Just two more days of work until the weekend…. I hope the “getting off early” streak continues !!!

Because I’ve got a mega-shitload of stuff to do after work lol.


enough stuff to do to choke a frickin’ horse….
work tomorrow
and to damn tired to do any of it :

I think if I have to look at one more dependency chain, I’m going to start hex editing stuff…. At least I’ve managed to get my notes compiled, now I just need to work on the dang charts for this weekends meeting. I’m much less prepared then I would like to be but hopefully I’ll have enough done :

Man, I think I need a few clones lol.

Finally a decent nights sleep, even if I’ve gotten absolutely nothing done. My dreams falling into a more positive realm and ending on a much nicer note then other dream streams of late.

Not that this morning has been especially nice though. And to make it worse, I have to start getting ready for work in about 5 minutes :-(. At least though it is a fairly light week, I didn’t have to work yesterday — so that’s a light week! Hum bug, already being off’ed to do something else before work. And quite conveniently, if I don’t get dressed for work before doing, I’ll be late lol.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be in a business where it wasn’t such a repressive pain in the ass, to actually have to do it? Wait a minute, Guy Fieri is the only guy on earth with a job like that…

Well, I made a posting on daemonforums about the smart phone / pda idea, personally I think I’m toast as far as finding something suitable, and they will probably think I’m an idiot lol.

But, I ain’t been able to find anything on my own so far and it’s basically this… Or continue to suffer :. One thing I dislike about my life, no one here understands the difference between a compiler and a weed wacker, let along how much annoyance they are. Is it to much to ask, to be able tow ork on stuff when I’m not at work? It’s really getting to the point where I may have to bring my own projects to work in order to get them done, without having to kill anyone in the process: speaking of course!

Why bother or just die trying?

Fuck heads driving me fucking nuts….

It’s almost 0130 and I’ve still gotten nothing done !!!! Like, who the hell do I have to kill just to get some work done…. Damn blast and unfuck it all ! This is driving me out of my skull. I can barely write a post….

I had an interesting idea at work today, mobile device in the smart phone / PDA family. Ideally something between slightly bigger then a traditional cell phone and a little smaller then a Game Boy of yore, and with a QWERTY keyboard of course. Something that I could edit text files on and transfer data to and from a PC via USB or through a memory card.

The idea would be to use my “idle” time at work to work on writing code, there’s usually gaps of time where I can’t complete my remaining work until something else is done, so I’m stuck waiting (and usually pacing much to my mothers extreme annoyance and threat to crack my skull open, etc). So why not fiddle with a text editor instead?

As annoying as it would be to ‘thumb’ across a keypad, as painful as it would be to put up with no Vim, as expensive as the device would be…. I would probably be more productive then ever, like today. I had to wait about 20 minutes until I could finish, standing at ease, to avoid argument over pacing back and forth inpatiently — I hate having my time wasted.

So why not work on some code while I wait? At least at work, while I’m usually annoyed at least I’m not as *annoyed* as when I’m at home… Giving my family more chances to abuse my time. Maybe it is a crazy idea but at least, it is worth thinking about :. I do admit my friends are right, a phone for me is more of dead weight then a feature >_> Although people would actually be able to call me for a change, not that I like phone calls to start with lol.

“Why the hell did you call me when your sitting at the computer!” <<-- me. I hate phones with a passion but if it would fill the gap, I'd live with having a (more powerful) cell phone again. All I really care about is a decent text editor and a way to transfer files to/from the device with my FreeBSD laptop. Crap like mobile phone capability or internet access would just be a luxury. It would really be nice to be able to write programs for it without losing an arm or a leg financially just for a few custom apps (read creating a minimalist Vi editor or porting nvi) So far, I haven't be able to find anything suitable... but one can always dream of productivity, no? I haven't been able to find anything inside or outside of my price range that foots the bill yet though :-(. A few models of Zaurus PDA’s actually would be nice… but seem to be rather lacking in availability here lol.

Crud, if I had the right supplies I could build something my self… Probably electrocute myself in the process but hey, it would be interesting >_>. It would also be a way to pass the time. The thing that really pisses me off? I’ve had computers with less computing power then many of the smart phones in the American market, and they would fill my needs better if they weren’t so dang big.

Maybe I should just get some sleep… worry about it in the morning, I ain’t got a snow balls chance in hell of getting anything done tonight anyway. And to top it off, the dog has stolen the entire bed!!!

Finally home for the night.

Working morning to afternoon done, home for lunch done, working the evening done — even better, done early 🙂

Ahh with luck I might be able to get something to eat and start coding around 2400/0100, emphasis on “with luck”. I think I’ll try to start a little work done on NPMs settings module before chow time, dunno if anything will come of it though. I figure that I can work on the front end elements a bit right now and hopefully fill in the backend parts later tonight.

Hey, at least I’m still breathing !

