Whats a good way to get ones mind off painful thoughts?

Keep busy….

Hmmm, I new problem to deal with.

I’ve finnally gotten my favorite radio station in this burg to play on my laptop (PC-BSD). The ketch is to do it I’ve got to use an URL in konqueror to launch the window, basically what I do in IE7 and it works the same way. Other then it’s a kaffine plugin rather then Windows Media Player.

The problem is I have to toy with kmix and adjust the sound systems volume to tune it. With the WMP Plugin it’s as easy as sliding the volume switch.

Bloody heck, trying to post this has taken hours….. Trying to get any thing done in this house is very VERY hard unless every one else is sound asleep… which means no sleep fo rme.

Some how it figures rofl. I tried to download the .NET 3.0 framework from Microsoft using Opera and they told me the file can’t not be found on their server.

I fire up Internet Explorer 7 and vola ! It works like a charm ^_^

Microsoft.com is very crippled for Opera Users I think, going by the times I’ve dropped in of my own free will. I wonder if they are that pissy to Mozilla or Netscape :/

Managed to get every thing up to date and even cleaned up my start menu. On my laptop I usually just open a konsole or xterm & tell it to run the programs I want (I’ve always got a terminal emulator handy). It’s more bugger then its worth imho to do that with cmd.exe and my %PATH% is fat enough now. So I think this is a nice solution, especially since I do not like the Programs->Vendor->Product->Many files arangement used on Microsoft Windows for the start menu and file system.

Click to view image -> Warning it is a 1600×1200 JPEG !

Trying to work around here is ridicules unless every one else is asleep…

It’s like in the Man and the Iron Mask (98) when Aramis is trying to pray and Porthos comes roaring through with two wenches.

*shakes head*

Digital Boxes

I started the day about 0915 today, went on the ‘country run’ to let the dogs out. Came home, had a fast breakfast and started my backups. Went to work till after 1600. The usual crap after RTB (Return To Base), set up SAL1600 to share a folder on the workgroup. Before my laptop could see the SMB Share I had to reboot the (windows) box hosting the share.

I’ve finished backing stuff up and got it all moved onto SAL1600. So my darling Dixie is ready to have her hard drives wiped clean for upgrade.

 Terry@Dixie$ du -ch ./*                                                   22:28
4.6M ./Documents.tar.gz
1.8G ./Music.tar.gz
308M ./Pictures.tar.gz
33M ./Programming.tar.gz
422M ./Videos.tar.gz
36M ./dotfiles.tar.gz
288K ./lastminute.tar.gz
2.0K ./loader.conf
928K ./misc_files.tar.gz
8.9M ./root-compat-linux-opt-navigator.tar.gz
304K ./root-etc.tar.gz
1.7M ./root-usr-Projects.tar.gz
1.3M ./root-usr-local-etc.tar.gz
42K ./root-usr-local-share-uemacs.tar.gz
10M ./root-usr-local-share-vim.tar.gz
14K ./sh.tar.gz
2.6G total
Terry@Dixie$ 22:28

Backed up my Documents, my Music collection, my Pictures, my Programming directory, my Videos, my shell script/binary directory, the .dot files I want to keep and a few files sitting around my home directory. Also /usr/Projects where I have files for PBI Making stored, my loader.conf and a few things from the file system. the two major etc directories and my files for Vim and MicroEMACS, even Netscape Navigator 9, so I won’t have to re download it.

When I started out my home directory was about 3.4GB according to du(1) and its -h switch. Now all the files I have archived are just over two and half GB. Its a strange feeling to see a major part of my life packed up into ‘digital boxes’…

Since I’ll be reformating for PC-BSD v1.4-Release I’m not going to keep most of the KDE or QT related files, just the ones I don’t care to replace (konsole schemas, Konversation settings) and things for Amarok and Kopete that I can have on record if I need to ‘restore’ them.

For backing stuff up I really do prefer to use dump & restore for major stuff, I can get the system live and mount the disks. Then start a dump and feed in through a Secure Shell login to the server where it’ll be compressed. Since a level 0 dump is pretty big for me, I tend to use bzip for compression. But for this job, since its just the files I’m interested in I’ve used a bunch of TAR Archives and gzip’d them. That way I can unpack them at my leazsure when the system is finally operational, Just waiting on PC-BSD to release v1.4, in the mean time I want to work on my partitioning scheme. I may also try to install a very minimal OpenBSD 4.1 into a partition. Reason? Get it set up so I can boot into OpenBSD, mount the PC-BSD slice and dump it over the network with less hassle ^_^

*sigh* time to leave for work again….1841 local, at least it’s a very short run.

