Writer’s Block: Dream Job

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

I would take the BEST job in the entire country. Forget the presidency, it’s all about triple dee.


Come on, Guy Fieri has like the best job in the USA — crusing in a classic ride, and eating ten times his weight in food xD. Better yet, just being his side-kick would be a great job too! As long as it comes with a chance to eat, hahaha.

Hmm, I can just imagine everyone who knows me, rolling their eyes about now lol. (of course it’s gotta involve food)

Writer’s Block: Year of the Ox

Happy Chinese New Year! The Year of the Ox starts today. What is your Chinese zodiac animal? Do you think you fit the description of the sign?

Live Journals Writer’s Block


Hmm, an earth dragon. I don’t believe in Astrology, but I must admit it is generally intriguing to parse.

Writer’s Block: Tricky Questions

What is your first reaction when someone says “I need to talk to you”?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

“About what?”

What else could I possibly think of on first contact? >_>.

Ok, so my mind just works like that, lol — I can’t help it 🙂

Writer’s Block: Use Your Power

Our holiday gift to you: the question submitted most often to Writer’s Block—if you could have a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

If I could only have one single superpower, I would choose the power to fly – so simple, so wonderful. But as to what I would do, mmm lol; a scene from Superman comes to mind, and those who know me fairly well could guess it easily. Why I would choose it, is because I would love to fly; but probably will never have the chance to become a pilot.

On the other side of the coin, if I could have the full set of superpowers of any comic book hero to choose from, it would either be the amazing spiderman or superman. Reasons being, the intelligence to build webshooters (Yes, I adhere to the old way – not the movie way!) for web swinging would be a heck of a good time, but without super agility, strength, and spider-sense, you’d end up SPLAT pretty fast lol. The alternative: Supermans powers, because no other comic book hero has such a mundane set of powers, nor a set of superpowers that are better suited for doing the right thing with them, or to quote something from my favorite super heroes comic book world….

With great power, comes great responsibility

Writer’s Block: Better to Receive

Sometimes it’s the thought that counts, and other times it’s the thing itself. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received, thoughtful or otherwise?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

Hmm, probably the rock that my brother got me the last time he was on Vacation. It’s a plastic rock that says, “Someone I know went to Mars, and all I got was this stinking rock!” –> the perfect gift lol; no really, I love it! I’ve been using it as a paper weight next to where I keep my laptop, just a cheap trinket but it’s the thought that counts.

I guess, you could say it’s a brother thing lol.

Writer’s Block: Coast Range

If you had to choose, would you rather live in the mountains or by the ocean?

Live Journals Writer’s Block


I still remember when I was in Tennessee, and the trip back home was by way of the Smokies, wound up in North Carolina lol. But it’s the mountains out in Tennessee I remember most, so beautiful; it’s hard to describe it. If I close my eyes, I can almost see them in my minds eye. The greens, browns, and golds of the trees, and the emebb and flow of terrain.

Unfortunately I was there as part of a wedding party, meaning I was stuck in a monkey suit lol; but it was a great trip. I got to hang out with a few cousins I’ve never met before, and a great aunt. Family is a very important thing for me, even if mine drives me crackers… nothings perfect I guess. I really would like to see Tennessee again some day, as long as I don’t need a tux lol. I remember swearing, that if I ever found myself in one again, it best be my wedding lol -> who else could I love enough to wear a tuxedo for? Especially after I nearly got choked to death by that stupid thing lol.

My memory is far from photographic, but is quite good for things that ‘stick’, mmm. Me and water generally don’t mix very well, despite being a Floridan I never got to spend much time at the beach :-(, that’s practically sacrilegious :. But IMHO, the mountains can be more beautiful then the ocean, and I don’t miss 90F (~32C) temperatures being the norm!

Although, I do really miss the palm trees…

Writer’s Block: Eat, Drink, Be Merry

Thanksgiving is almost here in the U.S., heralding the start of the holiday season and the first of many meals where you might be confronted with a traditional dish that you happen to find disgusting. What holiday food do you hate to see on the table?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

!!! TURKEY !!!

There, I’ve said it! lol. I’m not fond of turkey, because until this year there has always been a 22lbs average of turkey for 4 people -> I like leftovers, but not that much man! I don’t really care much for Chicken either, but I eat it when that’s what is given. Although I wasn’t raised that way, I am the sort of person that will eat what ever is put in front of me, if I consider it palatable enough to stand it.

That reminds me of a family joke; my father telling my mom. that he would do anything for her. To which the rest more or less goes like this:

My mom: “I know one thing you won’t do”
My dad: “What’s that beautiful?”
My mom: “Cook a turkey!”
My dad: “You’re right, I won’t do it!”

Like my father, I would prefer a HAM :-). But the turkey is what is on the table, so that’s what I eat til the next moon cycle lolololol.

N.B. Stuffing that was cooked in the bird, I don’t consider palatable; cooked outside, s’ok.

Writer’s Block: A Conspiracy of Beards

November is National Beard Month. Muttonchops, Van Dyke, goatee, soul patch, ZZ Top–style—tell us about your own wild and woolly facial fuzz. Even better, post a picture.

Submitted By cwcsonichu

Live Journals Writer’s Block

From 5 o clock shadow to looking like Chewbacca the wookie…. I think I probably shave like every 3 to 5 months or something lol.

Writer’s Block: Fright Show

‘Tis the season for scary movies. Some rank The Evil Dead as the best horror film of all time. What is your favorite scary movie?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

For me, that’s a relatively hard thing to think of. There has only really been one movie that ever really scared me. There have been a few that have made be uncomfortable over the years, but nothing ‘scary’ for the most part. Simply put, I know it’s a movie lol.

I don’t particularly care much for horror movies, unless their is something much more interesting then trying to freak people out. Books and games are better for that, because it’s a more immersive medium. Hmm, that reminds me… There was one game that did scare me a fair bit when I was younger, Resident Evil. But that was fairly minimal, because I was strongly decided, that if such an absurd thing as zombies ever appeared out of no where taking over most of the city, my arsenal of squirt guns, super soakers, and other weapons would have to also be capable of firing a zombie melting fluid, that never runs out >_>.

Ahh, the imagination of children… Sometimes scary, sometimes a safe guard against fear. It’s always good for a kid to be able to tell the difference between make believe, and reality, without losing the ability to be creative.

When it comes to movies, I much prefer comedy, action, and science fiction flicks.