Some how I could swear, the closer proximity I have to family, the worse my existence is.

I think I’m more tired now than when I fell asleep, but at least Zombieland is on :-/.

Rules of Family Survival

  • Learn to become solid and expressionless as stone.
  • Don’t take open and seething hatred filled tirades personally; wish you had better ear plugs instead!
  • Remember you’re not a slave at beck and call.
  • Automatically disconnect yourself from being guilted over things you’re not responsible for.
  • Sometimes, you just need to duck…
Is it no surprise that most days are fucking miserable here?

Without a doubt, my mother is one of the worst creatures I know on earth, that hasn’t filled an empty head with an associated MBA.

One obvious down side to eating everything in site and coding the night away, it’s 0400 and I’m not even drowsy yet… :-/

Legally licensed maniac^H^H^H^H^H^HGeorgia driver

At long freaking last…. !!!! I have my license. Murphy’s presence also managed to remain fairly minimal. As per local SOP, I’m stuck with a piece of paper for the moment until the plastic arrives. I’m intending to scan the blasted thing for posterity. In 22 years on earth, I’ve never wanted something so damn bad.

I could swear this dog is smarter than me… she’s already got most of the bed, the best of the covers, and sprawled out with a “I know you’re not going to move me stupid” look on her face >_>.

At least I got the laptop ;).

Meaning of “Pressured” in my world

Being nagged insessently whilst trying to concentrate, by some selfish, manipulative, royal bitch that’s been operating on a certified “If I can’t X, no one can Y…Z until” pattern for years — until you would like nothing better in the whole wide universe except to scrunch something in hand and rip it into a hunderttausend fragments.

–> 20+ years of exposure and still legally sane.