You hard headed bastard

Simply put my solution to a properly-bad-mood, was either I’m going to bed or hitting  game, may as well hit a game. But what I really felt like was hitting my head into the proverbial wall.

Well that makes three sides and I’m too lazy to fetch a coin, so I asked Python for help:

23:34 – Spidey01: You wanna know how good random numbers are?
23:34 – Friend: um sure
23:35 – Spidey01: Ok, so I decided I’m either going to play a game, go to bed, or bang my head into a wall
23:36 – Spidey01: > python
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
>>> from random import choice
>>> choice([‘game’, ‘head-bang’, ‘bed’])
23:36 – Spidey01: Door jams are good for that, right?
23:36 – Friend: aw
23:37 – Friend: i dont think banging your head against a wall with help anything
23:37 – Spidey01: Dang, my head is harder than the wall o/
23:38 – Spidey01: Well, I didn’t think the Random numbers would hate me….
23:38 – Friend: well it is random
23:38 – Spidey01: 1/3 though
23:39 – Friend: lol

And yes, I really did bang my head into the door jam, lol.

Think one down side of work is that I keep freaking wake up around then, even on my days off! Dreamland at least was refreshing, although the progression infantry->zombies->aliens is rather tiring, especially when the aliens are bullet proof :|.

On the upside though, I was reading about nVidia’s GTX560s, which pretty much makes me retire my intention of  going with an ATI/AMD {5,6}8{5,7}0 grade hardware with a comparable nVidia card. Eh, what can I say, I’m more partial to Intel and nVidia than their competitors. I also have a rather poor opinion of ATI’s stuff, or should we say I’m not fond of them.

In looking at the prices of hardware and how sharply it has fallen, I also feel rather old. Even worse when I consider that in 3-4 pay cheques of saving I could built quite a nice computer. But I would much rather pour that towards putting together a vacation plan than replacing SAL1600. Although, I do admit that if Dead Island requires newer hardware, I’m buying it. But I only expect to require a better graphics card, unless like a Quad Core is required lol.


Hmm, I just realised that come 2011-09-09, this September is going to be roughly the fifth anniversary of when I began keeping my journal via weblog. Facebook rather entered the mix after a friend decided to run one of his projects off it, as opposed to more traditional mailing list/forum structure.

Still have files littering my home directory, since at least 2007. Either private thoughts or project notes that I’ve recorded. Most things generally end up here on my journal, because that’s the sense of one. Facebook for me is utilized more as a hybrid of things. Friends generally prefer Facebook, so it’s a practical consideration. Me, well, I rather prefer something like Blogger or Instant Messaging. But what can I say, people tend to be attracted to such monoliths.

Over the years, I have rather amassed a large sum of time around computers: virtually since diapers! I don’t think that I can even remember not having a computer, and my memory does go quite a far ways back. In the pat ten years, I really don’t want to know how many more hours I’ve spent on/around computers, than doing something else. So yeah, it makes sense that I would use a computer for recording my thoughts.

Some people use paper, and hide it away someway. Me on the other hand, I’ve few things to hide, and am too cheap to buy a larger hard drive than the cloud.

Love versus Sense

or why I’ll never walk across a bridge built by my mother.

It’s Common Knowledge either by experience or paying attention, that if if smooth something (nail) goes in, enough force makes smooth something come out the hole. That’s why screw’s screw in instead of *push* in. I’m not the most handy person on earth but even I know when to use a nail and when to use a screw. Unless you want to get screwed by physics,


Are passwords an outdated way to login to web services?

Writing the previous entry, made me recollect something that I was thinking about on the way home from work Thursday or Wednesday. Are passwords outdated when it comes to logging into a web service? Really. I think they are to be honest.

