Just two more days of work left this week….
To spend my weekend, …
To be back in the grind come Monday.
An orange in an apple orchard
Just two more days of work left this week….
To spend my weekend, …
To be back in the grind come Monday.
write up OPORD (OPerations ORDer)
post that message I wrote last night in T&T with OPORD attached
annotate the 12PoC for ]SAS] ELs and post in T&T
test ‘side-step’ method for more portably dealing with CMS issues
think about ways of learning more assembly
— written using xfire, python, nvi, and chrome.
Hmm, a most unusual day…
I was invited into the meeting in #pcbsd-team today on freenode. Some interesting discussion, but still a bit boring; well, what can I say? I’m still tight lipped about my own operations ^_^. At least though, the developers are trying to improve things, but there are somethings I keep to myself for the time being. And hope they take care of the more serious things. The whole time I was busy with a SSH session to my laptop, working on code haha! But I did pay good attention while I was present. Somewhat of an odd feeling really, because I’ve generally kept a good distance from PC-BSD.
As to other business of the day, I’ve been working on my little ‘nag’ app. The basic premise of the program, is to take notes, keep them, and when necessary, shout at me about them. In the past, I’ve tried applications with sticky notes, which usually take control of my second monitor or a spare virtual desktop. I’ve also tried PIM software, but I find I always end up spending more time in programming the useless thing around my schedule or arguing over portability issues :. The only problem I have with it, is the choice of either file-system, sqlite, or xml based storage for notes and metadata. The SQLite way would be the fastest for me to write code for; but somewhat a sidestep around my love for accessing data through textual interfaces.
Something like:
would be the most fun to have to work with as a user of my own program, which I’d be using daily lol. Actually, it kind of reminds me of the Process File System, but procfs’es usually live in memory only. Standardizing myself around Python for most stuff, has really helped me get work done… Now if only my old friend Perl wouldn’t keep starring at me when ever I see the need to process text……..
I’ve also gotten the priority ‘go code’ on one of my projects in [SAS], at least with this… It’s far enough displaced from the old-sludge I have to maintain, that I can actually define it’s behavior correctly, and do it in a sane way the first time around. And make sure that this project, will result in something that *will* stand some test of time, without pissing off the next coder!
Now if I could do something about camping out [SAS] Proving Grounds #3 and playing Battle For Wesnoth every chance I get >_>. But hey, I’ve was stuck in front of a code editor for almost a 4 days straight!!!! Then I had to go back to work 🙁 🙁 :-(, so a lit’ game time ain’t that bad a change of pace hehe.
dreadfully bored, and equally miserable… even as my projects snap into place.
Surfing the web, but nothing else to do: but watch the passing of the time on the clock. Also been thumbing though ~/Documents, I’ve quite a lot of things stored thre, both of my own and vaious things I’ve collected in my travels.
To tired to find something to work on, to awake to sleep, to much more to go, to just do nothing….
How long O LORD
Must I wrestle with my thoughts
And every day
Have such sorrow in my heart
Look on me and answer
O GOD my father
Bring light to my darkness
Before they see me fall
But I trust in YOUR unfailing love
Yes my heart will rejoice
Still I sing of YOUR unfailing love
YOU have been good to me
YOU will be good to me— source unknown
Well, managed to get one site mock up down. Was not to hard, since I’m not about to get to Fancy with it without knowing the typesetting style they want.
Family is driving me crackers a bit, ma is quite disturbed by the news and epecially paranoid about gas; what can I say?
I’ve expected a depression since ~1996
Business can not be trusted to self regulate itself (most of the time)
To many politicians care more about their political view then getting work done. (Although I my say s/politicians/republicans/ if I analyzed things more closely)
And I’m trying to code, not dig for oil wells !
Geeze, this is like a massive cleaning day :
I’ve gotten almost no coding done, but it’s still been quite the productive day!
I need to finish one program, build two more, build a mockup for a site, and I also want to work on another little app of my own… I call it ‘nag’, a note taking application to furfil the obvious purposes lool.
Time for a rest, I can’t go no more with out hitting the mental afterburners.
I’ve kicked out most of the code base for this program, and filed todos for things that are just to rough to implement immediately. And I have the necessary springboards to finish up what remains. All in all, the past 2 runs of coding, has been more productive for this project, then since the last project meeting; and that only consisted of an overview on the flow-charts! lol.
I think I’m going to hit daemonforums.org, then power down and hit the PS2 before dinner. Find a game to play, that reminds me of this.
Sigh… Thanks to interruptions, I ain’t got as much done as I desired… Still, it is about 3 or 4 * the amount of work I’ve gotten done in the past few months lol.
almost 0530Q, I could keep on coding until around 0700, but my stomach is to damn hungry… and I keep typing hhhhh every time I need to move my cursor to fix a typo. I need to find a quick snack, and hit the hay. And resume coding tomorrow, when I can still pay attention without /having/ to look up things in the flowcharts.
Sleep… food…. sleep… sleep
h = vi movement key for moving the cursor to the left one space