Well, one nice thing I actually got to work on a small XHTML and CSS template today, in between AFK spikes 8=)

What else I can actually get done before I’m stuck heading back into work otoh, is… doubtful.

Writer’s Block: Personality Trait = Trouble

What personality trait has gotten you in the most trouble?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

Well, I dunno what I’d call it maybe either being overly technical or just knowing how to be a jerk.

Generally, I’m the kind of guy who enjoys technical things — even in language. One of my favorite things to do is making points about ambiguity, explicitness, and implicitness in speech. In a programming language, there are things that are implicit and things that are explicit. For example, in ANSI C

auto int foo = 1;  /* foo is explicitly of type int(eger) with auto(matic0 storage allocation */
bar = 1; /* bar is implicitly of type int(eger) with auto(matic) storage allocation */

I believe in the last ISO standard (C99) that they removed that rule from the language standard. But I dunno of any one on earth who would ever write a compiler that didn’t default variables to int’s other then me of course (my personality :-P). The auto specifier is also an implicit meaning when omited, one which is so implicit that I’ve seen it only a few times any where in C programs and rightly so.

In Perl, there are often default variables such as $_ that are used implicitly when no explicit resource is specified for an operation, not knowing this you might think perl was bloodly physic when reading Perl scripts!

English on the other hand, is not like that — there are very few defined rules in the same spirit.

When I actually pay close attention to whats being said (fairly often if my minds unoccupied), I’ll often ‘abuse’ this lack of understanding in peoples English. There are subtle issues where what you say, is not what you meant and there is no defined way for any one to know, other then to know enough in-context about the conversation or the targets of it, to know what the freaking heck you are referring to,

Me, well I often make it a goal to point this out just to piss people off.

This means I have fun but it also ain’t good — my family doesn’t like it hahaha. You could say, they are the kind to say things that are openly ambiguous and dislike it when I force the disambiguation by not doing what they *expected* me to do, because I did *exactly* what they *told* me to do instead xD.

Yeah, so I’m a jerk… I have some bones with “Gentleman” written on them but I never said it stopped me from having a good sense of humour about life !(^_^)!

Some times people will ask me a question, and because of how it’s worded I’ll give them an answer to a different question or a question of my own in return instead of replying to what they expected me to anwser. You could say, it’s a sort of “you get an answer for what you asked me about, not what you meant to ask even if I know what that really was” kind of thinking on my part. I usually reserve it for people who I know should know better though hehe.

I generally don’t pick on people who don’t don’t know English perfectly (the language sucks any way), but I do tend to give people that were born speaking it a good twist every now and then lol.

Dails efforts…

Finally a productive day… Because every one else but me slept through most of the afternoon ^_^

I finished adding a summary mode to my script, later I want to put in user agent exclusions among other things; so it can be tuned to more automated traffic hehe.

I also managed to install Ubuntu 8.04 on SAL1600 today, I’m very happy to say that the boot time is a heck of a lot better then 6.06 was when I inertially tested the distribution. The installer is more complex then PC-BSDs but still quite simple, last time I needed to use an ‘alternate’ install CD with a hacked debian installer in order to get GRUB in Ubuntu’s / rather then screwing with GAG. This time, I only had to scratch my head enough to choose the ‘advanced’ button before commiting to the format & install — and select the location to install GRUB to hehe 😉

Got done in about a half hour, counting setting up a few packages (nVidia drivers, g++, JDK, zsh, etc) and I can finish the rest later. I’m not very partial to Ubuntu although I do greatly like the human theme for Gnome they use. While both FreeBSD 6.x and Linux 2.6.x are fully able to support my desktops hardware: FreeBSD works perfectly out of the box other then sound, which is just a driver away. Most Linux distro on the other hand, need me to screw with things. Debian Sarge for example tried to convice me I had no hard drive controller or network interface, for which NetBSD agreed and Slackware concurred about the NIC ^_^.

