Woot woot !!!

*does the happy crazy coder dance*

This thing freaking works !!!!

Oh man, this opens up sooooo many possibilities, xD

I wish I had time to take a picture of the ear to ear, shitting eatingest, tha Grinch style grin on my face >_>

Hooah !

days notes

Crashed and burned last night… Woke up, put Dune on, fell asleep during the prologue, woke up >4 hours later, turned it off, fell asleep, woke up some time after 0900.

To get dragged out on a shopping trip, multiple stores during an expedition that was planned for Monday.

To get stuck running ragged most of the day with this and thats.

To end up setting up new lamps and doing everything else under the sun when I was just about to hit code, 6 hours late.

To have a cheapo General Electric 60 watt light bulb ‘pop’ in one of the new lamps

To have said light bulb break off the base ‘cup’ that screws into the socket — a first for me.

To trying to remove the dang thing from the socket, no luck

To try dismantling it in an attempt to get a better method, no dice

To trying to twist it out by the piece that the filaments feed through, nice glass fragments gone airborne…

To people trying to pilers out the thing and setting glass zig-zagging in front of my face

To using every tool within hands reach to work on solving the problem, including a nutpick

To having to ‘ride along’ to the store to exchange it.

To getting a refund because they were out of them.

To having to change all of the light bulbs in remaining lamps to another brand of cheap 40 watt’ers because the others were to bright.

To it being a quarter after minute and still having nothing the fuck done, that was supposed to be finished two days ago.

To writing the blog post and wondering if I’ve got the engery to work on things tonight, let along the probability that one would have to out-pace a hacker to have a snowballs chance in hell of finishing the workload before Monday; switch over date to the ‘next’ project. Never mind the fact that I’m about ready to crash as far as being able to concentrate on digging into poorly written and undocumented amount of code. And we are talking > 6,000 lines of code with less then a 100 containing comments, mostly reminders who to send the bill for a catscan to when your done sorting out there crap and the network protocol used.

To thinking, maybe a great night of actually sleeping for once was ill-timed, or perfectly timed but that’s a matter of opinion.

And my mothers got the nerve to say she’s not been able to breath all day… When ~15 hours later I’ve not even been allowed to start on what I was supposed to have FINISHED long ago.

*shakes head*

Some times life here really pisses me off. I think, if I didn’t love my family… I’d tell’em to go to hell and fuck themselves along the way, but unfortunately I love them… So I’m fucked lol.

I just keep marching forward, till I can’t see the trail of foot steps behind me. And I wonder here as I keep on going like a jet costing on flumes, how much longer before things get done?

It really would be wonderful, if people could respect the fact that I might actually have something important to do, or that thins I need to get done might actually have value… Although I’d probably settle on not being treated like a sub-human or an ignoramus around here :

I hope Sunday, will at least be a day where stuff can get done… If not, I think I’m sitting my ass down and refusing to lift a finger unless it involves


Why is the sea of troubles never ending?

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover’d country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.–Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember’d.

— The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act III, Scene I, William Shakespeare.

Hmm, different problems, (surely different ends), but still.. a “sea of troubles” without an end in sight.

Who builds these things !?

Well, I finally had it with the sound popping in/out so I decided to crack open my case, yank and reinsert the card. Sure enough it was loose.

I blew the dust off the Audigy 4’s board and set it aside when I noticed the air-duct like thing sucking air in and across the mother board was dusty.

I finally removed the masking tape that whoever assembled the bloody thing used to keep the line going from the PSU to the SATA drive used to glue the cable between the duct and the CPU’s heat sink (_don’t_ ask). I pulled off the ducting and looked at the fan blades, never been dusted.

Tried to unplug the fan so I could set it aside for cleaning but it proved, shall we say less then worth it. Blew out as much dust as I could from the venting and the CPU’s heatsink. Which on the air-ward side was starting to look like cobwebs :

The fan is mounted in the duct which is ‘hung’ on the side of the case… If it wasn’t for the handle to pull it out, it would fall out if I put the case on it’s port side. If the thing didn’t get seated properly, it would be resting ontop of the hard drive mounting.. Honestly I don’t know what people are thinking these days.

Still had more dust in the air-vents for the fan and I couldn’t see to hang the duct right. So I noticed these few clips sticking out of the front-side. Pushed the in and pulled off the front plastic panel (‘face’) of the computer case.

Holy guacamole !!!!

It was so bad I fetched a face mask to keep the dust away from my nose and mouth, to bad I didn’t have a pair of goggles to boot. Cleaned the entire computer throughly and hung the fan/duct. Using the air-vents to line up the placement. And then put the panel back on. I thought about popping the bezel setting with the card reader and inserting an old floppy drive because the case design would keep the dust from seeping inside.. But to insert the FDD I would have to remove my PSU and the CPU’s heatsink which is not really worth bothering with lol. Managed to get the case put back together and wiped off the monitor, keyboard, and rat for good measure (y).

