It seems, any time I even think about trying to get some thing done…

These @%@!%!’ers find someway of dropping a hydrogen bomb on it :

What the hell do I have to do in order to get work done when I’m home from work? Hog tie people to a chair and ducktape there mouths lol.

<joke>Hey… That’s not a bad idea</joke>

Another pointless day almost done…

We started work today at our new clients, just as I expected it’s more stressful then it is hard work… Gotta love being driving batty but at least the clients are not the ones causing it >_>

Spent some time in PG#1 and in TG#3 and cruised the usual forums, sent over a dozen spam-reports on :

Knee deep in flood, shells, and bullets.

Managed to fight through the flood running gun battle levels all the way to Cortana popping up to save the universe >_>

Perhaps it’s just me but I think it was actually harder playing it the first time way back when, rather then playing through on Heroic of late :

Or maybe it’s because I concentrated more on wiping out the flood then just keeping in Master Chief in one piece lol.

If my ISP could keep the (snip) connection working things would be much easier… Made it to 455MB on the last ISO Kriss Moore posted for PC-BSD 7Alpha before it the aDSL finally died.

Why pay for service that works like crap?

I want to get it setup for some testing, the PC-BSD install on my test machine uses a partition that I’ve reserved largely for testing Linux/BSD alpha/beta/release candidates any way so it’s no loss. Later on I also would like to ‘play’ with an idea that needs a fresh FreeBSD-7 install… 😉

*sigh* another unfulfilling day almost gone.

I’d rather like to hit some code… But I’m to fscking tired tonight. Looks like I’ll have to make do with a few rounds of kpat (KPatience) instead :

Killin’ headaches, uhhh aliens…

A little Halo to curve the days annoyances…

Continued off from “If I had a super weapon” on Heroic mode but still found the mission a bit sticky. Almost beat it, using my pistol with a mag & a half to clear the front way and plasma pistol shots to take down the Banshees. Making it to the end of the bridge only to meet a pair of Hunters that gave me a Fuel-Rod kiss off lol.

So… enough of that crud, I dogged it back past the checkpoint into the area I had cleared last time — lots of dead Covenant and a pair of hunters guarding supplies. Ran in there between the hunters, grabbing more grenades, a full stash of pistol magazines, and a health pack ;-).

Ran back out of there dodging between Hunters trying to pancake me but got out without a scratch. That was fun, to bad I didn’t get to slap one on the way out >_>

With the piutol fully loaded, sniped out the Elites on the bridge and kept them from getting into the Banshees. Triggering the hunters to emerge, I dashed back and climbed in, oh man… Dive bombing Hunters and Grunts with a Banshees plasma guns xD

Finished them off and made it to the objective, unlocked the door and gave the Golden sword wielding Elite a plasma missile on the way through 😉

Fighting towards the flood, I actually found a nice trick. The looks quid like floods are dangerous in groups, perfect time for the assault rifle but… The pistol and the shotgun is a bit more useful against the larger floods then shotgun and assault rifle. So what I started to do to conserve pistol ammo, was dancing between flood and when the little critters jump to try infecting the Master Chief, pistol whip’em in mid air. It has to be timed right or they will hit the shields or miss, but it’s fun to time it right and whack’em with the pistol instead of shooting them all.

Left off on The Library, the best part of the game but the start off is a bit rough. Swarms of flood all over and my shotgun traded out for a pistol grr… But I generally find once you manage to get decent weapons. The levels like the most stress-reliving one in the game.

Running, jumping, shooting, and fending off swarm after swarm of zombie like and well armed enemies during one of the most prolonged running gun battles in video-gaming lol.

Just slide into it and relax, good way to clear the brains thoughts for a little while hehe.

More then meets the eye

I finally gotten a chance to watch Transformers and it was freaking awesome !

When I had first heard that they were making a life action movie of it, I thought the amount of CGI they would need would ruin it totally. But I was quite pleased to see the awesome job that showed through the trailers. And interestingly, Michael Bay was one of those involved. With the exception of Perl Harbor which bored the ever loving crap out of me, I’ve enjoyed most of the films that hes directed.

Transformers is arguably one of the best movies I’ve seen in a _long_ time. It’s gotta be like the best movie since T2. And people that know me well, would know that is indeed high praise from me!

Because for me, T2 is just that kind of definitive movie… The kind that, if I had to select one movie to describe my generation. I would probably reach for Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Transformers really was done well, not purely authentic to the originals but close enough hehe. I remember talking with a friend, and were some what amazed that between me and her, that we could still remember most of the crud we watched when we were knee high lol.


work’ward bound again but at least I finished my Perl script…

sad news

Some sad news this morning 🙁

We just heard from one of our old clients that one of her dogs passed away. He was a lovable little duffel-bag of a Chihuahua, if he knew you he loved otherwise run for cover!!!

