I should have known this would happen…

A few minutes ago ma came in and told me to turn around, and what did I see? But Willow making her self at home on a pillow. Ma made too much ruckus and she moved but of course, sheepishly had to get back there… so I snuck a pic, hehe.

Ironically this was a NEW pillow I bought a few months ago, until my mothers puppy, Corky, pissed on it. It recently got thrown over there to get it out of the way.

Hmm, my ~/sw/sh/blogit script really should be adjusted to deal with labelling posts.

IPv4 still in use well into the late 22nd century?

This teaser for the new Aliens: Colonial Marines game, just happens to say it all. not the date and IP address on the computer screen. Happily, command line interfaces are still in use, hehehehe.

Personally, I kind of hope that someday in the far-far future, that the Internet will span the galaxy using some sort of technology much like BattleTech’s HyperPluse Generator, instead of becoming a collection of disparate planetary networks.

Using vim, emacs, or your favourite editor to update Blogger and Facebook

I’ve rigged up a little script that invokes $EDITOR (vim for me) on an HTML file, and then posts the result of the buffer to Blogger like so:

$ google blogger post --title {subject} --src {file name}

And then in turn posts a note like this on my Facebook:

$ fbcmd feednote "Blogger post: {subject}" "I've posted a new journal entry <a href="{url of blogger post here}">here</a>"

Since supplying a file to `google blogger post –src` uses the file name for the –title/subject by default, I’ve yet to.

I’m too lazy to fully-compatibly figure out Blogger shrinks the first part of a post, down to a unique in the month set of <= 40 characters of text, s/ /-/, and stripping punctuation. Maybe if my mother wasn’t on the war path, I would check into googlecl further for a way to modify this behaviour.

edit: check the repo of my ~/ and dot files on github, for a copy of the script. Currently in repo terry as sw/sh/blogit.


Testing to see if `google blogger post –src tmpfile` posts the file contents or the file name to my blog.

A real downside to hooking alice up to my monitor, so that I can show a co-worker something on a screen size much more readable than 10.1″ @ 1024×600, is remembering to use her keyboard instead of my workstations!

Now of course when you consider that my workstations keyboard is like in front of a 20″ @ 1600×1200 monitor, it is rather easy to have a head popping moment!

So far it’s been a mixture of a frustrating, interesting, and hilarious day.  My mother made it a rather good habbit to drag me out of bed several times to be used as free tech support, mostly for simple cases to serve as an excuse for her not having to read what the fuck is on screen on follow the directions. Cool.

After that she managed to extricate sufficient fundulation to go shopping with ahead of having to wait for payday, by pushing for the rob Peter to pay Paul style of of acquisition—just to get her to STFU she is now funded for every penny she can get until two pay cheques into the future, and will get nothing more until then. Other than how much I hate that mentality it doesn’t bother me much. I know where her concerns lie.

Now what makes me sigh about business as usual, is how fairly “Nice” my mother was in her build up to get to go shopping. Once the money was spent of course, she shifts into freely attacking someone I care about; rather aggressively if it was from a “Normal” person rather than ‘my’ mother. Having gotten what my mother wanted, it was weapons free. So yeah, be nice until you get what you want and then let out the knives without restraint – that’s .

Really simple git vendor branching

For some types of projects, I like to use an open source tool called Premake to handle the build time stuff. Or should we say, that in my experience using this Lua based tool is more compatible with me than CMake and SCons :-).

Although it has been ages since I’ve worked on it, I did build up a bit of a framework

I finnally figured out how to switch my phone from using swype, to using the standard android keyboard. Which execpt for the lack of configurability, I find much more to my taste than swype on such a small screen.

In my experience, drawing letters works bedt for constructs like “I’d” and “Fuzzy words” than real prose!

This morning, things hit another record low. Or should I say that, my mother trying to convince me that her puppy pissing her bed is a valid reason I can never go ‘out of state’, is almost as low as when she used her being “Afraid of the dark” as a valid reason that I couldn’t get night driving hours towards my license! The only way I’d give up on a vacation, is if my mother was laying in a hospital bed with a coma.

Somehow, I find it rather unlikely that if I’m out of the apartment for like 3 1/2 days, everything will explode. It’s just my mother will have to deal without a butler for a longer time than the 11+ hours my work day used to hit, thanks to commuting. Like really – is a plane suddenly going to fall through the roof~!?

o/ o/ o/