Hmm, mission orders in troff?

You know, it would be interesting to write up my various tasking orders in troff, then generate the desired outputs.

That, or actually find the time to make a proper LaTeX document class and expand my personal style package… to cope with it lol. But troff would be faster.

days objectives

  1. finish room
  2. get to / finish work (zzZZZzzZZzz, cake walk)
  3. get dragged out shopping after work (grrr!)
  4. dinner
  5. finish room (if not compelte) / hit the net
  6. work on DBus

with luck, I can get my room mostly done before It’s time to leave.


What’s left to do:

0/ go through the old strategy guides — anything to a game I don’ have anymore goes out, anything I can’t find room for goes out; I don’t use strategy guides and there is the internet if I get stuck.

1/ continue sorting books by priority.

2/ move to auxiliary storage point, based on priority.

3/ figure out where my laptop will be stored when not in use

4/ figure out what to do with the pictures from the hallway, which are stuck sitting in the place for my school books (and laptop)!!!

5/ Anyway to get ma’s dolls out of here? She’s burning up _my_ book space!

6/ sort through the last dresser draw

7/ throw out the trash

8/ dust it all to the max

9/ vacuum

10/ organize the last shelf, side Alpha, right of the A/C

11/ figure out where to put the spare PC (unused), mmm wish I had time to get a spare NIC dirt cheap – could get her online xD

12/ reassess the situation, where do we go from HERE?

ok, list noted, now to get dressed for work, before I get driven more nuts – just for wanting to quickly write my notes at the speed of thought.

Ahh, finally some time to R&R, or should I say as close to it as I actually get.

I’ve been getting drivin out of my mind, so… I flushed all thoughts and forked a new idea for my day. I’ve spent most of my day ripping stuff apart and throwing crap out. Heck, I’ve chucked a few things that are /older/ then I am. I’ve changed around a lot of things in my room, including dismantling the desk since it was in the way of moving the bed. Due to the change in positioning, I no longer have my usual electicral outlet. So I’m sitting at the foot of the bed, with the dog lol. I think I’ll like this new arrangement, one thing I like – rolling to face the wall is on the other side. Often, when I finally do go to sleep, I usually turn away from the rest of the room so my mind doesn’t try to focus on it. As it was, doing that would be rolling onto my heart-side, this way it isn’t.

It also allows me to walk into the room, without tripping over shit lol.

Well, it will once I finish lol. Got a ton of crap piled up, mostly books that need to need to go out. Namely about ~40 pounds of old school books I’ve been forbidden to dispose of for years. I’ve had about enough of this crap, it’s _my room_, shouldn’t it store _my stuff_ ? The rest is books that used to be in the desk, and have no where else to go for the night. eally, I could finish tonight, would only take 2-3 hours more; but that would require going in/out the front door. And Ma would kill me if I made that much racket while she’s trying to sleep lol.

If I’m going to be driven nuts all the time, prevented from getting work _done_, well I am bloody well going to do something constructive !!!!!!

While I’ve cleaned out most of my stuff, I’ve kept a fairly minimal amount of things (those that have value, and those that I want). Amazingly, despite the fact that some of my personal belongings go back to before I can remember life, I can still remember virtually each and every piece of crap I found lol. I have a very good context-sensitive memory; I might not know whether to turn left or right at a fork in the road when setting out on the journy, but by the time I get there, I’ll know which way to take. Maybe in some ways, i am trying to distance myself from the past, I dunno.

But I know, I do feel much better — working on stuff beats sitting one ones duff doing nothing, but passing time; that should be spent with a purpose.

Of all of the things I’ve gone through, I’ve managed to ge a few sets of things in order, that have had pieces missing for 10-15+ years. Found a reminder of the last time I was in a doctors office (heck, what was that? About 1991?), some old books I should read. Another thing I found was an old “paper weight”, that has been sitting in a dresser draw for many years. At least, for as much as my mothers told me it’s a model pistol that my father had put together for me. Examining it, I found something rather odd for a model – it has a working single action! I cocked the hammer, that as a boy, I had always thought was fused into place… only to see the cylinder rotate, making ready the next (empty) chamber. To top it off, the rammer along the bottom of the pistol even works. A quick look around the Wikipedia would suggest it’s a replica of the M1851 “Navy” Revolver, but on the side of the octagonal barrel it says “.44 Caliber” and notes to only load it with black powder (M1851s were .36 Cal). I can’t help but wonder, just how much is model and how much is replica… lol. Even in the civil war though, I couldn’t imagine loading one of those things [properly] in a combat situation, then again it was an era where 3 aimed shots a minute was the ideal with an infantry mans musket :. Hmm, for some reason one of John Waynes comments in True Git comes to mind, hehe.

