- Backups of my old RvS and SWAT 4 keybinds, in Englush and German.
- Old BF2 profile data backed up from 2009
- A collection of xfire chatlogs dating back to 2007-2008; usually I trim my logs every couple of years
- Copy of my bookmarks, left over from the original migration to ma.gnolia.
- A copy of the first chat I had with a friend, dated 2008-08-17.
- Various bits of TeX/LaTeX and troff/nroff documentation
- Bundle of old programs, including my first C++ projects and many old Ruby, Perl, and Sh scripts.
- An old document on backing up PC-BSD systems.
- Some old software manuals, MicroEMACS, NFS systems, Nail, PHP, Java 1.5, ex, etc.
- Old [SAS] Live Operation files: maps, opords, notes from testing various maps in SWAT 4.
- An old draft resignation from when Snipers first draft of the SOPs were sent to Rouge for revision.
- Birthdate of my desktop PC: 2006-02-11. Back than it was top of the line.
- An old mock up for a personal home page
- Draft of what hostage rescue on Raven Shields banking house mission, would look like in the near future.if done with real world tactics
- Plenty of old photos
From all the files either deleted, or moved into cold-backup, I think my home directory is also another fifty megs lighter lol