I’ve edited my init.sh script so that rs-mgr should be called during startup and whenever I close FVWM. So far things are looking pretty good, hehehehe. Also, I set MPlayer to playing El Dorado.

Spent about an hour and a half or so working on ma’s computer, Norton 360 continues to driver her nuts—by doing exactly what it is paid to do lol. For many years I had to deal with Norton Anti Virus and related products, I’ve always found them more trouble then they are worth; in 360s case, I would say that annoyance is the price of incompetence. Perhaps I am just old fashioned ^_^. Most of the serious security issues I’ve ever encountered are either the result of incompetence or fragrant disregard for sanity. Heh, finding a typical XP machine in use is always good for a barrel of laughs!


It took me about 5 minutes to write a little “rs-mgr” script, having already came up with an interesting solution for a routine problem.

I think I’ll start checking stuff into a little git repo, for safe keeping. Basically it is a simple system built around rsync and ssh, designed to meet *my* needs for getting work done.

At first, I experimented to find the desired rsync setup, then I wrote scripts to do the job; rsync has a batch mode of sorts, but not one I’m prepared to go to bed with. The first incarnation of the system, relied upon the rs-push and rs-pull scripts. Which respectively drive `rsync home remote` and `rsync remote home` operations with the desired tweaks.

They are simple and easy to adjust, but only know how to do exactly ONE thing well: rsync my home directory in a given direction.

Since there are some kinds of file that do little good if shared between different OSes, like object files. I wrote a central file (rs-exclude) to use for weeding out unwanted files from the transfer. That was a quick adjustment to rs-push and rs-pull. Currently my rs-exclude file causes rsync to ignore any GCC or MSVC object files, as well as useless Intellisense databases.

The remaining problem of course, is how to get my machine to automagically do the right thing. I would rahter like it to do the magic at login and logout time, but how to do it? Simple: write another program. The new “rs-mgr” leverages its companions to solve the pushmi-pullyu problem. By invoking rs-mgr, I can make sure the most up to date version is used rather then having to decide which, by way of doing a manual rs-push or rs-pull command.

I’ve taken a few moments to setup a git repo and adjust things for more portability, namely the defaults are no longer hard coded. Going to setup a level 0 dump of the good mirror, then configure my laptop with the updated versions, and set it up to run rs-mgr at the start and close of my X Windows session.

I am just hopelessly geeky…. ain’t I?


Let’s see, what’s on the agenda for today…

Currently my set up uses manually invoked rs-push and rs-pull scripts, that run rsync for the obvious purposes. There is also an rs-exclude file for marking such nifty things, as skipping platform dependent object files and worthless InteliSense databases.

What I’m thinking is adding more scripts and a simple timestamp file, acline to /etc/dumpdates. The scripts would then be modified to manage the rs-dates file in order to decide whether they should rs-push or rs-pull from the server. My X session stuff just runs my ~/init.sh script, so it would be easy to setup a startup/shutdown sequence to events, but I could also use FreeBSDs rc system if needed, hehe. I’ll probably wrap it around my X session, in order to keep it more independent of what operating system I am working from.

Likewise I want to write a program for sucking up the logfiles on my windows machine, and translating them for ship off to the server. Making a program for browsing the logs should be fairly easy. That however, isn’t a major concern right now lol.

It’s getting late, I’m not really all that sleepy yet but it is almost to the point that I need to sleep now, or the morning will be even more painful :-(. I had such a great nap earlier, for about an hour and a half after dinner tine. I twas awesome, dreaming of hacking code and working on a game, then a few OpenGL folk showed up to talk shop lol.

For as lon gas I’ve been working, I guess since 16 or 15; Thursday has statistically been the worst day of my work week.There’s also something about the Thursday workload, that just seems to re-enforce the feeling that I’m just an asset here, nothing more then that. *sigh*.

Wednesday I was thinking at work, about making a list of all the obstacles in my life (old topic) and then tagging them, based on the problem. Well, obviously that is a rather depression idea, even if I wouldn’t run out of disk space before finishing it 8=). Then I realised that it could be great fun to design and write a program to help me manage such a taggable database, that picked up my mood considerably lol. What can I say, I’m just hopelessly a geek of technology!

Tonight, I searched through old forum threads, and compiled the dates of my promotions in SAS, so I could compile a gauge of how much time I’ve spent in various positions. Ahh, it has indeed been an interesting journey. I like WO1 more then the last post, I’ve mostly a deskjob but since I’m no longer in the doing 3 members worth of stuff kind of business, I get time to kick back and enjoy things much more often.

Tomorrow is going to be an early morning, and a lengthly time at work, a sort of double duty plus errands afterwards. I’m so tired of this crap. At least, I ought to be off work for the 19th and the 20th, so I can catch up on projects. Current open-loops being some skinning in SWAT, continuing work on tpsh, and further shoe horning CMake into my little C++ project.

