
So freaking tired…

A thousand and one interuptions, annoyances, and aggrivations later…

3 of my exams are ‘almost’ ready to be mailed, one Q left to answer on the last one.

And a prototype of the new searchlet module grows a menu bar and context menu; I’m testing to see how to set it up that one can select a given port from the list and choose to install/e.t.c. from the menu. Progress is only limited by time constraints (e.g. the till I pass out limit and people driving my batty all day problem).

Great progress but so freaking tired… family should help getting school done not hinder it and every thing else if you ask me…

The battle continues even if they make it an uphill one.

Some how it figures… I try to work during the afternoon and I end up with a splitin headache… that is my family for ya !

Blitzkrieg on homework.

In the past hour I’ve almost completed 3 exams in my ‘home work’ stack. Tomorrow I need to finish them, I just need to dig into my text books to look up a reference.

Yesterday I had 2 finished and sent them out this morning.

I might not make it to a Diploma, but hell I am not going out without a fight 😉

The charge

The fire is lit,

like a bull seeing red,

it’s feet ready to charge,

the obstacles that lay ahead,

will give way to,

the horn of my desire,

crash the gates, let the

fires burn as I charge,

the fire is lit,

oh how hot it burns.

The fire is lit,

nothing to stand in the way,

like a bull seeing red,

it’s feet ready to charge,

the gates begin to fall,

my desire knows no relent,

as the obstacles disappear,

the fires burn,

oh so hot do they burn,

one by one, the objectives

shall be complete.

— Me, on the course to completing my education

OH how sweet it would be to have the freedom to get through even one day without any headaches……

Another sleepless night

Did some major clean up to the prototype for configuring build options tonight as well as experimented with a few solutions. I just wish I didn’t have to cram every thing into such a narrow time slot.

The main problem is I’m so zonked out by the time I get to start, I may as well try and code drunk (mm interesting idea… not!).

As hard as I try to get things done my family twarts me at every turn.. It’s like they have some kind of magic radar =/.

During the day, I’d have a better chance of surviving jumping in front of an on comming 18-wheeler then getting stuff done in day light…

At night, I can only work until my brain crashes from lack of sleep.

I can’t even remember the last time I had a good nights sleep any more…

At least for today I’ve managed to get Radio 1 working, although I can play real media in mplayer it konks out after awhile in konqueror.. So I opened it in realplayer rather then keeping the web interface in.

Guess I’ll read some doc’s before I start snoring with my eyes open….

POST, Power On Self Test

luckily I am off for about a week, well as good as off work hehe. So hopefully I’ll have some more time to get things done.

I want to,

work towards getting ‘nco’s task completed…

send Wiz that memo

send GCHQ that other memo

experiment with a custom widget in both C++ and Python / QT3

continue expanding the configuration systems in NPM.

camp out TG#1 and TG#3

enjoy the [SAS] Virtual Christmas Party

For tonight, I’m not sure what I’m going to work on but I’m glad that I don’t need to get up in the morning… I’m also looking forward to the clans big bash, Wiz and Valroe will be DJ’ing so that should be a good pair hehe. It’s also a good thing since this close to Christmas, it’s unlikely to find me or any of my family on the road more then necessary lol.

I also need to start logging into AIM more often, I havn’t gotten to talk to any one lately other then teammates over XFire =/. And since I *hate* phones and the aDSL tends to disconnect when the phone rings, I mostly use Instant Messengering.

“Why the heck did you call me ?”

lol. Unlike phones, IM’s allow some measure of coping with life here and actually getting to talk to some one… Without being deafened or inaudible, or losing the cordless.. hahaha.

I don’t think I would mind phones so much if it wasn’t just a complication of my already insessent multi-tasking.. A clone would be nice, then I could be in two rooms at once rofl. But a clone would probably be as annoyed as I get at it..

As much as I love my family, they can drive me bonkers given a chance +S

Extreme Multi-tasking on the PC and off the PC at the same time can be tricky lol.

Sorted my play list for the night, I have a fair system of selection. Using Amaroks file tab, finding each track that matches my listing mood… As usual a mixture of Metal, Rock, Country, and a couple other odds and ends.

Now if my mood… never mind.

Just for the heck of it, I’ll feed my m3u file through a little ruby script I wrote some months back out of boredom; it generates a HTML listing from the file, even has the ability to offer a little more information then this when used with id3lib. It also conveniantly has a switch to suppress the HTML tags that make it a full doc, thus generating output that can be copy/pasted into another HTML file or blog 😉

I think I might actually tweak it a little bit, so it can be used as a filter. I liked working on it because it gave me an excuse to learn a bit of binary because of how I chose to implement it’s differing modes lol.