Computer cases are fairly simple but I’ll never understand some of the things I’ve seen in pre-built computers… Who the hell puts tape less then half an inch over a heat sink which is there to help cool a really hot CPU, and it is like the BFG 9000 of heat sinks compared to Vectra’s Katmai P3 500 lol.

Really I think if I ever had the opportunity to build my own case, I would do it. With the right tools and materials one could actually pull it off, might not look sexy but it sure as heck can’t be any worse then the this Gateways case !!

Hmm, one of these days I really need to clean out the keyboard of my laptop but I’m not really interested in taking it apart right now. I wonder why, stripping down a computer always gives me strange ideas >_>

Managed to get done with work in half the time today, I don’t mind getting home early !

Haven’t managed tog et much coding done today though… Hopefully tonight, tomorrow, and the weekend :

Took sometime to relax, fired up Halo: CE and finished off the game on Heoric. Came in at what was left of Captain Keys as the shoot out was about to start. Not very hard, just move down the ramp to trip the area-triggers on the flood goons and back pedal off the dais and use the pillar at either corner for cover while doing some hit’n’fade and sharp shooting work.

Blew away the flood 2 or 3 at a time with my Assault Rifle and Shotgun then reloaded on my (very low) supply of grenades and ammunition from the corpses. Since several previous attempts told me there would be a covenant attack squad full of elites and grunts including fual rod guns. I stock pillied weapons near the corner, (ab)using the weapon swap to prep my fall back point. I setup a plasma rifle and pistol in the strong corner and left my assault rifle and a plasma pistol on the opposite side from the covenant door. Then loaded off my shotty and picked up a needler for some long-range work.

I figured, if I couldn’t take out the attack squad when I went for the door — lobbing grenades into there midst while letting rip at survivors with a needle gun. I’d do a fall-back by suppressive shotgun fire to the pillar, fall back point (FB) one. If I got boxed out of there, I’d fling the empty needler, frag out and rush to the assault rifle over by FB two, a last stand and run for ye life moment.

Brains over brawn 😉

So I went over to the door, tripped the auto-open and chucked in a few grenades as the grunts threw back, blew most of them up. Then applied needler fire to deal with the living critters and put some more grenades in. Took it easy and fetched full supplies hehe

Halo I think is very much a game where you need to learn when to stand and fight from a distance and when to kick down the door and storm the enemy position, if you want to survive. After 15+ years of gaming and thousands of hours in the shoot house with my teammates training room clearing in RvS & SWAT, it comes a bit easier tome then it used to.

After that, made it off the ship (while dodging endless streams of plasma grenades) and down to the pillar of autumn. Fighting through armies of Covenant and Flood, even going toe to toe with Hunters (up close and shotty). Blew the ships reactor and high tailed it out… Halo’s ending really is a bit anti-climactic compared to the pump up to get through the end game lol.

Game felt much shorter and much easier this time around 0.o

One thing I like about Halo is the Elites are almost the Master Chiefs equal, on legendary if your not paying attention a single blue elite can kill you. Heroic, well is not that challenging imho but it gets the job done for R&R. I find the best way of dealing with Elites is to use the range advantage — and hit there shields with accuracy. The 12.7mm pistol and covenant plasma rifle work best, but the needler also works great in open ground. And you can always use your own movements and grenade tosses to control the AI’s movement patterns, Halos AI ain’t that bad for the Elites (although the rest suck) but they don’t do long range work well and like any half realistically intelligent creature of an AI, they know RUN FOR COVER. Which makes grenades great for flushing out elites and forcing them to move towards ground more favorable for you to pick them off.

I also like going “up close and personal” in situations where I can use mobility to close and avoid more hits while finishing them off. During the control room missions I did that a lot, blast’em with the pistol then close in with the plasma rifle and rifle butt any slugs that got to close.

Halo is far from one of my ‘preferred’ styles of game but the single player makes good relaxing. Multilayer, I avoid though. Whenever I play Halo online I usually get owned for actually trying to capture the flag. Or I spend the round shooting the heck out of the other team like a crazed one-man-army and screaming at my stupid teammates for having the tactical ability of a slug, for camping our base instead of taking advantage of the perfect time to launch an attack !!!

Modern siege warfare favors the attacker in the long run.

Hmm, code time soon !

