Oy, so tired

The last thing I remember, is Lawrence of Arabia breaking formation to go back and find Gasim, and next thing I know, I’m snoring loudly until it’s after 2300R lol.

There was several things I wanted to note, and a few things to do; time to unwind the stack a bit and try to remember :


Ahh, finally something good in the afternoons xD Used to listen to his show on Radio 1, I’m glad Wiz gave me the heads up lol.

Finally a few minutes to myself, if I actually get them…

Made it through work in one piece, despite nearly breaking my neck once and nearly landing on my duff the other round lol. With luck, I’ll at least get 20 minutes to myself, before the next round begins. I’m so tired of this never ending crap. With the way my lige is, I probably won’t even get that lol -> at least when everone else is asleep, I can sometimes have a few hours without issue :.

A lot of people, don’t understand why I use the word “slave” to describe parts of my life, least of all my family (they don’t get it lol); but it’s very much liek being aslave, being here. I’m chained to a job, that I’ll never be able to leave without major problem; I’ve little freedom of travel, can’t afford to maintain a license, and if I let HRH pay for it, I’ll end up my mothers chauffeur, and still not able to go anywhere, because I don’t get paid, hence no fuel lol. As I keep thinking, it’s like the more and more I see, it’s as if the chance for anything I want in life, desinagrated the moment I said “yes” to helping my family :


At lest with some luck, I’ll have the night time to get some work done….

Oy, what a day

Was late for work, dog from the yard and I ended up helping Teena search; she finally found him. The slice on my other thumbs healing, only smashed it once at work… I’m really getting tired of this crap lol. Survived work, also to my mothers surprise, 2 weeks pay in bonus (N.B. I don’t get paid, period); that hopefully will replace some of the savings she’s blown through, if it ever gets there lol. Made a quick sweep of the various forums, congratulating the new Recruits on [SAS] hehe.

Turned in early after dinner, sat down with the laptop around 2200, then powered down to watch Executive Decision, haven’t seen in in a longo-time. I think it was also the only dang thing on TV tonight +S. No idea what work I’ll get done tonight if any, have to be up early for work tomorrow, and I am _really_ not looking forward to what my family has planned…. ahh, but with any luck, I’ll still be sane by the time I get to my days off.

I don’t even want to think about new years, lol.

Oy… so sleepy, I can’t tell the difference between ssh and scp… At least, things are almost done, even if I have to go back to work tomorrow lol.

*head hits keyboard, begins to snore loudly, and dreams of lines of code dancing overhead*

Well, still absolutely nothing done…

Ended up with a heated discussion with a friend on IRC, about WINE. I’ve also come to the conclusion, that not learning Swing years ago was a good choice lol. If I ever made a regular practice of programming in Java, I’d probably make use of SWT, but for the task in question it had to be either AWT or Swing; I have a book with lots of AWT stuff somewhere, but after 12 years, I’m sure the API’s changed a bit haha. Spent the rest of my night in what would be best described as a “kinky” chat else wheres lol, but still… didn’t manage to get anything done!

The problem is, I can’t get nothing done during the day –> family
I can’t get nothing done until everyone is asleep –> family
And assuming I haven’t been run ragged,
passed out from lack of sleep, or
just to fscking tired to work –> family.

If my family would stop torturing me, maybe I could get crap done?

I really need to get out of here…..

After laughing myself silly over an XBox link a friend sent me, I’ve been surfing around consumerist.com. What a gold mine, and some good laughs too xD.

Added a few links to my ma.gnolia, now I just need to stop chuckling at some of the articles I read lol. The one about posting fliers outside the car dealer was a good one -> so much sweeter then normal resolution methods :-D. This reminds me, I really need to work on my whole regular resources / news feeds; Hmm…. [to be continued]

Dang it… almost 0830Z, and I need to be up early tomorrow!!! (Eh, today actually… lol). I think I’ve spent more time waiting on the freaking documentation @ java.sun.com to load, then writing code! It’s faster to just download the docs off cds-esd.sun.com at ~1MB/sec. Heck, it’s taking longer to unzip then it did to download lol -> that’s kinda sad.

Although, arguably if I had just used C++ for this, I could have been done by now and spend the remaining time on libraries. About 15minutes with Python, and the whole thing would be done, and no compile/linking to care about on Windows >_>. Well, at least there is still no need to pack binaries for each platform… that’s one plus.

But a huge negative, to have to finish the program tomorrow after work lol.

Water, water everywhere, but a drop to drink!

I was dreaming that I stuck my head out the door, and the sky was turning black as ink; bolted the door, and five minutes later: stuck my head out, and it was the proverbial sunny day out, only the screen door blew away and was lodged somewhere lol

Not to long after, I get woken up with the word “Tornado” in the air! So here I am, barrowing down the hallway in the dark, one eye open, looking for the dog, with warning sounds going off (radio/tv) and bells ringing in my spider sense -> wait, thunderstorm warning, tornado warning, flood watch, and it’s after 0800 local; ok, I’m going back to bed lol

By the time work-prep was to start, it was raining so hard, looked out the door, and couldn’t even see much of the other side of the complex :. Normally, it’s a clear view aside from a few obstructions. And Coco goes ballistic whenever it thunders, no convincing her to stay on the covers in a blanket. Main reason I’m on the laptop atm, want to get the battery chargedf back up, just in case. Guess I can finish that Perl script now…