QOTD 2009-03-03

They couldn’t hit an elephant at this dist…

— Civil War General John Sedgwick, his last words,
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, 1864

Yippee-Kai-Yay !!! I’m off work Friday xD

Just errands to run… bah! Oh well, at least I don’t have to get up early lol.

GR Oh man, that is just so wrong…

I’ve had this theory for awhile, but I think this proves it well enough for me… I was playing Ghost Recon with the CENTCOM mod loaded, got to a map that the objective is to clear out insurgents from a [very very small] city without waxing the civis in the area…

Loaded up with a G36 rifle and AG36 launcher, one perk of video games over real life – much nicer kit selection >_>. Mission went well, aside from the “support” assets doing little more then sit on their rear ends. Made it to one building and was just floored… I see an enemy shadow through a wall, AK in hand. In another building I found a stair case heading up and 2 shadows above.

Sure enough, where ever I went, the shadow of an enemy tracked my position with his rifle – through the floor. Even worse then that lol, moved up stairs…. shot him in the face and took out his cronie behind the landing without a scratch, the AI can’t even CHEAT correctly lol.

Finally home from work, just one more day to go until I’m off for a bit…

Been raining so heavy, Burt the hunting dog had to be brought in from outside; boss warned he might bark and bear his teeth since he doesn’t know us, but all he did was look at me as if to say, “pet me, I hate this weather” lol. I usually get along well with animals (y).

Most people don’t care much for this weather, but I like the rain, I don’t feel so depressed.. I’d rather go for a nice stroll lol. Rain doesn’t really bother me, just another side of nature; it’s lightning that concerns me! Lighting is however beyond my control, so I don’t worry to much about it. I was standing in the kitchen today , a string of windows at my back from my 3 to my 9 o’clock not even a metre away. The whole room turned blue and I listened intently for the clap of thunder. Sounded almost like an air strike in the distance, shaking the room. I fear for others more then I fear about my fate; if GOD wants me dead, it don’t matter if I’m standing near a window or in a vault, if my times up the ‘where’ would be the least of anyone’s worries 8=).

mm, when’s lunch

Lately I feel like, I spend all of my time either working or working on something :-/.

Writer’s Block: No Foolin’

What’s the best April Fool’s joke you’ve seen today?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

Watching Noer’s evil mind fool a few youngin’s about things shutting down; we’re not closing our doors at [SAS], but he April Fooled at least one or two troopers xD. BSDFan tried a similar trick on me earlier about DaemonForums but without that awesome punch to it lol. Medic had me grinning ear to ear with his Ghost Recon fools, but I think Noer took the cake hehe.

So far, I’vce only been fooled once (Thanks BSDFan, lol) but haven’t pulled any; the only person I had a mind to trick, is also one I would’ve considered it mean to fool in the planned way lol. (I’d also hate to see what he’d do to me next year haha). Well, I did try playing a joke on Valroes joke but I don’t think I got a rise out of him 🙁

Writer’s Block: How Soon Is Now?

What scientific or medical breakthrough do you most want to happen in your lifetime?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

medical… probably a toss up between a cure for Alzheimer’s and a cure for cancer. I still remember my grandmother, from when I was little up to when she finally passed on. Heh to this day my mother refuses to donate to the Alzheimer’s association. In my family, it’s also a general thing: you will probably die of heart attack, cancer, or stroke; take ya pick.

scientific… well, if I was an inventor my “pet project” would probably be to invent something like the force fields in Star Trek. In the wider scope, I’d kind of like to see advances in high energy physics and a less radioactive form of nuclear power: like the minovsky fusion reactors from MS Gundam, in application.

Finally managed to embarrass myself lol

The other day, I was on comms waiting for Carter to show up; so I was getting some work done in the mean time. No one was around the virtual pub yet, so I didn’t worry about the copy/pastes (my push to talk key is left control). Managed to get a head start on my work load, but The parakeets chirping, so I’m whistling back in the hopes that the bird will pipe down by the time training starts; then I realize a teammates sister joined the channel, and I’m thinking “oy, could this be taken the wrong way” lol.

That’s the most embarrassed I’ve felt in many years :-/.