Laughing my ass off (I can’t explain it, but I find this hilarious xD)

It’s a wonder how few of these you can actually go through without interupts, even in a place where getting stuff done is a totally outlawed concept, unless it’s a task popped onto your brainstack so someone else can keep sitting on a couch, rotting braincells infront of a TV. (WoW) (ROFLMFAO!!!!) (Thanks Mal) (This one is me….) (Close enough…)

Me: If that was Windows ME, I wonder what they drank on Visa?
Me: xD
Friend: i will wake up my girlfriend laughing on that one
Me: lmao
[2]a_mallais> but seriously
Friend: I would not compare viste with me
Me: ok, this block is making the log…. haha

OK, cost is clear…. now let’s see if I can actually get some work done, without going AFK every flipin’ time I get into the flow…

Chuckles of the day

And don’t forget the first rule of writing internet applications – ‘Don’t re-implement TCP/IP’.
-Bram Cohen

…if we judge something by how badly it is misused, well, hell would be perl, right? — dancer

Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses.
The Rise of “Worse is Better”
By Richard Gabriel

You might be a Floridian if…

Thanks Noles πŸ™‚

You might be a Floridian if…

A good parking place has nothing to do with distance from the store,
but everything to do with shade.
— well duh

You know the four seasons really are: almost summer, summer,
not summer but really hot, and Christmas.
— so true, it burns!

You know that anything under a Category 3 just isn’t worth waking up for.
— xD

You dread lovebug season.
— reminds me of a road trip

You are on a first name basis with the Hurricane list. They aren’t Hurricane Charley, Hurricane Frances…but Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne.
— Don’t forget the old farts!

You were twelve before you ever saw snow or you still haven’t.
— Hey, I *still* had to move out of state for that lol

My chuckle of the day, 2008-12-06

If you’re writing a calculator program, β€˜+’ should always mean addition!
— source, The Art of Unix Programming, Chapter 1. Basics of the Unix Philosophy

Now that made my smile xD

Cool error message

Page Not Found
Narrator: In A.D. 2006, Web was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the journal.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main browser turn on.
Captain: It's you !!
CATS: How are you users !!
CATS: All your base are belong to Frank.
CATS: You are on the way to 404.
Captain: What you say !!
CATS: You have no chance to reach your page. Make your spelling correct.
CATS: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....

If you think you've reached this page in error:

* Make sure the URL you're trying to reach is correct.
* Check to view LiveJournal's current status.

Otherwise, you can:

* Go back to the previous page
* Go to the LiveJournal Homepage.
* Explore the Site Map

You know you’ve been using computers to much when….

All of your mental calculations are off by one, because you keep counting form zero.

You surround long strings of written arithmetic in parentheses, based on the Operator Precedence in ANSI C; and wish the rest of the world did the same.

You habitually use semi-colons and comment symbols in documents, as if they were natural.

You can’t remember the last time you spoke to someone on the phone.

You give people your Instant Messenger, rather then you’re phone number

You can type your login faster then your street address.

Your calculator has it’s own programming language, but you can’t make it count from zero.

When you forget something, you blame it on your brain not “swapping” the data from short-term to longer-term memory in time.

You think people are backwards, if they don’t understand SI

Debating the endianness of various date formats sounds like fun

You have to pause to remember how to write rarely used letters in cursive, because you haven’t written on paper in years.

You’ve named a computer in honour of HAL9000s female counterpart.

Words like grep, parse, regular expression, archive, constant, null, void, port, IP, socket, packet,; are imprinted on your vocabulary. much to your friends annoyance.

You describe the functioning of your brain, as if it was a computer; because you’re not a neuro-specialist.

You would rather use /bin/ed then notepad.exe

You have several command prompts open at all times, even on Windows.

You can tell the difference between explorer.exe and My Computer.

You can’t tell the difference between explorer.exe and your Windows taskbar, system tray, start menu, and the file manager.

You write corrections to the last message, as if invoking SED.

You use single quotes to define literal text.

You use regular expressions in place of long lists of related identifiers.

You think people are gay, if they don’t think the Macbook Pro is sexy.

You write the “show work” for maths questions in pseudo code, showing the algorithm used instead of the numbers.

You know the size of a byte is machine dependent, but never used a machine without an 8bit byte.

