
Crept into the kitchen, got a glass, knocked over the cap to a travel mug, and made it to the fridge for some OJ. Like, can I make any more freaking noise!? At this time of night, the sound of a plastic cap falling ~a metre to the ground is loud enough to give away ones position (to my ears anyway) from half the building away…

Stealth is my specialty, I’m generally good at being unobserved and when desired, and I can be very silent in my movements – when I know the environment well, even more so. But every now and then, I just fsck up :

*sigh* all I need is to end up in round 1,000,346,412,782,965,000 of annoyance !!!

My families more or less managed to consume or destroy all parts of my life, about the only thing they’ve yet to dig into is [SAS]. Fuck… I couldn’t even get a space on the couch, instead I’m balanced off the side, foot stuck on the corner of a stand and who knows wtf stabbing me in the backside. What will they leave me with next? A throbbing head, a soar backside, numbed hands, crink in the neck by tomorrow, and legs that are as good as ten feet ahead of the rest of me, for the speed they move at.

I don’t know if I have any hope left at this point, those hat know me best, would probably find irony in that. It’s like, the more I try to get ahead, the further behind the eight ball I end up :

From approx 1615 UTC, when I got up… Almost all the way to 0330 UTC, my families succeeded in monopolizing my day, and mostly having me miserable during it :

Ok, some luck after all… We’re not going any where. So hopefully, I might be able to get sme work done, while Ma and my Brother chat it out. I’ve managed to transition myself into my room, in front of a laptop, with headphones on and some good music. If anyone needs to get to me, they can use AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, pick an Jabber/XMPP account, or try me on Freendoe or [SAS] Comms.

I’d rather like to have some work done, to show for this weekend…


Scratch that, fucked again!

Oh joy, now only did I get dragged out on a shopping expedition as soon as I got out of bed…. Now it’s probably that my brother will make sure I am dragged out, on a wasting time expeidition.

Why can’t people just let me _C_O_D_E_ and be


It seems to more time I spend around my family, or the more time I spend thinking about my /life/, the more miserable I get.

  • I have 5 programs to complete, 1 in C, 1 in C++, 3 in Python, only 2 of which are mostly done. The one in C, unfortinely is a windows app…. And that’s a sentence worse then death in it’s own right.
  • I have a ton of homework piled up, which at the moment on the _short term_ amounts to finishing one unit of a 2-year course.
  • I have a library to finish testing, 2 modules to rewrite, and a mock up of a website to do.

I’ve had part of my Friday and Saturday wasted, and I will probably have part of my Sunday wasted, and I don’t even want to think about Monday! So of obviously nothing is going to get done before I go back to work on Tuesday. Anyway you slice it, I just keep getting fucked.

Oh, what a nap lol

laid down around 2300Q, set the TV to th end of Multiplicity, since Gung Ho was going to start after it. I figured, lay down a bit and then get to work on stuff. Next thing I know, I’ve barely got one eye open and Gung Ho is almost over. Next thing I know, it’s over and the time is past 0139.

I need to get my todo list sorted, as to what I’m going to be doing this weekend. Gee, wouldn’t it rock if I didn’t have to plan 3 days in advance or something lol.

oy vey

Woke up early, ~0730Q for a leak, so I was still fairly awake around 0900Q when things picked up…. A wonderful leaking pipe in the utility room, += fixed after 1100Q, == late for work and *too* late to bother with the days op. So yet another day off work, without wages.

On the up side, I managed to catch ALIENS on Cable. I’m off until Tuesday afternoon, so hopefully…. pardoning any more desasiteres, things can’t get much worse lol.

Oh man, I should shut my mouth while I still can lol.

Off work until Monday, and working until Friday… I really like the weeks when Monday falls on a date that I am not working >_>, but that’s only every other week :.

Plans for the weekend:

Work on Rouges project
Work on fixing that bug in XYZ
Play RvS and SWAT 4
Chat with a few friends, if I’m sane by then <_<
Catch up on my postings.

Interference to goals:

Trying to pass level 8 of tetris…. This is what I get for not playing enough tetris as a boy lol.
Having to write the daemon portion of my note taker
Battle for Wesnoth being in the middle of an interesting campaign, and trying to create one of my own.
Any number of personal projects and homework that never seems to be completed on time.

There are two things that I really need, but not likely to see in a long time… In the mean time, I guess there is working to death lol.