I want to test CrossOver Games to see if I could get Rvs or SWAT4:TSS working in it… There is a trial for PC-BSD but the Linux version is supposed to work better and is officially supported. I’ve heard that WINE has improved greatly on FreeBSD (and PC-BSD 1.5.x includes patches to aid it afaik). Even with the gripes of WINE working much better on Linux then FreeBSD, I only tested it on FreeBSD two years ago and threw it out as useless for even light duty gaming.

I’d really prefer to be running Slackware or Gentoo if I had to run a GNU/Linux distro off my desktop… But I don’t have time to muck about just for testing this thing, hence the Ubuntu installation lol. I expect it will fail horribly and I’m not expecting much more then being able to get RvS installed but I’ll give it a go. And to be frank, with how poorly done Rvs and SWAT4 are from a software perspective… I’m really supprised people can run then on Vista, hell we have to side-step problems the games have with modern graphics cards (and SWAT4:TSS ain’t that fucking old!)

To be honest, I think I would have to create my own “Linux From Scratch” system to ever truly be happy with a Linux distro, that or just install OpenBSD instead and be perfectly happy hehe xD. But, in terms of having to run a specific OS, I’d be much more happy with GNU/Linux then I am with Windows XP. The only reason I’ve never removed WinXP from my desktop is I need one game box, you could say… If I wasn’t in [SAS] then I would be totally and 100% free of Windows for the rest of my days. But I love my team to damn much to leave, even if it means having to keep one working copy of Windows around.

The thing that really pisses me off, I can run FreeBSD and Linux on my desktop and it is rock solid for all I need it to do (y). Running Windows XP on the same machine, I only *wish* I could say the same hahaha. Between the nVidia drivers, Direct X 9, and Creative Labs + Raven Shield not playing nicely together it loves to get blue screens of death under XP.

At least when a machine has problems with running BSD or Linux, you generally get what you paid for but when Windows has problems, it blows because you got charged by every bastard along the way and his dog too!

Only in my home…. Could it take more then 6 hours of work, to complete some thing that *shouldn’t* take longer then 20 minutes.

Well… at least it’s done, documented, and due for having a report written tomorrow lol.

Oh joy, I can just bet good money if I had any on how long it’ll take to do that…

I find myself in a place surrounded by lions.
My muscles may tense with the rage that powers them
Yet I cannot bring myself to strike at my enemies.

I yearn to strike back, rend them limb from limb as they do me.
Yet irregardless of how much I burn, how much I stir,
My arms will not budge, they will not strike.

Oh how I long… To let them feel as I,
To forget my humanity, to strike without remorse..
With that same animal fury as they, so unrelenting.
But to do so, is to walk into the same corrupting fires
That blaze about them, oh how those fires burn.

Even as I bid my heart, become as stone..
It constantly reminds me it is made of flesh.
And not made for such dark ends…

Whether ’tis to be the greatest fool of them all
or weakest creature of all, I bid it to end
before I look back upon all my memories
as just another picture to burn.

— Tue Apr 29 23:06:04 UTC 2008

Stuck workin’

I’m trying to code and what song do they have on the radio lol.

Work, work all week long
Punchin’ that clock from dusk till dawn.
Countin’ the days till Friday night
That’s when all the conditions are right.
For a good time
I need a good time.

Yea, I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time

I cashed my check, cleaned my truck
Put on my hat, forgot about work
Sun goin’ down, head across town
Pick up my baby and turn it around
Good time,
Aahh, I need a good time

I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
Time for a good time


Pig in the ground, beer on ice
Just like ole Hank taught us about
Singin’ along, Bocephus songs
Rowdy friends all night long
Good time
Lord, we’re having a good time,

Yea, I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time


Heel toe dosey doe
Scootin’ our boots, swingin’ doors
B & D Kix and Dunn
Honkin’ tonk heaven, Double shotgun
Good time,
Lord, we’re havin’ a good time

Cause I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time

Shot of Tequila, beer on tap
Sweet southern woman set on my lap
G with an O, O with a D
T with an I and an M and an E
And a good time
Shhheww, good time
I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time

Ahh, turn it up now.