You’ve used 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit systems, but wonder what will cause commodity systems to go 128-bit in the future.

You have more e-mail, then you can shake a stick at (after spam)

You haven’t used a real dictionary or encyclopedia in years.

Your desk is a dumping ground for CD-ROM disk jackets, but your home directory is neat as a whistle.

You haven’t seen a razor blade in months, but a program got written on time.

telnet and tcpdump are your favorite solutions to networking problems.

You write about network communications, as if they were PF rule sets.

You keep using -> to dereference “mental pointers” in text.

You write encrypted messages in hexadecimals or octal first, then apply a caesar chiper before encrypting them.

After so many years, that rodent with a long tail on your desk is nick named “the rat”

You use the keyboard for damn near everything, short of opening cans.

$ program folder1/folder2/folder3/filename.ext feels more natural then double clicking my computer, double clicking folder1, double clicking folder2, double clicking folder3, and then finally double clicking filename.ext.

Especially when you can type this as prog/f1/f2/f3/file.ext by using the TAB key completion of your shell, using file managers feel clumsy.

Binary files annoy you, because they can’t be easily read in text editors

You know Integrated Development Environments exist, but have yet to find one better then a UNIX shell, text editor, and development tools.

Proof reading is your favorite way to debug EIDTENT.

You write things like: let foo = [ item1, item2, item3, item 4]; whenever you want to define a list of data in chats.

You meet an attractive woman, and wonder if she is computer literate.

You can use several different styles of operating system interchangeably without problem.

People ask you for something, but don’t tell you how many, and you respond with “enter an integer”.

Your bookshelf is full of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Foo Quck References, and Networking books.

You’ve sent people messages in hexadecimal, more then once.

If you had more money, your bedroom would be like a cave with 50 computers humming.

You remind your dog, that a laptop is not a pillow.

The hum of your file server keeps people awake.

Finding old PC parts is like presents under a Christmas tree


This is so recursive, it hurts

# this is so recursive, it hurts
for topdir in args:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir):
for file in files:
for regexp in patterns:
if, file):
file = os.path.join(root, file)
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("file name: %st" % file)
p = os.stat(file)
a, m, t = (
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()), )
sys.stdout.write( "atime: %stmtime: %stnow: %sn" %
print file

What a huge, ugly, monster, I’m glad the finished code doesn’t look like that lol.

Laugh of the day

Hmm, that is one thing I regret, nevr having time to learn any dialects of lisp :

My laugh of the day, 2008-09-08

β€œTo bring a MicroVAX to its knees, try twenty users running vi β€” or four running EMACS.”

I just couldn’t help but smile, nod, and laugh lol. Vi is a fairly light weight program in todays world, and was designed in a time when just moving your text editors cursor was probably slow as watching paint drying. Emacs on the other hand, tends to be rather hefty in most good implementations, I think it was once a cottage indrusty to make light-weight emacsen.

And to this day in the form of GNU and X Emacs is, one small operating system, but a huge text editor compared to the nimble Vi. I don’t go much in for the Vi Vs. Emacs stuff and vice versa, because I use the Vim which is the only thing better then Vi πŸ˜‰

Ok, this is like a new low in dumb fucko-stupidly…

I’m sitting here reading a link with a friend, when I see something funny about a certain Microsoft character that we were laughing at earlier, and I’m a fast reader. So I figure, right click on it, view image, and send him the URL to it directly.

When I went to right click, I got a popup saying “Sorry folks”, this image is copyright of /or it’s respective owners, blah. This is what I can dumb as using nails to bake a cake. A quick look at the HTML sent to my browser revealed the location of the image on the server. A little light path (de)mangling later and volia!

clippy on the trac

I should note that the image is copyrighted 8=) and that whoever designed that popup is a dumb fuck of the first class idiocy brigade, if they think it actually would work. And if they actually did it by choice, rather then being forced too, oy vey, they are just to stupid to deserve any future traffic from me ^_^.

Like, Duh, the browser needs public access to the image to display it! So why put up a noob-screen when any Tom, Dick, and Harry knows where to track it down. Although, as my friend also commented, I could have just disabled Javascript in my browsers settings, but why should I have to do that?

Honestly, some of the things I see on the web…. Makes me just want to shout


Because I can’t think of any other non-arm twisting excuse to warrant it lol.