the things I need out of life, never seem to be in the cards :. One thing I do know, I want tpsh to have profile/ENV and history support before nI pass out for the night; the only thing ot stand in the way is the usual miseries. Since the . and source built-in’s were implemented last night, and the ability to handle scripts some time back: doing a simple profile/ENV handling on startup is pretty easy now lol.

Really my head’s not very clear right now. I feel kind of like firing up doom-hr or wesnoth, but I’m not really in the mood for a game either 🙁

When the only damn time I can get any sleep… is when I’m ready to pass out, why can’t anyone let me sleep? Some days it feels like a game: keep spidey01 awake. *sigh*, and to be waken up early tomorrow…. really, why do I even try to sleep anymore?

Home at last for the rest of the day; got off work early enough for a quick sandwich and some kartoffelchips before taking Willow for her checkup.

13.04 lbs (~5.915kg) and strong as an ox, gained 1lb since last year lol. It’s funny though, she’s like a little bully at home but as soon as we get within earshot of the vets office…. petrified chihuahua! I’m standing in the examination room with Willow on my one arm, and her and my mom are nervous wrecks; ma asked me how I could be so calm, my reply? It would take something like a zombie invasion to worry me lol.

Pardoning grocery shopping (dang), I’m off until Tuesday; maybe I might actually get some sleep for a change.

Want a dirty look? Try telling a dog she’s fat >_<.

Oh for korn sake….

Willow saw the mouse cursor move, and tried to lick the screen! I gave her a hug, “Willow, I love you but you’re a silly girl” lol.

May as well hit the hay, before the dog tries anything else with the laptop… lol. Tomorrows gonna be a wreck anyway, need to take the dog to the Victor Echo Tango for a checkup after work, that will be a bark-fest once we arrive, haha!

How many people tell me to go to sleep…

By country so far… (lmao)

  • USA (to many to count)
  • Great Britain (2-3)
  • Canada (2-3)
  • Germany (2-4)
  • Denmark (1-2)
  • Norway (Just 1, luckily lol)
  • Russia (1)
  • India (1)
  • and possibly (1) in Italy :

The wonders of the Internet…. lol; what next, people from France and Australia?

Grr!!! Even when I can finally sleep, I can’t sleep. Fell asleep earlier after dinner, got woken up and then staggered off to bed; now I’m awake again and more tired.

And the dogs got all the covers! *sigh*, there is just no winning in this place lol.

notes to self:

commit and push changes to ~/.screenrc
continue evaluation of weechat
finish tweaks to .fvwm/config
commit and push changes to ~/