At work and at home, I use ‘keys’, not passwords. My ~/.ssh/config and /etc/hosts files are configured so that I can run ‘ssh pcname’ and log into machines automagically; no need for a password. I do it this way, because while I can set a passphrase on SSH keys: the ratio between chance of theft and frequency of logging in, is wide enough that I’ve little need to worry. If someone walks off with my computer, the SSH keys to my other PCs are the least of my worries, assuming that they didn’t take those too!

Quite readily one could just adapt something like the SSH2 public key authentication to browsing the web; and maybe improve on it while they’re at it. Even better, rather than relying on the browser to “Remember passwords” it can simply be made to ask a key agent. While Windows out of the box has always lacked something comparable to my knowledge, GNOME and KDE have had keyring management services for as long as I can remember; Konqueror was the first web browser that I ever used that integrated with something approximating one (KWallet). Although I rather prefer the GNOME keyring stuff, hehe.

This could then if desired, be linked to your computer login. For example, login to your desktop can unlock the keyring and allow pre-authorized requests to utilize it’s services. There are obvious implications for such things but I rather would like to see what it could do in like the next ~20 years.

All that of course, still means that if you leave your computer unlocked and your bank account open, you deserve what you get ^_^.  For what little I consider it worth, my systems are usually programmed to auto-lock after a short delay, and I frequently lock them before going AFK, if there’s any sense to it. I.e. at home, the PC is more likely to get carted off by a thief, then the one at work, lol.

More signs that you’re a workaholic at heart, love your job, or both

Today’s the last day for one of our more skilled hackers, so the powers that be decided to cart Engineering out to lunch for the send off. While I’m happy enough to accept the invite, I’m also, well, I just eat a quick lunch and go back to work lol. Asked one of my peers whether he thought it would be rude if I brought the netbook along to get some work done and he thought nothing of it. The guy that’s leaving the company, I’m surprised we could pry him off work long enough for the gathering. Yup.

So of course I’m working remotely off alice by the time the like ~20 of us are filtering out of this Mexican restaurant up the road. What brought a smile to my face however, was when Steve remarked something like, “You just couldn’t leave work?” and then realized we had wifi access the whole time xD.

My closest friends know that I’m kind of a workaholic at heart…. and that I am also insane lol

I reckon going by historical critique, my opinions would differ but I think I may have finally figured out how to give my mother a smile towards Mother’s day.

Last night ma went kind of on red alert when she noticed someone climbing up a ladder outside her window; me of course, why would I worry? If they’re smart enough to use a ladder they’re not stupid and if they break the window, well, you shout at them to be more careful next time… heh. It was far past time for sleeping that short of seeing a TV lowering out the window, little to worry about in my books.

In my shift from tired mode to quick-computate mode, things obviously suggested thief, or someone sneaking in without the parents knowledge. Seeing a young arm hanging out a window, holding a pink ribbon tied to the ladder and trying to ‘remotely’ hide it on the other hand, would suggest the latter to me. So of course, ma had me look up the non emergency number for the local police, which conveniently has an outpost like 2 minutes up the road from here. Sure enough, 17-year old whose probably going to have upset parents.

Nothing like being out in the cold with like four cops poking around to get you wide awake again. *Groans*

The best part about being a penny pinching S.O.B. is when you make a budget that’s designed around being bled like a stuffed pig, unless the car halts and catches fire, the fact is that the reality can’t be toooo terrible when the graph is so good.

How? Driving ~30km per day at a rate of approximately 450km to every 45 litres, seriously beats the ****ing hell out of driving near ~225km per day and using around 38 litres for the same general distance covered.

And my budget for the next month or so is built around the assumption that petrol will cost me around $4.15 a gal, or roughly $1.09 a litre. That’s about a $0.25 higher per hal then it is now.

Haven’t had much tie to update my journal lately, kinda had more important things on my mind when I’m off work. At work, well, most of my time of late has been spent working on a project that’s shared between the two principal developent groups. Work related stuff, usually filters through to private notes or the companies internal stuff. That’s my policy at least.

If we could move the table out and bring in a cot and my PC, I’d probably never leave work, except to use the shower lol.