  1. Breaking Benjamin The Diary Of Jane
  2. Bruce Dickinson River of no return
  3. Cybrogs Montage Track02
  4. Cocaine Blues
  5. Die Toten Hosen The little Drummer Boy
  6. Die Apokalyptischen Reiter Ghostriders In The Sky
  7. Daryll Ann Surely Justice
  8. Elvis Presley Johnny B
  9. Folsom Prison Blues
  10. Hinder Lips of an Angel
  11. Hammerfall The unforgiving blade
  12. greenswat
  13. Green Day SeptemberEnds
  14. It Ain’t Me Babe
  15. Jackson
  16. Jeff Wunder Way of the sun
  17. JBJ Santa Fe
  18. Jørn Lande Duke of love
  19. LeAnn Rimes Hurt Me
  20. LeAnn Rimes Clinging To A Saving Hand
  21. LeAnn Rimes Blue
  22. LeAnn Rimes On The Side Of Angels
  23. Michael Gungor GOD Is Great
  24. Manowar Call to arms
  25. Nashville Electric Cooperative You Are Still My Only Love
  26. Nashville Electric Cooperative Where Love Was Born
  27. Pillar Frontline
  28. Pillar Rewind
  29. Sammy Kershaw Little Did I Know
  30. SAS
  31. Wildwood Flower
  32. Wiz July07
  33. Wiz Minimix4

An automatic wall paper changer for wmakerAn automatic wall paper changer for wmaker

I recently switched to using Window Maker on PC-BSD, one of my favorite window managers actually. But it does have a few dis advantages over KDE when it comes to session management…

I went though my large wall papers collection and found several that I would like to use, the WMaker theme I have set is a dark one.

Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/Pictures/Wall_Papers|wc -l 6:38
Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds|wc -l 6:40
Terry@Dixie$ 6:40

Many didn’t scale right and I don’t know of any batch image scaler, so I had my shell open each in kolour paint so I could do this. Using a graphical file manager I would have to double click each file at the least level of effort… With the shell, it was simple loop in my backgrounds directory:

for i in `ls`
kolourpaint $i

This opened kolourpaint to a file, allowing me to do a quick ctrl+e and set it to smooth scale it to 1280×800 to match my LCD’s native resolution. And then to ctrl+s save it, X out of it and volia, kolourpaint would start again with another file as it continued through the loop.

Having done this, I was thinking how to I get it to change after awhile? I thought about a symlink that would be changed to a different wall paper every now and then, tested it no go. Then I found wmsetbg and the -s (-scale) option, so yeah I wasted my time scaling them all lol.

So I removed them and made symlinks to the original files in my wall papers directory:

for i in `ls`                                                 6:40
ln -hfs /home/Terry/Pictures/Wall_Papers/$i /home/Terry/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds/$i

Like I am going to stand here and create 50++ shortcuts myself? NO WAY!

After that I set to look into hooking up a shell script that could run in the background and change the wall paper for me. I figured that I would want some thing acline to the sleep() function out of unistd.h but I didn’t really want to use a C program or any other programming language to do it. Because while looping over the directory in C might be faster then /bin/sh by the time the compiler tried to optimize it. Having to invoke a shell for every call to system() (for running wmsetbg) would probably be a bit wasteful. At least in a shell script, there should be no need to create a new /bin/sh process on each pass. Didn’t find a built in shell command for it but /bin/sleep works fine, so I wrote the following script to change my wall paper every 10 minutes:

# A simple automatic wall paper changer for window maker.

while (true)
for p in `/bin/ls /home/Terry/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds/`
wmsetbg -u -s $p
sleep 600

And to run it on window makers start up, I added this line to my ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart file:

/usr/home/Terry/sh/setbg &

and Hooah ^_^

And here is a python script that displays it in a random order,


import commands
import os
import random
import time

li = os.listdir('/home/Terry/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds/')

while (True):
commands.getoutput('/usr/local/bin/wmsetbg -u -s %s' % (x))

Hmm, I wonder if I could do this on Windows XP to,under explorer of course hehe.

Of dreams and actions

My dreams seem to have been plagued by the same things that often assail my mind….

Past today’s have been a lot of work for me and I’m actualy very lucky to have today off work I spent a little time working with Pre Processor like program but didn’t have time to get any thing done.

Today, I want to get back to work on NPM, I’m off (hopefully) till Tuesday so with luck I can get some work done!