Oh… Fell asleep after dinner, woke uo around 2200 local and went to bed, just got up about 0100 local. Dang I needed that !!! I slept like a stone. I think an atom bomb could’ve gone off and I don’t think I would’ve noticed :

Ended up dreaming about being knee deep in World War II with a Thompson and a captured Lee Enfield, bit odd but.. Whatever. To being stuck in a bad bat man movie, to being stuck on a space station, to being in the middle of a F.E.A.R. part III about to happen, when I decided enough of this crud time to wake up >_>

That’s one thing that’s kind of strange, I usually know that I’m dreaming when I dream, maybe because my dreams are almost always crazy. And when they are not, usually startle me in different ways…

I’ve basically been working since Saturday night straight, breaking to go to work, the bathroom, sleep, and eat lol. Haven’t had much time for the usual forums lately … so may as well take a moment to catch up now.

The advantage of all of this? It might be a bit of working oneself into the ground… But it’s getting things done in a week rather then by next year lol. And if I get done early… I get to relax on the weekend hehe.

Ahh… Almost got everything done for the week.

I need to finish some adjustments to the test bed module and one library module to match changes made tonight and get things that are working back ported to the main. The test bed module will be a cakewalk to adjust, probably will have that done tonight.

I’m itching to move onto my next primary objective… But it will have to wait for another day 🙁

With a wee bit of luck I should have all of my web matters done before Thursday, so I can kick back in TG#3 and PG#1 for a little R&R before moving onto ‘off duty’ week No.2 -> working on the SOP Rewrites.

You know, that is one good part about making like a workaholic with piled up stuff — if you get done early, you get to do something else for awhile xD

 * head hits keyboard, begins to snore loudly

Days work and chuckles

Today has been a very productive day, probably because everyone else was either not home or sound asleep most of the day !^_^!

I’ve tested some major work on the site ACLs that’s just been begging for doing, all looks good in the sandbox. So all I should have to do is get it transitioned to the production system and volla… We’ll be ready to rock’it and roll. Then I can finish a few other modules that need work and get to work on the ‘special project’ hehe. Oh baby is this gonna be good when it gets deployed.

I’ve managed to get some rest at least, caught the end pf Aliens which is one of my favorite movies (y). A refreshing change, Robon Hood: Men in Tights started after it. That’s a funny movie but not one I’ve seen on often this past decade.

I’m rather glad the special edition of Aliens has mostly become the normal cut on cable. I remember the first time I saw it, I was extremely pissed off at the hack job they had us all watching for years! I can understand having to trim things down, yeah. But there is some point where the time saved ain’t quite as good as what your losing in the process :

Robin, haha I haven’t seen it from start to finish in ages. Like most movies related to Mel Brooks, it can’t keep a straight face for more then 2 minutes ^_^.

The castle repo man, the rabbi (Brooks) with the drunk mule, the moron of a sheriff of Rottingham, the cook “Latrine” whose family changed the name from “Shithouse” lol The huge little john who starts drowning in a tiny puddle after a ridicules fight with Robin over the bridges toll (“it’s the principal of it”), who would build a bridge over a puddle in the first place? Robin Hood losing the archery contest, “Whhat!? I’m not supposed to lose! … checks script … Wait, I get another shot !!!” rofl. And King Richard renaming all the toilets in the kingdom “Johns” after his brother, for defiling himself. And making him part of the tour after throwing Prince John in the tower of London 0.o

And not to forget the ending during the fight with Rottingham, the key that Robin inherited goes flying and lands right in Maid Marians chastity belt and he’s like, “I knew it was the key to the greatest treasure in all the land!” and ir just keepa rolling from there lol, Down to the end scene with the wedding night after the credits.

[Rottingham slices off Robin’s necklace, sending his key flying. The key falls into the lock of Marian’s chastity belt]

Robin Hood: It is the key to the greatest treasure in all the land!

Maid Marian: This means you’ve always been my one true love because it’s just the right size!

Sheriff of Rottingham: It’s not the size that counts… It’s how you use it!

[Robin and Marians wedding night]
Robin Hood: Umm… You’re not going to believe this
Maid Marian: What?
Robin Hood: It won’t open
Main Marian: WHAT !?
Robin Hood: Wait I have an idea, call a locksmith !!!
[voice echos outside] Call a locksmith

/* rolls on the floor laughing */

Writer’s Block: For the Day Off…

If you’ve got Monday off, how are you spending it, and with whom?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

With my computers, working on PHP, SQL, designing and testing libraries, website systems, and various pages.

I’d rather be… uhh, well thinking about that ain’t gonna get this done any easier ^_^

It would be a good time though hehe.


Was to tired to get back to work on the website last night. Went straight to bed but willow wouldn’t let me sleep, as usual.

My original plan was to lay down for a few and theng et back to work, so much for that idea +S

I’ve gotten most of the coding end done, just need to setup the test case for the database, proof the changes and get it scripted and transfered after hours.

Now if my sound would stop shorting out… The F’ing wintel machine is the only PC here that has problems with damn near everything :. I’ve changed headphones to the best pair I have left, and it’s still screwing up so that means it’s not the headphones >_>