note to self, send our new webcoder some instructions and concept mock-ups on the new ‘project’ I have in mind for the website hehehe.

I’ll never understand it…

If I try to do any thing while others are awake here it causes my productivity to shrink and headache to grow exponentially.

Is this some kind of universal law I’ve never heard of? Or is it just my family likes to bitch when I don’t get stuff done but loves to drive me freaking crazy whenever I *try* to get stuff done? Lol…

I so need to get out of here… Marching in the thunderstorm would probably be more peaceful :

After having been wanting to for ages I have finally fixed up my OpenBSD machines partitions.

I had an 80GB hard drive formated (wd1a) and moved /usr/local/ on to it and put my SMB shares on it for the free space.

Since wd0 is a 8GB disk split into a, b, h, d, g, and e partitions the biggest is wd0g mounted on /usr with ~6GB free but I had almost 10GB of files on /usr/local (wd1a). So I had to copy my backups and videos to the windows machine via Samba/Network Neighborehood before I could move all of my files in /usr/local/srv to a temporary place in /usr and then archived the rest of the directory.

cd /usr
mkdir storage
mv local/srv storage
tar -cf /var/tmp/local.tar local

I had to relabel the disk and then format the partitions, I created wd1a and wd1d to use as /usr/local and /srv with ~15GB more free space in case I need it.

umount -f local
disklabel -E wd1
newfs wd1a
newfs wd1d

During the disk label I changed to ‘disk geometry’ (g d), deleted the a partition (d a) and created the a and d partitions (c a and c d) keeping with the prompts on it and specifying 12G and 45G for the partition sizes.

Fixed my fstab and then mounted the partitions

vi /etc/fstab
# 8GB Primary Master, PATA drive
# device mount type opts dump fsck
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/wd0h /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0d /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0g /usr ffs rw,nodev 1 2
/dev/wd0e /var ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
# 80GB Primary Slave, PATA drive
# device mount type opts dump fsck
/dev/wd1a /usr/local ffs rw,nodev 1 2
/dev/wd1d /srv ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2

mount -o rw,nodev /dev/wd1a /usr/local
mount -o rw,nodev,nosuid /srv

I’m some what tempted to mark wd1d ‘noexec’ but I may wish to run scripts from there later if I ever move ~/code over. After that it was just a quick hop, skip, and jump to restore my files.

tar xpf /var/tmp/local.tar
mv storage/srv/smb /srv/
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

I corrected all of my shares in smb.conf from command line mode:


I could’ve used ex but I rather like paging up/down with ^U and ^D instead of using ‘addr1,addr2p’ in ex.

/dev/wd0a on / type ffs (local)
/dev/wd0h on /home type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd0d on /tmp type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd0g on /usr type ffs (local, nodev)
/dev/wd0e on /var type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/wd1a on /usr/local type ffs (local, nodev)
/dev/wd1d on /srv type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/wd0a 147M 30.4M 110M 22% /
/dev/wd0h 393M 35.6M 337M 10% /home
/dev/wd0d 98.3M 2.0K 93.4M 0% /tmp
/dev/wd0g 6.7G 398M 6.0G 6% /usr
/dev/wd0e 148M 84.1M 56.2M 60% /var
/dev/wd1a 11.8G 76.9M 11.1G 1% /usr/local
/dev/wd1d 44.3G 5.1G 37.0G 12% /srv

Windows wouldn’t see the file shares and sending the HUP signal to Samba to reread it’s conf file immediately didn’t help any. So I gave Vectra a reboot to double check my fstab entry (yes I am paranoid), I could’ve just killed the processes and reloaded them manually for the same effect.

# uptime
9:14PM up 19 days, 3:29, 1 user, load averages: 4.12, 4.16, 3.86
# reboot

I love OpenBSD 🙂


To prevent some nasty time outs.

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ClientAliveInterval 15
ClientAliveCountMax 45

vi ~/.ssh/config # or /etc/ssh/ssh_config for all clients
ServerAliveInterval 15

The return of NPMs Coding Spider

My first commit to Neo Ports Managers SVN since March… Sheesh I’ve been AWOL on this ain’t I?

Revision 61 – Directory Listing
Modified Fri Apr 4 07:22:12 2008 UTC (5 minutes, 2 seconds ago) by sas_spidey01

searchlet module now uses an internal searching code by default with the ability to use a separate external program for searching ports.

It assumes calling convention is ‘your command’ ‘what to look for’ and the following output parsing convention:

portname description

any white space will do.

ability to set external command not yet implemented [in the GUI I meant]

It’s been so long I had to change my password in order to login to SVN and the websites SSH successfully loool. Oh well, back to work I go!!

My official todo list:

Terry@dixie$ cat ~/code/Python/src/npm/trunk/src/todo.txt                  7:26

searchlet config in settings pages:
external command
fields to search for with internal command

finish the GUI for configuring port build options.

GUI for updating via portsnap/c*sup

help browser

... older notes
Terry@dixie$ 7:30

There is not a lot that actually has to be done before a beta can be released, it’s just it has to get done. Most of the rest is stuff I *want* done first…

I’m usually happier when I’m working on some thing then when I’m groaning about, and honestly I’d rather concentrate on code then my mind wandering off along past explicits.

Well, I have a todo list stored away on Neo Ports Manager and one of the things on my todo was to remove the dependency on the psearch program, namely because it would be faster to update our display as we find stuff in ports rather then parsing the output.