Ahh home from work and waiting on dinner.

Time for a quick game or three. I’m stuck working an extra two runs every day & on the weekend but their short, maybe 30 min each. Just have to let the two dogs out, feed’em, feed the fish, and RTB (Return To Base).

Lovely place… about as close to out in the country as you can get. Without having a long drive to go any where. Most places out this way are in or near town. But out there, man the lands beautiful. I’d love some day to live out in the country, with the usual techologies of course (PC’s + Broadbanned). I’ve always been in apartments since I was little… So maybe thats it, unless being born in the South has some thing to do with it. One thing I do like about where we live, its in that sweet spot. Where you get heavy weather but not to much damage (usually). Yet you can drive out and within 10-15 miles you can basically go any where. In to town, round the major centres of business or towards the country.

Only trick is its about 30 Miles to Atlanta and the traffic makes it a couple hours drive. I’d love to visit a big city like NYC to see what its like but I wouldn’t want to live in a City, just not my bag.

never ending interuptions…

I logged on an hour ago with ONE goal in mind, to update my blog for the day…

I spent Friday cleaning my room. Got to vacuum spots that haven’t been cleaned
out in near 10 years lol. /* Note to self remove laugh out loud iab from

Shifted the bed from along the North wall going West to east. To going South to North. In such a small room its a huge space saver, even if it means blocking half the closet off (never use it any way). Moved the cubby from the South-East corner to North-East corner. Moved the stand next to it — finally can access
all 3 electrical outlets.

Shifted the book shelf by the door from the South-West corner to where the Cubby was. Moved the TV to the other side of the dresser and pushed it more to the Eastern wall. The amount of clutter is less near the door and rises up as you get to the opposing wall (doors south-west corner). Leaving a lot of space in the main areas of the room.

Finally a major improvement… best since we moved in (the room was empty them :-P). Got to throw out a lot of crap. But got stuck helping ma rearrange crap all morning !!! How nice a price eh? Oh wells all that ends with doughnuts ends well xD

# For later
Terry@vectra-$ cat lions_book.lastpage
page ?? (pdf) which is page 42 of the book.

Section: 9.1

Source Code:
With line numbers: http://www.tom-yam.or.jp/2238/src/
PDF: http://v6.cuzuco.com/

The sections have been dumped into two derectories.

/usr/src/sys/ contains the headers and /user/src/sys/kern/ which contains the
source.c files.

PDP-11 Emulator?

Operation Echo Base

room cleaning time…

In English to rearrange crap in a more optimal manor

IF any one missed the movie reference you’ve been living under a rock for the last 30 years ^_^

more to say later….

19 Fatted horses

Home from dinner…

All you can eat at the golden corral. I think I had like a helping per year hehehe. I must’ve walked in their with a hollow leg or some thing 🙂 Ate for like an hour and a half straight ! If I had any where to put it… I think I could eat another 3 plates lol. On the way home I had to let an extra notch in the lap belt :/

Needless to say, we don’t eat out much. And that’s good for me, or else I’d have to work out more often. And I hate exercise ! My brother took us out for dinner, between the lot of us. 19, 29, 38, and 59, all together we’d have to be like 145 years old loool.

All was good, fat happy spidey hehehe. Then I noticed on the trip back the sun was starting to set, and it made me think of where I’d rather be… Sitting under a tree watching the beautiful sun set.

Did get to spend most of the day on line in the SWAT4 server though. Room clearing with Duke and Miles, and a bunch of others. I think it may be time to start drilling the crap out of our SWAT4 division when it comes to working in larger Elements and more Complex plans. But Miles might have a good point, best to finish the SOP rewrites first lol.

I feel like a fat horse, an overweight one at that ! I’m glad I’ve only got one Birthday in a year or I’d get fat from all the food ! Think I might raid the RvS server tonight for some late night training.

now if I wasn’t still hungry………

Laugh out loud !!!!