Finishing up my laptops backups and prepping for an overhaul of the software setup…. why do I feel like my stress levels are about to climb a dozen rungs?

I’ve spent most of the day cleaning stuff out, circumstances being as they are, ma finally decided on cleaning out the hallway closet – a prelude to deeper cleaning. I always knew she would find someway to enlist me >_>.

The thing that irks me is that of course, my mother hates to throw anything out. My family are pack rats, among other things. Out of the entire closet, I would say that the keep pile outweighs the chunk it pile. At least plenty got done for a change, I could swear some of that stuff was older than I am!

People go through life acquiring a lot of stuff, to some people their “Stuff” is everything. In my honest opinion, if it’s no use to you: then either find someone who can use it or throw it out, and skew this years landfill calculations in a more accurate direction lol. I offered suggestions where I know a better home for some things (generally accepted), even noted that others like the useful “Collections” of encyclopedic or more scientific materials should be donated to the library. Of course, she wouldn’t hear that and those had to be chucked 8=). They were the kind of books you would go to a library for anyway (or grep several websites per topic).

When it comes to cleaning things out, I default to THROW OUT!

From the entire closet, of which ma has probably kept at least 1m2 or closer to it – there were only four things I would’ve opted to keep. Two boxes of comic books because you never know when you’ll run out of real books, and two dusty old children’s books that are “Time before time” kind of old. Only reason I would opt to keep those, is because I’m sentimental. When I was very, very young and long before her Alzheimer’s set in, one was a book my grandmother always read to me whenever we visited. So they invoke my more ‘fond’ memories of her. I don’t have many childhood memories to be fond of either. Yet, if there was no place to put it, I would still put that in the out pile if absolutely necessary: because I don’t need  the book to remember, my memory is to close to photographic to forget that sort of thing. It’ll be on my book shelf.

My mother on the other hand, if there’s so much as a 0.001th chance it could be useful, if it cost plenty, or if it took effort, she won’t throw something out. Even if the damn thing was never used in the first freaking place o/.

Generally I’m more sentimental than not, but first and foremost… I’m a practical son of a gun. Space and usefulness generally outweighs most other concerns when you have to set priorities. I don’t think my mothers ever been good at that either.

I may hail from the Inner Sphere, but even I know the meaning of Zellbrigen.

To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question…

Currently in that irksome to active to sleep / to tired to focus another 6+ hours frame of things. Oh how I know it.

It just feels like the everything is moving so damn slow! I like speed. Name any flight sim I’ve played and you can bank on it, that I’ve done a lot of nap of the earth flying at the crafts maximum flank speed. Hmm, think I might reach into the draw and shuffle around for one of my flight sims.

If this phase of moving forward can be stretched on for a factor of years, courtesy of family, just think how many years a positive impact will take o/. I don’t have the patience left. It would be nice to get something done on this rock, while I’m still young enough to piss under my own steam.

Everything depends on a few core invariants, and that’s exactly what I’m being blocked from reaching. Block has a different, more technical notion to programmers, than what it should have to regular people. You can’t build out of thin air any more than you can build without a foundation.

Having to put up with morons in lead overshoes, constantly increases the probability that the rest of my natural life will be effectively equal to the present. Unlike certain fucktards I’m not satisfied with the status quo. Life isn’t meant to be an unchanging constant,

I should be free to get more done than twiddling my damn thumbs for months on end!!!!!

While it’s definitely time for bed, I’m in no mood for sleeping. Todays largely been a mixture of ghost recon and getting things sorted for a project. With luck the pace will be ready to accelerate shortly, so at least that will be something to focus on.

For tonight, I guess it’s more L4D2 and clearing out something like 150-600 zombies a map. I’ve been sleeping a bit easier lately, but whether that’s due to how exhausting zombie slaying gets or the first of two major-annoyances on the license matter being done, is debatable.

Slice, dice.

I dozed off and had the most awesome if strange dream. Of course trying to get anything through a certain someone’s thick skull doesn’t work even in dreamland 8=).

Oh well…

Some how I thoght the time was a few hours later than this, how could I ever dream that I ould sleep that long :-S

I’m tempted by the idea of a good nights sleep… but instead find myself trying to clear out my mind in L4D2

Freaking internet connection having a nice bleep out, would’ve erased the last post if it wasn’t for bloggers autosave.