My dumbest python moment ever….

In cleaning up tmk’s cache related code for a fresh commit, I wrote an expand2str() method that encapsulates the issue of dealing with expand() returning a list of expansions, and a properly converted string being desired anyway.

Suddenly I noticed this backtrace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 929, in
  File "", line 742, in process_recipe
  File "", line 276, in parse
    if not self.eval_pproc_directive(p):
AttributeError: Recipe instance has no attribute 'eval_pproc_directive'

Which is totally ridiculous, because eval_pproc_directive and parse are both methods of the same class. While the former is defined after the latter, by the time the instance (self) exists, the class is fully defined. Making a short test case, proved that the act of one in a billion hadn’t changed Pythons rules about this stuff.

In poking around to see what changed introduced during this commit, may have popped the magic cork, I noticed removing the reference caused the same type of error, successively on methods defined after they were invoked.

Then I saw it!

I had accidentally indented the expand2str() method one short, there by making it a function rather then a class method, and there by doing like wise and making them nested methods inside expand2str().

Sometimes Python really irks the typoist in me!