Tomorrow I need to finish moving stuff, dust, vacuum, and sort the remainders. Work for Monday is gonna be quite light, so hopefully I’ll have some peace, I’d kinda like to get some homework done some time this century !!!


Adapt header to i386/amd64
Adapt header to supported compilers
Finish implementing the module
Test module with (puke) MSVC++

Just a little bit of time left until it’s time to leave from work, and odds of getting any work done before are dismal. (be lucky if I get time for lunch :). I was up to after 0500R, getting woken up at the crack of dawn, and dragged out on a shopping expedition around 1000R. Tomorrow is 2 jobs, so that’s the end of getting anything done then; but luckily one is short… it’s just the margin-time on pre and post op that’s the killer.


I really need a vacation…………..

but that’s not likely to happen, before the next ice age lol.

Been wprking on several things when I can, and playing a mixture of games whenever I can’t work on crap. *SIGH*

TODO: compile a more detailed analysis on all possible solutions (and their implications) to the meetings point 0 topic.

sounds like mental fun, if it wasn’t for family to drive me nuts and reck my train of thought every chance they get lol.

Some day :

My brother finally showed up around 1230R, to bitch at me for nt being ready – my response being, “Your late, so you can wait”. Good sized headache helping him ove crap around, I tell ya… family are the only creatures alive who have the balls to ask for help and insult you all the way through it!

Ducked into a few levels of F.E.A.R. to pass the time until he finally shoved off and Ma found something to do, not involving driving me nuts.

I managed to sort out the meeting, it’s either tomorrow at 1800GMT or next weekend lol. I still don’t think we’ll be able to get everyone present by then, but w/e works for most of us. Tomorrow, I also need to take some time to catch up with my email lol.

I also eventually made it into Proving Grounds #3 to join Chester, Decapi, and Duke for some great games. Pardoning my mother trying to shipwreck the highlight of my day, but it was still good to get the games in, even if I was last to show and first to leave :-(. One thing that did bring a smile to my face though, on the angels of mercy mission; I called for a reload before we continued on, b/c I had 18 rounds left and we were moving into 2 small rooms, followed by a hallway and 2 very large rooms without much time to reload if things hit the fan. When I completed our reloading drill, (EL) Duke stepped out of formation and asked us if we had ever seen this before, leaving all of us flabbergasted to figure out what he meant lol -> every thread angel was covered perfectly by the element, from gun down to gun up.

That made my day 🙂

Well, I’ve generally set a course… In the short term, I have a few goals of immediate concern:

  1. Get my school work done (how boring…)
  2. Improve my understanding of (useful) mathematics
  3. balance getting work done

I need to begin making more progress with my schooling, what I’ve got on the plate right now is in no way challenging… beyond time constraints; every moment spent on homework is less on every other pile of shit in my todo-box. I also want to try and teach myself more about mathematics, both to prepare for harder stuff, and because I’m generally interested. Although, I think writing a device driver would be easier then reading some of the notation without something like this.

One thing I do bloody well know, I’m using bc(1) for the leg work. Although I never used a calculator in doing homework before, I also ain’t used a pencil to solve a math problem in ages when walking around ^_^. I type with 10 fingers both out of need and love for efficiency; time is precious!

For getting stuff done, that’s generally the one thing that does hit my schedule. That’s one of the reasons my homework always piles up… I figure though, if I can properly split my time, and not have to compromise the other parts.. I might actually get something done eventually!

Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are

— Albert Einstein

Now that quote really makes me feel better…. lol.

I have no idea if I’m working tomorrow or not, but I hop I’ll get the day off… The weekends been more or les a total ash out. If I’m working though, it’ll be a full day. I come from a family, where we go to work unless your head is practically falling off lol.

Hehe, that reminds me… Some funny news, my brothers supposed to be getting a physical this week. Oh man, this is going to be funny, I hope he doesn’t faint! his is a guy, who chose to who made us all go out of state for his wedding – just to avoid a blood test!

I have more that I want to write, but to little energy and not enough time. If it really is 0800Z and I /am/ working tomorrow… I best get some shuteye, it’s a hell of a day.