
A table that gives A-Za-Z and 0-9 a nummerical value per char. So going to foo in table gives us bar.

Find our position in the table by looping through the table. But instead of A-9 or some thing. Do it sorted via commonality.

Increment our position in the table by an arbitrary rotation value. If we’re at the end of the table, start from the beginning again.

Remember that !!!

also, gotta figure some thing out /w that PBI. Dunno a good way of doing it any better then now for the NIC list.

Backup took about 2 hours to take, plus a lot of set up time because of networking issues… It was to much bugger working with the install disk as a subsitute R&RO disk.

So booted and dropped to single user, mounted stuff RO after having fsck’d it with the install disk. Dumped it ‘cross the network after sorting out a minor issue with PF ! Alls good but next time I think I need more compression and less speed on the gzip.

Only problem is I need to get the archive to a partition I can trust, that would be a FAT32 one but the max file size is 4GB and the backups a bit fatter then that. Tried to copy it to an ext3fs so I could test doing a restore to a Linux partition. While ext3 I think can handle files 16GB++ to a few TB. I could only create a 2GB file on it so bonkers.

If I can bzip or 7z it down to the right size I might be able to burn it to DVD-R. I think my best bet would be to *try* and copy the the dump from the ufs2 slice to my ntfs one using an ifs driver for it on XP.

Gotta look at:

Taking a dump(8) to – (stdin) and piping it to gzip and using |ssh over the network to use dd to create a backup might not be a bad idea.

dump -0f – / | gzip -2 | ssh -c blowfish Terry@IP dd of=vectra_date.gz



Got to remember to back up my home directory.

Think it’d be some thing like

cd ~
mv Music /somewhere
pax -wf /Backups/_usr-home-Terry.pax ./*
cd /Backups
gzip -9 _user-home-Terry.pax

I’ll worry about it later


Finnally… some time to relax.

This weeks been heck between work, allergies, and business. Little time to even be on the laptop.

Been working my way slowly threw a few books Link1 Link2.

Been working on stuff /w the SNCO project most of the week… been digging into XHTML/CSS with it. I’m starting to write pages XHTML compilent and use the validator to catch typos. Usually missing ‘/’ on end tags in lists.

Had the bosses dog for the weekend while they were out of town…. spent most of it walking 3 dogs and being sat on.

I feel like shaving, showering, and throwing a ‘Spidey can go back to work’ party and inviting both the RvS and S4 departments lol.. Sad when you need a vacation from your time off work ! Or feel happy to be getting back to work in a day or two.

R&R would be nice….

I could swear… trying to do any thing in this freaking place. Is harder then trying to have sex with a woman a football fields length away !

I’m sick and tire dof having to do things in the dead of night just to be able to fucking hear my self think.

Evil to do lists

Front burner…

  • Do my home work (ARRGGH)
  • Shift threw the admin to do list
  • Do some home work on the admin matter I’m all ready ‘dealing with’
  • Do my moms data entry work (oh joy)
  • Work on my (software) backup plans

Back burner…

  • Finish work in the SNCO project
  • Set up Samba
  • Set up PF, the OpenBSD Packet Filter firewall
  • Finish my private reading (I love books… never get to read’em any more)

edit later as needed.

back up war

Some good links for later 🙂
