Some times I dislike being the only one in this burg I know. With a passion for computers and coding in my age group…

Sheesh man, I was in diapers with a Tandy 1000 and TRS-80 Colour Computer for toys. WebTV introduced me to the World Wide Web. A Computer donated from our Church showed me Windows 98 and got me doing like 8+ hour a day learning stuff via Earthlink Dialup.

Look at me now? I’ll be 19 this June. 3 Computers, desktop, desktop turned server, and laptop. Plus Ma’s desktop. Stuck living with Windows often. Yet I breath naturally on my FreeBSD / PC-BSD systems. Feels good to long into FreeBSD even if its through PuTTY at times.

No clue wtfrig I started learning programming, I don’t even care much for C++ in retrospect. Yet I love C !!! GO figure. When I get to a working vacation in July. I plan on boning up on Pythons standard library. I’m only very familer at that level with C and some of the BSD / POSIX extensions on my system. Most of which, I rather like…

Learning to do stuff at CLI levels, learning, understanding, and mastering complexity == heaven. Flib it, man I don’t even _use_ an _IDE_ as most call it. I started with Dev-C++ now? My little bag of tricks. Vi, Vim, Ex, I can use Emacsen but prefer Visen ;-). GCC, the only compiler I’ve ever used but I like it so far. Although I wish it’d be better at reminding me that I transposed a , /or . although thats a font and many lines later issue. I’ve found using GCC from the command line much more flexible. GDB for debugging, skip the GUI ! Lint for simplistic code checking, ctags for larger stuff. A bloody fine manual for system calls, the standard library, and ncurses. A very good Bourne Shell implementation for scripting and many choices. BSD & GNU make, and a number of other things I’ve yet to learn like groff and automake.

Most people my age? Ask’em what C Programming is and they’d probably say forging report cards ! Most probably wouldn’t even know what the HTML in index.html stands for.. A lot of my friends are not even the most computer literate.

I’ve been told in my youth that my mind was like some one older then my years… But I’ve always valued my uniqueness. How many lusers do you know. Who’d manufacture their own fscking mother board & write device drivers as necessary for if they only knew how !!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok , so I’m a crazy lune… can’t help that. But, GOD, I Love to learn about stuff that gets my interest. He’s blessed me so much with being able to learn as much as I have. Odds are, if it wasn’t for that one computer Robert gave me. When he heard ma wouldn’t let me repartion & dual boot ma’s computer. I probably never would have gotten into *nix systems as much as I have. If my sister didn’t get me my laptop. I’d probably never been able to learn this much for programming. Its been a great blessing, one that I’m very thankful for. To me, its a joy to learn some thing new and interesting every day. I’d be happy some day, to know as much about computers as Mel Kaye did lol.

Yet still… who do I have to share this passion with? Mm, no one…….

Thats what pains me lately.

Spider Stance

You know, its probably the first time in my life. At least that I’ve noticed it. That I’ve ever sat, in that ‘distinctive’ pose of the amazing Spider man.

straighter then that, back erect and arms straight. I was perched on a couch-ledge, so had to fit feet and hands in the same spot. After a minute, I realized who made it famous ^_^

You know some thing, it felt darn good for my back !! I wonder if a generation of Comic Book artists ever thought about that =/

Pictures not exactly what I wanted but its as close to it as I can find without putting one of my comics in the scanner.

Well I’ve solved one problem, now to tackle another problem.


KMail would crash when ever moving or deleting a message in my SMB mounted mailboxes.

Solution? I backed every thing up by moving them to /tmp. Replaced my .kde/share/config/kmail* and .kde/share/apps/kmail files with roots which was never configured. Then I set up kmail and imported my messages from backup.

That fixed it all but now I have a new problem:

How to access mail from any where on my network.

THe Soultion I’d like, kolab- > KDE Group Ware xD

Man, I don’t look forward to source installing that monster on a 500Mhz Pentium III !!! Maybe I can run it in a FreeBSD Jail for security as well.

I look, at how much there is to be done.. and see how much I still have to go in my learning. Before I could be worth a damn to help.

Mmm.. supper time

the poseidon adventure

Well, tonight we taped the movie Poseidon. A remake of the Poseidon adventure.

I remember when I was a kid, maybe 5-6 years old. I had officially sworn off the original movie for keeps. I had gotten a tad ill in the stomach watching it. The whole sinking / drowning thing kind of got to me. And really I’ve never cared much for disaster flicks.

I’m happy to say, like 12-15 years later I’m perfectly fine and the remake was actually pretty good 🙂

At least it wasn’t as boring as the Titanic remake was…

S4 HiJinks

I don’t know if its a curse for living in the RvS Dept to long instead of my beloved SWAT or what.

But some times I have the distinctive feeling that I speak, and oh most no one listens to a word of it!

Both on and off line…… Well there was once upon an off line time.


Have a T-Shirt made that shouts:

I don’t care about spelling unless it involves Vi !

Days progress

Null (0)
Eines (1)
Zwei (2)
Drei (3)
Vier (4) – tis one hard to remember lol
Fuenf (5) – properly fünf
Sechs (6)
Sieben (7)
Acht (8)
Neun (9)
Zehn (10)
Elf (11)
Zwoelf (12) – properly zwölf
Dreizehn (13)
Vierzehn (14)
Fuenfzehn (15) – properly fünfzehn
Sechszehn (16)
Siebzehn (17)
Achtzehn (18)
Neunzehn (19)
Zwozig (20) – I wonder if Zweizig would be interrupted as 20. Seems that ‘zwo’ seems to be used in place of Zwei at times to avoid confusing people.. Probably foreigners lol.
einetausend (1000)

For the most part German numbers seem pretty logical and seem to follow the same convention style as English numbers. I.e. 15 in English is Fift-Teen, rymes with 5th (fifth, Viertel) a fraction and teen being a fairly standard suffix for any thing between ( > 10 && < 20 ). So Siebzehn makes sense for Seventeen. Its more or less 'Seven Ten' which is basically what a 17 is. Or maybe it could just be my backwards mind that finds this all so logical ! hehe I dunno. Larger numbers seen to follow a similar style but with a und (and) in the middle and changing suffixes as you got, teens, twenties, thirties and so on. But each comparable German suffix seems to end in ‘zig’ except for Dreissig (dreißig, thirty). Much like how in English many of then have a ‘ty’ suffix often preceded by an r or ir. Fourty “four’ity” (Vierundvierzig), Seventy (Siebundsiebzig), or Fifty (Fuenfundfuenfzig). Quiet logical imho. Sechhundertzweiundzwanzig (626) looks about right to me aside from being a mouth full but who says I know any thing. Six hundred Two and Twenty – logical. It seems while we use a decimal point . In German a comma , seems to be used and pronouced. I wonder how 600,400.01 would be spoken if 3.04 would be like ‘Drei Komma null vier’. I think thats some what grammatically correct. ‘Komma’ always seems to be capitalized, the first word being capitalized the way I wrote it is probably an English’ism. I’ve yet to learn much for German grammar and punctuation. Instead concentrating on basic spoken communication and reading. I’ll worry more about it when I have a rough understanding of how words work out, then I’ll worry more about sentences and phases. So far though the only languages I know my way around well is C and English +S lol sorry to say but I think its in that order 😛