I’ve been thinking somewhat, that perhaps I do too much thinking; then again, that is an understatement to be thinking about, lol. What can I say, I’m just a thinker… it’s been a life surrounded by fairly short-sighed people, and my intellectual side is perhaps the least repressed aspect of my existence here. I pour in a lot more thought to things, then most others seem to, I can’t help it lol. Probably would make life easier if I could, maybe my brain wouldn’t find trying to sleep, to be an exercise in computation.

Right now I just need some rest, I’m looking forward to the end of work tomorrow, because that means I can take a load off and play SWAT for a little bit – then it’s time to work again lol. I’m stuck working straight on through until *next* Saturday, but at least this weekend is only light detail. Fuck, I can still remember how it feels to work like 30 days straight and be pulling multiple jobs. I really don’t want to be doing that again, for a very long time!

Quarter after oh seven zulu, best try getting to sleep. Sometimes I wish I could just knock myself out….

Got woken up a little bit ago, bah humbug! Not only is the time for leaving for work closing in, it is also a bloated work cycle: Weds, Thurs, Fri (2ce), Sat, Sun | Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri.

This time I was having good dreams, involving computers… lol. Much better then the last cycle of dreasm by a long shot, indeed. Now if I wasn’t woken up early, and likely to be continuously annoyed until working hours start… where I am just regularly driven crazy instead. Poor trade off, isn’t it?

I really wish I could take a long vacation from all this crap… maybe lose the return plane ticket in the process.

Just got up, I’ve been awake about 3 times, dreams have been zany but tolerable. First time I woke up was around 0800 or 0830, was concious even before my eyes fluttered open :-/. Right now, I feel a bit like falling over, so I’m sitting down.

I’m still tired.

Just got up for a bit, feeling a trifle dizzy. Thunk about a snack but there’s not much to choose from right now. Current times 07:17Z, that means I’ve been up most of the night… but hey, I’ve only seen the Scandinavian and Italian early birds log in lol.

I’m really not thinking very clearly right now, brains had it I guess. Checked in a few odds an ends to various git repo’s, but have probably written more notes then code tonight :-(. I’m in no shape to do any coding tonight, dang gum it! I’m fricken exhausted but I’m still wide awake. Probably will put something on, set the TV’s sleep mode, and try to lay down for a bit; maybe I’ll pass out before the movie ends.

Think I’ll go stagger into the kitchen and find a quick nosh first, an empty stomach doesn’t help. Hmm, that reminds me, there was a few pommes frites leftover from dinner.. hmm, sounds like a plan!!!

Sigh, it is another sleepless night…

There is absolutely nothing on TV, period and end of quote 8=). As such, I have an episode of Stargate SG-1 open via hulu.com – I’ve also had my first firefox crash with flash10 since its installation. One thing that I dislike about my laptops display, is I can’t keep my terminal at the usual size, then place the video along side of it; in a way that is worth while. Kind of shameful for a “Wide screen”, isn’t it?.

I’m just to tired to get anything done right now of practical value, maybe I might work on tpsh a little or pick up on something else for a bit. Either way, I’m likely to be awake for a good long while… ugh! Well, at least the dog is comfortable and sound asleep, and I’ve gotten my blanket back xD.

Just a quick’ish update before I pass out

Over the past two days, I’ve basically setup OGRE 3D from the trunk in SVN. Things are basically set for building under FreeBSD and Win32, I’ve just the FreeBSD Debug build to do; that can be done later. Tonight, I spent a few hours playing with CMake; inhaling practical documentation, and converting my ogre project from Visual Studio files to using CMake for the build system, including only /moderate/ streams of cursing in the process. Tomorrow I need to test it under FreeBSD but that should go according to plan, hehehehehe.

I want to spend some time restructuring the project files and checking things into git, now that the prototype is ready for progression *and* I have the energy to continue the experiments: it is time to get version control working.

Before heading off to bed, I figured I’d make a quick rounds of things, since I’m not going to have much time before work in the morning. Then again, I won’t have much time during the day either lol. Ugh, how I would enjoy a decent nights sleep… it’s been at least 4 days, although arguably it’s been years; that is a however, a different matter.

On the upside, I got to watch abut 4 episodes of Stargate SG-1 over on Hulu.com tonight. Among them was one called Window of Opportunity, which just cracked me up something fierce. To me, sense of humour is everything :-P. The premise of it all, is O’Neill and Teal’c being stuck in a time loop, repeating the same events ad infinitum until they can find a way to solve it. By the time Teal’C started juggling during the Latin study/translation scenes, I think I was about ready to fall out of my chair! The golfing bit through the Stargate was also a rather nice touch.

Sigh, 0800Z cometh….