Part of my login scripts, is to execute ‘[ -x /usr/games/fortune ] && /usr/games/fortune -aes’, which prints a short message from the fortune database, found this one appropriate lol.

It is not true that life is one damn thing after another — it is one
damn thing over and over.
— Edna St. Vincent Millay

After laughing myself silly over an XBox link a friend sent me, I’ve been surfing around What a gold mine, and some good laughs too xD.

Added a few links to my ma.gnolia, now I just need to stop chuckling at some of the articles I read lol. The one about posting fliers outside the car dealer was a good one -> so much sweeter then normal resolution methods :-D. This reminds me, I really need to work on my whole regular resources / news feeds; Hmm…. [to be continued]

Dang it… almost 0830Z, and I need to be up early tomorrow!!! (Eh, today actually… lol). I think I’ve spent more time waiting on the freaking documentation @ to load, then writing code! It’s faster to just download the docs off at ~1MB/sec. Heck, it’s taking longer to unzip then it did to download lol -> that’s kinda sad.

Although, arguably if I had just used C++ for this, I could have been done by now and spend the remaining time on libraries. About 15minutes with Python, and the whole thing would be done, and no compile/linking to care about on Windows >_>. Well, at least there is still no need to pack binaries for each platform… that’s one plus.

But a huge negative, to have to finish the program tomorrow after work lol.


Hooah, I’ve nearly completed my little organizational pattern hehe.

~/stuff                            -> dumping ground for work load management
-------/bin -> binaries to help out (links to ~/sh)
------------/cgrep -> comma grepper for contacts file
------------/reminded -> reminder notifications daemon
-------/bookmarks -> links to pages I need to read
-------/contacts -> CSV file with why,method,id of people I need to contact
-------/delegates -> list of things I pawned off on other people (and need to follow up with)
-------/open-loops -> list of things I need to do; if it is here, it is a commitment
-------/reminders -> directory full of reminders
-----------------/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM -> send me this files contents on YYYY-MM-DD at HH:MM UTC
-------/hope-chest -> things I wish I had time for; deal with in future
-------/school -> reserved for future need
-------/projects -> tmp files for various projects.

On Sunday (2008-12-07), I started writing cgrep in Perl, and setting up the contacts & open-loops files. Finished the final touches yesterday, and finished reminded today (Aside from tweaks needed for WinXP; adjust $ENV vars). Not to bad, considering how little coding time I’ve had lately :

Terry@dixie$ ~/stuff/bin/cgrep -h   
/usr/home/Terry/stuff/bin/cgrep -- Grep for the contacts CSV file

cgrep [IWhimvw] [-f file | --file file] regex [file ...]

-I, --id grep the 'id' column
-W, --why grep the "why" column
-V, --verbose display line for AWK
-h, --help print usage help info
-i, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions
-m, --method grep the "method" column
--man read manual page
-v, --invert-match select non-matching items
-w, --who grep the "who" column

Terry@dixie$ ~/stuff/bin/reminded -h
/usr/home/Terry/stuff/bin/reminded -- reminder notifications daemon

reminded [-t seconds] [-n|-m addr] [-p program] [-d directory]

-D, --debug Debugging output
-d, --directory Directory to search
-m, --mail=address Remind by Mail to address
-h, --help print usage help info
-n, --notify Remind by notification popup
--man read manual page
-p, --program=string Execute string as the notifier
-t, --timer=secs Sleep secs between checks


I’ll probably modify ~/ to launch reminded during my sessions; maybe rsync files to Vectra, and run it in mailing mode.

Things in ~/stuff/open-loops are more or less sorted into a queue of tasks; which are to be done in mostly the order listed. Once they are done, they get deleted; and generate or nuke other entries IAW the resulting outcome. So far, it’s actually worked well enough; cgrep, reminded, and the structural are all done ahead of schedule. Now if I could just do something about controlling the amount of time available to work on crap!!! I once tried Personal Information Manager (PIM) software, but usually found the surveyed apps to lack the level of flexibility I need. And to hack it in, would take more time then using a few megs in sticky notes. ssh’ing to Vectra and mucking with a todo file ain’t so hot either, so here we go 🙂 It’s simple, it’s effective (as anything else), and no need to screw around with a big, overwait, memory hogging, overly mouse riddled program, just to manage things -> I can use my shell xD.

It’s amazing, how often I can throw perl at a problem, and see it work lol.

Then again, I can usually read my Perl scripts in six++ months… can’t always say the same for other peoples golf game.

Water, water everywhere, but a drop to drink!

I was dreaming that I stuck my head out the door, and the sky was turning black as ink; bolted the door, and five minutes later: stuck my head out, and it was the proverbial sunny day out, only the screen door blew away and was lodged somewhere lol

Not to long after, I get woken up with the word “Tornado” in the air! So here I am, barrowing down the hallway in the dark, one eye open, looking for the dog, with warning sounds going off (radio/tv) and bells ringing in my spider sense -> wait, thunderstorm warning, tornado warning, flood watch, and it’s after 0800 local; ok, I’m going back to bed lol

By the time work-prep was to start, it was raining so hard, looked out the door, and couldn’t even see much of the other side of the complex :. Normally, it’s a clear view aside from a few obstructions. And Coco goes ballistic whenever it thunders, no convincing her to stay on the covers in a blanket. Main reason I’m on the laptop atm, want to get the battery chargedf back up, just in case. Guess I can finish that Perl script now…

Nice time for a power bleep

Power went out at 0705Z, almost 0800 now; no sign of repair.

Only got about 45min left of battery power, so the rest of my perl script will
have to wait until tomorrow – man, I’m so glad I keep my laptop full of
programmer docs xD. Coco is scared, because she can’t see where she’s going
lol; Willow doesn’t care, there’s still food left in the dish 8=)

Now if I could just get Ma to not leave a flibin’ candle lit on her table…
Anything knocks that over, or the dog tries to put her noise on it, when Ma
get’s up… FFS, am I the only one in this family that actually _T_H_I_N_K_S_
before I do something?

Spidey01, 2008-12-10 T07:58:01 UTC

Hahaha, I power down, put the laptop away, take a leak, and lay down to get
some shuteye. Start to pray, and 2 minutes later, everything comes on lol.

Just in time to have to reset all the clocks, instead of sleep!

2008-12-10 T08:12:13 UTC

Chuckles of the day

And don’t forget the first rule of writing internet applications – ‘Don’t re-implement TCP/IP’.
-Bram Cohen

…if we judge something by how badly it is misused, well, hell would be perl, right? — dancer

Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses.
The Rise of “Worse is Better”
By Richard Gabriel

Just what I need

Something must’ve been jilting out of the trash bag, because after I hefted it into the dumpster, my hand was bleeding. Around where the thumb meets the palm, and just in a perfect slot to bleed more then such a small wound deserves. I finished my chores, with a bandaid and tape on my finger; bandaid to curtail blood flow, tape to keep the bandaid from falling off lol.

At least it should be ready to come off in a few. When willow saw it, she had to come over and sniff my hand, “Yeah willow, I hurt my hand, you don’t have to lick it, thanks”


I will never understand why some people WriteCode.LikeThis(SoMuch, ThatIt, Hurts);


Interesting ops idea

devise better methods of organizing data
properly triage my todos (oy)
cook up a few shake & bake scripts to round it out
Stick to getting crap done, on time (or punch out peoples teeth, trying? <_<)

Oh man, some days I love using a Unix like OS >_>