Geeze, last night was nuts, and tonight not so much better. When bed time came around, I was wide awake with plenty of stuff to do; so I didn’t bother with rest.

I nearly forgot to sleep!!!!

Next thing I knew, 4 hours had passed since the last time check, and light was pouring in through the blinds 🙁 🙁 :-(.

At least tomorrow, I don’t have to be up and out for work until noon lol.

Most people who knows me well, know there’s only two reasons I can see for being awake so early… One would be to watch the sunrise with that special girl, and as anyone who knows me at all -> then start wondering why we didn’t pack a picnic-breakfast xD. The only other logical reason, is to setup an amphibious ambush, and go fishin’ ;-). Hmm, I wonder how many years it’s been … I’ve always enjoyed fishing, just get out in nature, and forget the rest of the world exists for a while. But unfortunately, you’ve eventually got to go to work lol.

left or right brain?,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html

To my crazy brain: clockwise, all the way and only way lol.

She appears to be spinning from right to left, and to my head that equates as clockwise. Also given the angle of her foot, and the momentum, I would be inclined to believe that the model “spun out” with the left leg, rather then spun in with it; i.e. she started to spin with the leg moving away from the right leg, rather then towards it; thus starting the loop anti-clockwise, but appearing to be turning clockwise at first glance, in so far as my brain works.

Because who would have noticed her leg in the first frame lol?

Descriptions there and else where relating to the right cerebral hemisphere seem to connect well enough with how I think :-/

Ahh finally….

Got home from the vet a little bit ago, and off work an hour before that lol. Had to take Coco for her checkup, and bring Willow along for the ride so she wouldn’t destroy the house in jealousy! As soon as she found out we were going to the Victor Echo Tangos, her mind changed xD.

Coco’s doing good for an 11 year old, down to 5 lbs / 11 oz (~2.6kg). Maybe I should stop teezing her about being a fat belly with chicken legs? Haha! Now the two tweedle-heads are snoozing the day way.

I’m just glad to have my *corner* of the bed, lol.

It’s finally Fryday, get a little time off… been working almost the entire week straight, and same thing next week. I haven’t gotten much of anything done lately, just to fricken tired. These days, the stuff going on around the computer is about the only positive part of my life left…

Miracally off work today, but the working schedule is a shambles :-/

Darn it, I had my mail down to under a 100 messages in the queue…. few months of busyness and it’s over 700 lol. Oh well, weekends are good for something 🙂

recent activity

Terry@dixie$ cat
*Finally* started work on updating my laptop today; got world/kernel done. Set to work on the third party software, this tiem out employing portmaster for the task. To conserve CPU cycles, since that’s my laptops principal bellyache (along with the shitty graphics card); I’m currently running from a screen session on a vtty (i.e. Text Mode only).

For me, that’s actually not a big loss: only programs I’m missing out on are pidgin and firefox; and I _hate_ firefox these days. Most of the /good/ stuff I use all the time just happens to be console user friendly 😉

great surprise this morning, I’m off today and working tomorrow instead (glad I didn’t make plans lol). Since I had portmaster fetch distfiles a head of time, that also means I can continue my laptops software updates without lagging my game play to much hehe.

Right now I’ve got Dixie perched on my stand, and a SSH connection to her – with GNU Screen running, so I can always detach the session and reconnect to things from another box, or straight from Dixie’s console. I don’t think portmaster can be left unobserved as long as the portupgrade utility, but I think it is doing quite a good job of things: the need for a little hand holding aside. (I’m not interested in braving the “unattended mode” warning on our first date ^_^). I’ve also noted that perl modules can make upgrading perl a pain in the rear end; probably will have to take a manifest manually, then setup the automata to handle the unautomated part of the update procedure. All in all though, it’s been very painless.

Because of the way Vim implements Perl/Python/Ruby/probably the Tcl support; and my chose to build a ‘threaded perl’, I need to rebuild vim before it can be used. Never the less, I managed to fix the show-stopping bug in tpsh’s new expand_quotes() function — one darn question mark ‘?’ was missing; the difference making the regex non greedy. Although I rarely use any of the “extensions” in nvi’s command set, their chose of making :Next open in a separate display window sometimes comes in handy.

I’ve also been contemplating the sam text editor, as a possible replacement for ed/ex; the Q is does it offer suitable history support. My only complaint about ed and ex, is you can’t do thinks like ^NCR to repeat the last command (I wonder if GNU ed might’ve stuck that in, mm). Using vims “special” ex mode via gQ rather then vim -e or ‘Q’ gains all of the niceties of vim’s :ex command line, but if ones gonna run a visual editor that big; why go line mode without a pure TTY? lol.

FreeBSD 7.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.2-PRERELEASE #3: Mon Apr 6 22:19:37 UTC 2009 i386

Really, I’ve gotten virtually nothing done all day… but hey, I’ve had a chance to relax a bit; well compared to normal :-/