Buttons smashed

Her Royal Pain is good at smashing buttons. It is always assumed, irregardless of time of ay, that I am I awake, and doing sufficiently nothing, and usually that I can never have something to be doing, other than what she wants. She can move her fat arse across the hallway, walk into my room, and demand something. She can’t make a left instead of a right, and carry back from the kitchen whatever she wanted. She  is someone who finds sitting to exhausting to even be helpful.

If I don’t agree with being used, I either get pushed or I get guilted and pushed or I get threatened and pushed. She doesn’t really give a shit, as long as she gets what she wants. No amount of manipulation or coercion is generally beyond application, if she wants it enough.

I do not think that way: I refuse to.

and I am stubborn enough to refuse to cooperate, based on principal.

So for my trouble, I get made miserable with stress levels going past the point of  a cartoon vein buldging out ones forehead. Is it any wonder that I hate my life?.

Everythng short of beating my head into a wall…. and I’m still awake, and I was dreamng about code again :'(.

Managed to get out for a bit, on ‘errands’, but also visit the library. After helping ma find what she wanted to look up, I got to sit down and read in peace for a couple hours.

I was reading Prioritizing Web Usability, and went through sth like 250-300 pages in one sitting. Very good book and well typeset. Of course the way my mind is, I was reading it like web pages, I read very quickly, usually. Web pages I can parse twice as fast if it’s not to dense (the book wasn’t). The huge difference? Sitting in the library, at peace without being driven nuts, and having my mind sufficiently occupied, I was able to focus in and relax. The other night while reading on the couch, I had to read sentences like three or for times, to compensate for the squawking at and throbbing head o/. Hey, I can multitask something fierce, I even can swim in regular development stress with a smile, but I’m at my best with peace and quite. The kind you can’t get at home…

Maybe it is a weird thing but sitting and reading at a library, is my idea of relaxation lol. The downside of course is coming home again, but I guess, nothing is perfect..

One thing I’ve noticed is I seem to be writing shorter sentences a bit more. Odd, my writing patterns usually follow my minds structures, in so far as you can put them into English. I’ve also noticed trying to concentrate, leading to a nice feeling along the lines of having ones head squeezed :-/.

It’s also past 0900 UTC / 0500 local, and I’ve run out of things to keep me busy…

Trying to kill a headache…

Ahh, that is feeling better. I pushed the laptop off, and set it on the deck; so I could stretch out. I went by groupings of muscle and bone, shoulder/humerous, wrist/radius/ulna, joints near the hip, twistesquer angles from the knees, and especially around the talus or w/e it is near the ankle. That area around my ankles have always been a spot, especially the right one; I often stretch and “Crack” it at night when I’m really tired. Tensing, easing, tensing, easing; stretching and flexing; rubbing and massaging. Especially down the neck, like in between the shoulder blades, and to the edges.

I tried to combine what I could remember of PMR and T’ai Chi Ch’uan breathing principals, along with a little bit of lessons learned about military exercise. Including an old something that I took to doing many years ago for back/leg pain. Used to spend something like 3-4 hour shopping days being dragged across Wallmart, and the stop/go, stop/go movement of it used to leave me feeling like being run over and dragged. I guess you can blame my mothers shopping for why I pace so much when standing idle lol: I’d rather have aching feet than get my back going. It’s a simple thing involving laying out on the bed, legs up to the wall and meshed with a stretching exercise, that has them coming forward again. As a friend just inadvertently reminded me, it resembles a pair of yoga techniques.

After a good twenty or so minutes of that kind of exercise, *a lot* of it, plus a bit of application to some facial pressure points, my headache started to subside for a bit. I rarely take anything unless my head is really throbbing away or something. With how my stomachs been taking the over-stress, I don’t think I would be helping things with that kinda dose. So I guess old fashioned methods are all I’ve got to choose from :-/.

Now if I could find a way to reroute my stress back to /dev/null, maybe I could have more days without a headache… who am I kidding? *Sigh*

Ever have your forehead throbbing, and try rubbing it while rotating your head about your necks axis, while trying to relax those muscles? Well, it does help like you might think, but I suggest closing your eyes for most of the loop. Using two hands doesn’t.

I find it positively unhinging, I can’t stand being idle. My minds bounding like a rubber ball, only there’s so much to bounce between. Not counting this weekends extra work, it’s still a factor of ~14 weeks until I’ve the hours needed to apply for the license exam: 12 weeks if I’m lucky. 12/4 suggests that’s roughly 3 months.. I’m going out of my skull. The only practical way to move forward, is dependent upon WORK, ya know, that little four lettered word that describes what most people do all day? Work that pays. Resorting to *foot travel*, has seen my stress levels being pushed up an order of magnitude. It’s like take the most adaunt pain in the pass you’ve ever had to listen to, them multiple it by the number of hours of sharing the same roof… family, what is it good for? At least *normal* people, you can refile under /dev/null. There’s only one simple fact: no license == contingency plans. The only solution past that, is DEFCON 0. I’ve spent at least two and a half years on the research issues alone, let along how much thought I’ve put into things, on how to move forward without being made worse of a slave here. I can’t sit here much longer.

I’ve busted my back for years, and I have to be held back thus? Is it to much to expect someone, to get off their fucking ass every now and again? If I was in water, I would be drowning; while family smokes a cigarette and drinks a coke in delight. FML. I’m not a mercenary, I don’t expect very much out of anyone, but for once in my life, it would be nice to have a little cotton picking help‽ I hardly ask for anything… not even a fucking sliver of food. What do I get? I’m going out of my freaking mind. I think I’m starting to remember what the word love looks like. Both in the sense that’s how far you have to be willing to go, to actually love someone, and in the sense, that you can rest assured… your flesh and blood will eventually place you there.

How much time, can you spend trying to solve a problem, while being kept form even lifting a fucking finger towards it… and still hang on to your sanity?

I can honestly say… both eating real food, and eating junk food, nether helps the knots in my stomach :-(.

Between the headaches, the knots, and everything else, why doesn’t someone just shoot me and be done with it…

So far, the only good thing I really can say about the month of May, is I’m stuck working part of this weekend. Means ma gets ~$50 in her coffers and I should get at least another 2 1/2 hours driving time this week.

What do I have to do, get out and push with a RPG?