I remember the first day that we worked over there, he barked for three hours and then slept through the rest of the time we were there lol. After having worked over a year there… Before we left, Ma would give the little guy a kiss on the cheek and he always wanted us to pet him when we worked down stairs. And this is a dog, that once took a bite out of an A/C Repair Mans trousers and kept hanging on till he left!!!

R.I.P. Booger, it was a joy.

Thoughts as Night Falls

I am starving… Even on a full stomach, it is as if I have eaten nothing.
There is no place for me here, the thought repeats in my mind continuously.
This place is so far from everything I seek…

I am mocked for doing nothing, yet I did nothing because to do anything
would have betrayed me into their hands, a mere target under those guns.

So I fortify these castle walls with Titanium and Cortosis.
Hiding myself deep within, appearing emotionless to the storms that rage outside.
Because I can’t afford to show the effects from the stabs ‘n jabs at my core…
So I build the walls stronger, so that nothing may show through them.
Less the beasts sense a sign of weakness and strike deeper.

Forced to look as if carved from stone, despite the churning underneath…
I’m made of flesh and bone not of iron and concrete.
My heart dies, bit by bit, day by day but surely it wastes away in this place.

Why must I hide myself from those who I love?
Because of creatures that strike so hard, in search of blood…
And upon that sign, would redouble their efforts tenfold,
If I appear phased in the slightest by their efforts.

This is not who I am… But it is apart of survival, in this hellish place.
I yearn to be safe, where my soul has no tolls set upon its freedom.
There is no place for me here, it burns my mind into cinders.
The road behind me is ever so clearer then the path before my feet.
I know the soul can endure long after the heart has since stopped to function.

As my mind drifts to another frame of thought… Another time, another creature.
My memories are both strong and vivid, like an image
irreparably seared into the minds eye.
I cannot forget, the things I once felt.

That specter of the past, that light that shined before the darkness fell again.
Illusion or reality, love or hate, water or fire, it was something strong.
I recall those times with a bitter-sweet taste, because for a brief moment,
Where perhaps I was the most alive, even if only for a few moments.

Before the storms came, and the end came, my heart going with it.
Nothing was left, nothing survived those rending waves…
Washed up along the shores: to begin again.

I wonder, will I ever find the things I seek?
Will I ever be free of this place, and the chains that it forges before me…
To bind me forever in the path of its gnashing teeth.
Far from my passionate goals, from my very self..

And what of the future to be?
I’m ever so damn far from reaching that peaceful place I need to reach.
Man was not made for this form of existence, this empty place.
To sit in darkness, forced from the light.
Like a caged animal, rent before the wolfs.

Let the past be past, ends to be ended.
My soul must become free of this madness, my heart cured of it’s poisons.
Those memories of what once was, left behind and forgotten.
Because this place, and those recollections combined are much to strong to bear.

What will there be left of me when I am free?

Tonight, I think if I was to be placed in th’ight situation,
I think I’d say fuck it and hit the vodka.
And not look upward again for a fortnight…

But as always… I am ever the sober one, sober as a codfish in water.

Mon May 12 04:43:53 UTC 2008

One comforting thought, the Defense Language Institute classifies German as a Category II language for how hard it is for an English speaker to learn. The common Spanish and French fitting into Category I, Russian, Greek, and Hewbrew into Category III, and the mind boggling Chinese and Japanese into the topper, are Category IV languages.

That makes me feel a bit better… lol.

I’ve heard that a lot of people never reach native fluency in a language, I doubt I’ll ever do so either but I would settle for knowing as much as an elementary school student. I’m generally able to read German well enough as long as I’ve got access to a dictionary but not so good at composition.

I’d like to fit some time for study into each day, even if it’s not a great amount of time.. It’s better then nothing. I’ve been looking at adding reading to my daily routine, don’t know how well it will go. I figure, the more I read the more chance I should hopefully have of getting a ‘feel’ for it.

When I was learning to read English, I rmemeber I had to write out every word I couldn’t read, 3 times plus a sentence out of it. Needless to say, I didn’t like that part of school ^_^. It’s a good idea though but I’m not about to try likewise in German, while I arguably care more about getting spelling and grammar right in German then in English. If I did some thing like that, my hand writing would get even *worse*.

As it stands, writing English by hand (the conventional pen/pencil on paper method) is an atrocious combination of printing letters and cursive letters. Plus because not only am I accustomed to writing as fast as I can think, which results in many ‘lazy pauses’ as my mind backtracks to where my hand left off. My way of writing tends to reflect my minds way of thinking, speaking habbits, and preferences on ‘style’ much more so then the formal ‘laws of English’ allow — I’m a person, not a cyborgnetic English Teacher ^_^

I could just imagine… 20 or 30 laters, writing in Gerglish? (What ever you want to call a mixture of German and English words, writing, and pronunciations) To top it all off, haha that would put the final nail in my hand writings coffin.