I’ll never understand why some periods of time, feel several times more exhausting then they should…

Stupid people are annoying.

What part of asking “How far it is” and being told “The default route is …”, is so damn confusing about the possibility of multiple routes?

Honestly how stupid is my family.

Petty thoughts

In my mothers whining that nothing she ordered done yesterday before heading out the door was done, except for keeping the puppy out of trouble, which she made explicitly clear as priority numero uno by barking at me until she finally walked out the door, thus letting me get things done in the first place.

I can’t help but think that I’m working on day three of finishing something I should have finished two days ago in less than an afternoon, if I had had the luxury of being able to work on things in the first place.

And that I’m currently on month 6 of trying to get a driver license, a task my mother has droned out to this length, when it should have been completed within a couple weeks… I didn’t bother to mention that.

Tried to get through work by focusing on code, because I know if I focused on anything else, I’d likely be nuts by the end of it. Main problem was my body screaming “Sit down and eat ferociously” the whole time :-/. I’ve been trying to adapt a friends advice about eating more regularly, but still the mornings leave a lot to be desired.

Most of the times I’m seriously hungry before mid afternoon, it’s so early out, I’ve basically have to weigh between making to much noise and roughing it. If I wake up her royal pain (or the dogs who then wake her up), I get cussed at for the rest of the day, and much more dentimental side effect of it: not being able to get stuff done, while she sleeps :-(. I need to think up something to eat early on in the day (eh, night, morning, whatever) without getting compromised. Gotta put those ninja skills to use…

Yesterday I tried playing a bit of Urt for a change, but soon took a break to sit down and read. Got  so fatigued that I ended up stretching out for a nap.  There’s an Italian word that comes to mind, the only translation to English I’ve ever been given, is generally like walking into walls / staggering like a zombie. That kind of tired :-/.

I tried going back to sleep, after waking solidly up around 0200. I keep dreaming of combat or coding. I rarely dream about code…. lol. My brain is rubber banding all over lately. It’s like take a bean, throw it in a can, and start shaking: that’s what my train of thought looks like.

Did manage to get something ‘somewhat’ productive done yesterday, and the Yorkshire brigade has finally returned home(!) so that’s two less to drive me batty. I made a list of potential driving destinations, there’s about 11 items on the list. Most are in the 30-50km range, but there’s actually nothing to do there except drive back lol. The only real entry on the list with a purpose for going, are the nearest (serious) computer shops: over 100km away. After a decade of living here, I can understand why there are so few geeks in this burg o/. Also on the list was one destination that ma has expressed interest in over the months: Savanna. That’s more than 360km away by a straight line… that would put an indent in the driving hours I need. Right now things are about 21.5 hours total, out of the 40 hours required. I got totally shafted for night driving over this now past weekends ‘extra’ work.

Spent some time trying to zoom in on HTML5, Ruby on Rails, and studying the Boost & POCO C++ libraries more closely, when I an keep my mind straight enough to deal with it. To all over the place to really do much coding lately, 🙁 🙁 :-(.  I find RoR intently interesting, even though I generally despise web development as an exercise in annoyance.

Only have two days work for the week, and today should be fairly short; tomorrow is most of the day gone. I’m hoping maybe Fri/Mon, maybe her royal pain might take a crack at the desintiation list I prepped. Within about an hours notice, I could do some bit of route planning. If nothing gets done, I’m not going to have any recourse left, except to start applying contingency plans from a few weeks ago, and live with being driving out of my fucking mind over it. If I can’t get help with the driving, there is only one way to go: by foot.

I really need a long vacation… something without stress jacking, something that can actually be peaceful. What was the last time, I actually could get more than a few weeks running at a normal persons stress margin? I wish to forget most of 2007..

Gah, how the flub early am I waking up, if it’s not even 1400 local yet :-S. It feels more like 1700-1800 than just moving itno the afternoon…

Gotta love getting out of bed after waking up for the second time, and feeling ready to slam your head into a wall because you’re ride awake; only to notice the clock across the room reads 0139 :-(.

Fighting fur with furr

The Yorkshire Brigade is now officially barred from my room, and a large amount of cleaning almost completed—I may end up sleeping in my chair. I love all animals in general, and I get along very well with dogs, but do enough damage, and I’m erecting barricades >_>.

Willow and Coco at least, have the decency not to do tooo much damage. The worst they’ve ever done, has been destroying bed covers and ripping up carpets, that’s pretty mild lol. Hahah, just as I was typing nice of her, Willow had to go claim my uncased pillow as her own, and didn’t like having to yield it back 8=). Courtesy of the yorkies, everything is in the washing machine! I’ve set spare (crappy) monitor and a damaged one as an interim barricade. Willow can jump over, or babishly wait to be picked up, lol.

For some reason, my experiences with toys breeds tend to have been with dogs that are dumb as bricks. I actually proscribe Willows level of intellect, to whatever breed(s) she’s mixed with lol. If anything, the only small breeds that I’ve seen that are smart, have been types of Terrier, like the Rat :-/.

Two yorkies and one obsessive-annoyance of a mother, have mostly deverstated the place o/. I probably should’ve held off on cleaning for another month.. lol. Between the lot of them, it’s difficult to go more than 15-20min without interupts, that’s still life as usual; only double up on being cussed at. The only good thing is my driving hours are now in the 21.25-21.5 block, even if I’ve been totally shafted on getting any night driving. HRP can’t stand the dark, so much for growing up after passing sixty.

I hate days that are largely the passing of time…

Is it just these dogs blood line, or are Yorksire Terriers IQs south of a bedroom slipper?