A Shot of Tequila.
Beer on tap.
A good looking woman.
To set on my lap.

A G with an O, an O with a D
A T with an I an M with an E
That spells good time
A good time

Ohh, I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
Time for a good time

Twelve o’clock, two o’clock three o’clock four
Five o’clock we know were that’s gonna go
Closing the door, shuttin’ em down
Head for that Waffle House way across town
Good time
Ohh, we’re havin’ a good time.
Ohh, I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time

Ohh, I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time

Ohh, I’ve been workin’ all week
And I’m tired and I don’t wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It’s time for a good time

Ohh, yea, a good time.

I need a good time.

Yea, a good time.

— “Good Time”, Alan Jackson.

Haha !

Managed to get off work early today, that’s great from my pov since I usually leave work 15min late on Monday’s lol.

Unfortunately it’s after dark and I’ve still not gotten any thing onde, I really wish my family would /remember/ I’m not a fuk’n servant boy some days.

Break time though… starving lol.

FOOD now, work later… work in morning, ‘special’ operation in evening, so much for taking it easy.

before work…

Just a few minutes until it’s time to get ready for work today…

Things have a nice way of arranging it so I’ve got no time before hand lol. I don’t really mind having to work afternons on Mondays, but I would appreciate it if I _could_ get stuff _done_ during afternoons I’m home, rather then having to do things after dark until I pass out, or not at all in this place…

Be stuck at work all day so that leaves the until crack of dawn or point of no return mark (to be sleeping by or hate getting up for work tomorrow) in order to get things finished. That or cram it all into dead line day and really be driving out of my fscking skull trying to get it done with my family around.

Hmm… Wouldn’t it be fun to throw everyone out for about 6 hours… ? Lol


Well, if nothing else over the past two days… I’ve at least gotten a chapter done with my book, and taken care of two issues on the website (y). I also managed to weasel through a little bit of code that might just go along way at making improvements hehe.

Spent a few hours relaxing in the proving grounds, didn’t want to interrupt the training in the other server. I dunno if it’s the time of day I usually /get/ to play or what, but PG#1 has been very laggy for me lately. Although I haven’t had any problems on TG#3 which also should be out in England lol.

For tonight my plans are working on a small analytical script for ringing alarm bells, this should be interesting lol.

The more I’m here, the worse I feel
It’s like wasting away, on a full stomach.
Every thing points to the past, will it never die?
As I long für the future, to hold all I seek in my hands.
Little more then that dream keeps my bones from breaking.

Oh LORD, why am I tormented so…
I know almost no peace, my enemies no relent, till I am bound and gagged.
I keep my mouth shut, less it bring the rain.
While the wild beats graze around me, in search of flesh.

All I can see, is the emptiness here, so far am I from my goals.
Even the slightest thought of them, makes me crazy.
Just to concentrate a moment on that sensation…
Of all the things that could be, my life fulfilled.

Why can’t I have release? Even for a time of rest, just to be at peace.
They come at me, as if thieves by night to take my life.
Fore they take every thing and leave nothing behind,
Nothing save the corpse of my heart.

Where there was once joy, they bring pain.
Where there was once love, they bring sorrow.
Where there was once tranquility, they bring rage.

I find nothing of what I seek here, only a battlefield.
Layered with mines and entrenched with barbwire.
Some times I think, I would throw it all away…
Even my very dignity, my very sanity just for a few seconds.

But I know, that path seals fates but never frees them.
So I continue to stand, although I may crack and crumble.
My body refuses to break completely, surrender is not a word I know.
Yet sadly, nether is peace a word I’m familiar with either.

I am given sweet bread to eat, but nothing else in this place
Where I feel bitterness around me, as the chains that bind me
Are forged ever stronger about me. Whether ’tis by my destruction
Or by my freedom, be they even entwined:

I yearn to walk freely through the light again.

— 2008-04-26