Thumbing through my Hulu backlog, I’m surprised to come across Absolute Duo—and find it a rather excellent series.

It’s a nice mixture of ecchi humor, brutal seriousness, and cute jokes. So pretty much it’s exactly the kind of action anime that I would enjoy, lol.

There are times when I wonder if Willow’s natural state is comfortable.

Actually, I’m pretty sure that an alignment chart for Willow would be something like: “Comfy – Hungry”, lol.

Plans for my day off

My mission plan:

  1. Sit on couch.
  2. Slurp coffee.
  3. Be glared at by dogs.
Assorted dog pictures follow.

Corky trying to eat my hand.

Willow wondering why Pocky is only for humans.

Misty having a pre coffee nap.

Earlier: Misty in the blankets, and Willow keeping watch.

Exploring around the Xbox (beta) app for a long while, I found it curious how scroll performance eventually tanked. By the time it became barf worthy, I noticed that one of the processes in its group was marked as around 2 GB. It also persists across coding and opening the GUI.

Exiting the system tray reduced it to about 2~3 something MB for the process group in taskmgr. Playing around, it looks like shifting between the list of games in category view and opening them for the detailed store view causes memory to go up, and be largely hung onto after returning to the list.

Ahh, the joys of memory leaks: and the reminder that even Microsoft ships more than a few bugs. For the Xbox used for Game Pass, at least is flagged as beta quality. Even if it looks like a resource sucking monster compared to something like Valve’s Steam client.

Cursors on the iPad – MacStories

This transform ability has been a large part of why tablets became my primary computing platform. Android since Honeycomb, and iOS since iPadOS increasingly so, handle the whole mouse / monitor / keyboard thing pretty well.

Whether I’ve wanted a device docked that can be my work terminal, or to lean back on the couch, tablets have served me well. Aptly these are both environments where I’ll probably yell at you if you take away my keyboard, or force me to use a conventional laptop, lol.

Much of my advanced computer use revolves around an X-Terminal, so it’s been pretty easy to delegate other tasks like email and notes taking. Where as at home, I’m more likely to be focused on reading and messaging. Tasks that tend to benefit from either a keyboard centric use case with a big assed screen, or from a portable touch screen device.

I don’t really remember the 2010 Census, but I do find it a touch amusing that in 2020: we basically get a web link, and a UUID.

Somehow that seems like great progress, but still amounts to several sheets of paper in the mail just to serve notification.

Over the course of my life, I’ve mostly determined that a few things are relatively true about e-mail:

  1. Email is either the best or worst invention, probably both if you grew up with paper.
  2. All mail user agents pretty much suck.
  3. All standard protocols for dealing with mail are ancient.
Point one is something that I’ve concluded since the ‘90s. Point two is mostly internal bias. Point three should probably be considered fact at this point.