Day dreams

Hmm, an interesting idea but one that would take much more skills then I have and a few thousand bucks to even play with :

When stuck in traffic in front of a “road closed” sign, I was thinking about how we could possibly find out how far it goes without having to go around the other way and have a look see. The city does have a webpage for listing such things, but uhh it’s a bit of a joke — both in design and upkeep. The first thing that came to me was a satellite but that’s not really feasible.

Then it hit me, what about a UAV? It’s a very nifty thing to be able to send a UAV in advance to scout things out but this isn’t the US Army lol. Then I thought about something else… What about an radio controlled helicopter kit? If one could be modified with suitable sensors and communications link, you basically would have a poor mans UAV for short range aerial recon hehe.

Figure, if you could get an aerial on the kit that can establish an encrypted ad-hoc network connection to a laptop, it would be a way to send a video stream between the two devices. Heck, if one knew enough about electrical engineering, a cellular smart phone could probably do both internet and video, if a VPN could be sorted to connect to the phone or something.

Getting jiggy with a smart phone like that would also save having to figure out a main board that can run a conventional wireless adapter. *Sigh*, it is a really nutty idea any way you think of it but it would be a cool idea, even if it’s just a day dream :

Maybe I’m just a crazy spider lol.


Looks like a company actually makes stuff like this hehe.

RC Helo turned UAV

A green organge

I really need a vacation, one far far way… Away from fuck heads like those that surround me.

Is it to much to ask to be respected at least as much as a person with an IQ of 5? Heh, lving here I wouldn’t be surprised if my IQ was less then that ^_^. I’m just so dang tired of suffering fools…

I don’t like to repeat myself, repeatedly; I don’t like tobe treated like a recursive function when not given an algorithm that can be solved by recursion — you ask me a question 10 times with only 2 answers, you’re likely to get the *same* answer 10 times, or given the bird. I’ve actually never seen a spoken question that would fit well with recursion, other then to annoy people.

I’m tired of FucKheads who think I have absolutely nothing to do, that could possibly be more important then what they want done, instantly! I’m tired of being bossed around by those without any competence on the subject… (Flibin’ parental unit). After 20 years on earth, I’d rather think I have something called a brain by now?

I’m just so fucking tired of this fucking place…….

Earlier when questioned about my ‘short temper’ and ‘disrespectful’ attitude of late, I rathe felt like shouting:

“You don’t respect me, why the hell should I respect you fool?”

I don’t suffer fools well!!!!

People that never learn, piss me off royally… How many times do you have to annoy someone before you find out your annoying them ^_^.

What is incontrovertible is that for all of humanity, there are people that you would rather not have to deal with, and those people, throughout history, are the Fuckheads. — David R. Kendrick

There is a very large element missing in my life, if my life could be classified as a life these days… Maybe if it wasn’t for that, this hell would be more bearable?

I’d probably still be RPTFO 90% of the time but at least 10% of the time could be worth while >_>. There’s just nothing I can do about it, short of shooting the mother fuckers and going to jail… That actually might sound preferable to some people but I’m not willing to do anything like that.

I just want so peace in my life without getting drastic, is that to much to ask for?

To be treated like a damn human being, not some kind of sub-human slave creature..

To be free to do as I need, not ordered about by incompetent dip shits.

To actually be able to use *my* free time as *I* see fit, as I’ve often said/thought:

“GOD is the only person allowed to control my life without my permission and your not GOD !!!!”

I don’t want to have a damn headache every day — fucking fuck heads !!!

One thing I like about my times around [SAS], I’m a *person* who *makes* himself *useful*… Around here, I feel more like an *asset* waiting to be *used*… Maybe [SAS] has spoiled me by actually treating me kindly? I dunno anymore.. but they sure beat this place lol.

My ~/Documents/Personal folder fills up every now and then, because generally when I’m miserable or have strong feelings… positive or negative, I usually write what I feel. It’s not like anyone around this place listens or cares, just another fact of life in this rats nest.

I’d rather leave it behind, sit around a campfire, and mutter “just another memory to burn” but I know I’ll probably never be free.

Wouldn’t it be nice, not to walk through hell each day, for no purpose other then the ‘joy’ of others at watching the thrashing about.

I think I’m going to bed, the config, settings, and search modules can wait for another time… And I also need to dig out my last PC-BSD disk, I downloaded the last release ISO just in case but don’t want to burn a disk if I don’t have to. Over this weekend I want to get to work on those articles for Olander.

Another week of working like a dog, without rest in between… But at least this weekend, I’ll be off work 3 days… So the only problems should be the fuckheads that like to monopolize my life without permission and keep me from getting stuff done during my free time. What I *want to do* is work on NPM, [SAS], the articles for Olander, and tie up a few loose ends…

How much time I actually get to spend on any of it over the 26-28 ‘th remains to be seen, knowing my family :

I need a freaking vacation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!