original Macintosh and later system versions.

It’s kind of a shame that the Lisa was insanely expensive and (IMHO) rather slow, like $10,000 for a basic system. While I’m not convinced that the original Mac could be a good idea without at least a second floppy, its base price of $2,500 was at least less comical than the Lisa. Or should we say, a 512k and way more storage would probably have been worth every penny and still way cheaper than the Lisa.

How a 1919 Army Truck Convoy Across the U.S. Helped Win WWII.

The daily log being made available kind of interests me in doing some reading.

Really I’m kind of surprised that the Army could make such good time with that assortment of vehicles. Most Americans alive today take for granted that the main problems getting around relate to traffic conditions, navigation off the main roads, and affording the expenses.

How awesome our road systems are is largely a modern thing. The growth of car ownership may have exploded out the wazoo during the twentieth century but that doesn’t mean suitable roads and bridges predate the Ford Motor Company. Today you can basically get in the car and go–the problem becomes affording a long vacation rather then can you get there by automobile.

The United States is not without our problems but we at least solved a few over the generations 😉.