Raging Spider

Ok, so I started installing styles for Kopete. Found one I liked and started making changes to it to fit my screen size. I need to resize an image file for one of my tests.

Since kolourpaint sucks at it just as bad as paint.exe I hopped over to www.pbidir.com and downloaded the latest gimp PBI, a development version. And what do I find !? This bastard PBI has no libraries in its installed directory and tries to run pkg_delete on a bunch of packages it DID NOT install. The way FreeBSDs package mangement works I don’t think it would do any serious harm since its not forcing any uninstalls. But still, its a pile of buffalo pucky — wtf does it need to run that in the first place ??


So I logged into the forum for the first time in a long while. And lodged a compliant as directed by the website.

I’ve lived with the idea that getting a PBI made, approved, and hosted is a pretty slack-jawed yokel of a process. But for the love of petes grandma — at least audit the fucking thing before you give it your ‘blessing’ of approval.

Some day if I ever make another PBI, I think I’ll give a pop up during install.

“Erasing all files on your hard drive — the drive will self destruct in 13 seconds”

Then give another pop up after a few seconds:

“Just kidding, this was just a test to see if you’re doing your job!”

And see if any one gets scarred lol without causing any harm to their PC.