Coding like a drunken spider-monkey

Finally home from work, with (hopefully) a three day weekend free — TGIF !!!

The plan of attack is to take these days off regualr ps, and go ape on my task list. Because if I don’t, I’m never going to get to work on homework lol.

  1. Operation BlackWidow: An overdue project that a few of us at have planned
  2. Operation Rooster: Finish the site mock ups for Rouge
  3. .

  4. Operation CleanSweep: Tidy ${HOME}, add more stuff to CVS as needed, revise my SOE scripts, and deploy necessary code in the right places
  5. .

I’ve always found it easier to name a project, then have to stop and think, The “uh X,Y, to the Z, and whatever” thing; both in mind and notation!

I’ll be posting my absence message on SAS shortly, along with my cntact data. My primary goal, is to work on my own projects and standing SAS-projects. I really need to keep my head out of the servers, and on what I’m doing… So it’s best if I essentially, lock myself in front of the laptop for the weekend lol. I figure, get the work done, get the stuff that’s building up done, maybe watch a bit of TV for a change (when my head needs a rest).

This is as close to a vacation as I’m going to get, and it’s a coding vacation lol.

The way this day heads up

So far, I’ve been hit in the face with a falling mirror. It almost scored a perfect T-Shot, right between the eyes… Then slide halfway down my noise before I had hands free.

Hit in the head with the Vacuum — don’t ask lol.

And spun out of a fall, that almost twisted an ankle :

I think I’m going to sit down, and not move, until work tomorrow!

1 down, 2 to go…

All in all, another miserable day, the best thing I can say, is I slept in until noon lol. Got dragged out on a grocery shopping expedition, and I hate shopping… This outing was also less then ideal :. Spent a fair bit of my time today working on Apache and site-software, it’s easier for me to test changes locally then work live. A least, while my servers /var can handle the dummy-databases lol. I was hoping to get everything setup before dinner, so I could either relax (if there is such a word left in my vocabulary) or work on something more interesting (e.g. playing in scheme lisp).

Any attempts at actually being productive, and getting things done when they *should* be done by, is not something my family is willing to cooperate with. I really need a vacation, a long vacation… But in the course of living, that I am being drowned in, a vacation == no work, which != survival.

Tomorrow will be a living hell at work, and the day after will consume most of the day. So I’m effectively handicapped until wednesday… before I can get to work on stuff again. At this rate, unless I quit working or my family either changes their ways, I’m never going to catch up with my home work…. And have to be on the receiving end of a tantrum, that __I__ should be shouting at them.

I really need a


What the fuck is it with this hell hole?

It’s like the second it turns 5pm, it’s impossible to do shit… because it’s the time people get off their fat asses.

But never gives a flying shit, if I’ma ctualyl working on something !!!

0/ fill out paper work
1/ complete assigned work form hq
2/ test code

rest, I can’t think, I’m to busy thinking about food >_>

Oy what a week…

I can’t wait for next weekend!!! By then, I’ll be off work.. bu at least, this weekend I’ m only working lightly.

Tonights primary objective is to work on the website, for me at least. It is a very tiring subject, I like the languages involved of course, but I’d rather be hit by a truck then write code like what we’ve inherited lol.

I’m no brilliant programmer, but hell, at least I try to write robust code. Not stuff that’ll make the next poor sap to maintain it, want to fly over and kick ya ass. Hmm, oh man, what I would do if I could >_>

Chronicling the Failures of DRM

Take yourself back to the days when everyone bought only CDs. Imagine what you’d have thought of a store that sold discs that might work on your CD player now, but weren’t guaranteed to work on next year’s models. Imagine that some required you to phone the music store on a regular basis to reassure them that you were the legitimate owner, and were that store to go under, all the CDs you bought from it would one day cease playing. And once you started buying music from this store, you found yourself locked into a system that discouraged you from buying from a rival store down the street. Why, you might think, would you have bought anything from a place like that? Well, if you’re like millions of people in the UK, there’s a strong chance you already have.

All I can say is, “Burn, baby burn !!!”

I wouldn’t call MP3 an open format by any chance, but the article is interesting. DRM in my humble opinion is just a load of crap. Because anyone it is meant to actually stop, is more then smart enough (or equipped to) circumvent it one way or the other. That’s actually one reason why I rarely buy music, my opinion that the companies making the most money off of it. Won’t be happy until they’ve eventually figured out a way to charge someone four times for the same thing, then work on the next big thing, PayPerPlay hahah !!

I generally preer to have music on CD, because it lasts longer. Heh, I’d probably prefer vinyl if it was practical, but that’s a different story ^_^. Generally when I listen to music, it’s always on the computer. And I’m much to lazy to flick Audio CD’s around all day >_>

Oh how glad I will be when work is done for the week…..

So I can drown in other work lol.

The years of my life are taking their toll upon my soul. Bit by bit, more slips away.
Sometimes even the strongest light of hope burns dim, unto ash.