I think I might make another page in the settings to allow one to choose what fields to search in and possibly which to display as details. I plan on embedding the code to search ports right in NPM, but if it doesn’t clog things up I don’t see why not to allow the ability to use an external program. The best reason being if the index file ever changes or is ax’ed and I get hit by a bus, no one has to learn Python to fix NPM lol.

A couple months ago I sat down and started trying to figure out the format of the index file in ports, it was pretty easy and I wrote a small script to search it and print out all the cells of information in each entry of the index that had a matching package-version in it.

This is a quick test script I wrote tonight that searchs for a port and displays a short info on it, being a test I wrote the port to look for in the file test rather then passing sys.argv over to save time. I plan to adopt NPM to using a variation of this for searching ports now.

1: #!/usr/bin/env python
3: # This is as much of the format of /usr/ports/INDEX-* file as I have
4: # been able to reverse engineer by looking at it and a few other things
5: # that didn't come with a nice fat manual page: the source is the documentation!
6: #
7: # Each program is listed on one line with each field separated with the pipe
8: # symbol (|), list values are delimited by a space.
9: #
10: # pkg-ver| -> as listed in pkg_info
11: # location in ports| -> /usr/ports/editors/vim
12: # install prefix| -> /usr/local
13: # short descr| ->
14: # path to pkg-descr| -> /usr/ports/editors/vim/pkg-decsr
15: # maintainer e-mail| ->
16: # listed in categories| -> list of cat, e.g. cat1 cat2
17: # dependencies to build| -> list of pkg-ver required to build this port
18: # dependencies at run time| -> list of pkg-ver required to run this program
19: # website| -> the programs website
20: # | -> unknown
21: # | -> unknown
22: # XXX: the unknowns may relate to internal port opts, e..g use zip, etc
23: ####
26: import re, os.path
28: INDEX="/usr/ports/INDEX-6"
30: # find keys 1,2,4 in index row via regex
31: def search(pattern):
32: idx = open(INDEX)
33: for line in idx:
34: keys = line.split('|')
35: k = (keys[0],os.path.split(keys[1])[1], keys[3])
36: for each in k:
37: if, each):
38: print 'found'
39: mypp(keys)
40: idx.close()
42: def mypp(table):
43: print "PORT INFORMATION FOR: %s" % table[0]
44: print 'location: %s' % table[1][11:]
45: print 'descr: %s' % table[3]
46: print 'category: %s' % table[6]
47: print 'website: %s' % table[9]
50: if __name__ == "__main__":
51: search("linux-flock")

This was a funky one, XMMS locked up on me and refused to play any files in my playlist, which I know usually means they either don’t exist or can’t be played but I also saw in mount that they should be there. I wish they’d add a pop up message about that but the auto-skip response to non existent files is actually one feature of XMMS I like.

Just trying to load a new playlist by pressing the lord list button in the playlist manager would cause it to lock up and I’d have to kill the process. So I figured I’d open another urxvt and leave mplayer running. Only thing odd was Music/Pl wouldn’t tab-complete to ~/Music/Playlists.

Terry@dixie$ ls Music                                                      3:45
ls: Music: Socket is not connected
Terry@dixie$ mount 3:46
/dev/ad0s2a on / (ufs, local, soft-updates)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad0s2e on /home (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s2f on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s2g on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s2h on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
linprocfs on /compat/linux/proc (linprocfs, local)
procfs on /proc (procfs, local)
/dev/fuse0 on /home/Terry/Documents (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
/dev/fuse1 on /home/Terry/Music (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
/dev/fuse2 on /home/Terry/Pictures (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
/dev/fuse3 on /home/Terry/Videos (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
Terry@dixie$ ls Pictures 3:46
ls: Pictures: Socket is not connected
Terry@dixie$ -i ~/.ssh/vectra_rsa_key_nopw -u 1001 -g 1001
mount_fusefs: /dev/fuse5 on /home/Terry/Music: Operation not permitted
mount_fusefs: /dev/fuse6 on /home/Terry/Pictures: Operation not permitted
Terry@dixie$ ls Music 3:47
ls: Music: Socket is not connected
Terry@dixie$ ls Videos 3:47
... my video files

So I umount’d all of them and reran mounting script and all worked

Terry@dixie$ -i ~/.ssh/vectra_rsa_key_nopw -u 1001 -g 1001
Terry@dixie$ mount 3:48
/dev/ad0s2a on / (ufs, local, soft-updates)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
/dev/ad0s2e on /home (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s2f on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s2g on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s2h on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
linprocfs on /compat/linux/proc (linprocfs, local)
procfs on /proc (procfs, local)
/dev/fuse0 on /home/Terry/Documents (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
/dev/fuse1 on /home/Terry/Music (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
/dev/fuse2 on /home/Terry/Pictures (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
/dev/fuse3 on /home/Terry/Videos (fusefs, local, nosuid, synchronous, mounted by Terry)
Terry@dixie$ ls Pictures 3:48
... the directories contents
Terry@dixie$ 3:48

After fixing that, XMMS worked great so I conclude that XMMS has a bit of a nasty issue if files it knows are there just ‘disappear’ on it, which is kind of strange. Whether it is a bug or not, I don’t have time to spend on multiple code-compile-debug cycles to try and fix it if there is a problem some where in the code or I would investigate it myself.

I would rather like to know what happened with the mount though because the only thing I’ve been fiddling with before it went was my firewall rules. Which amounts to enabling / disabling pf and reloading the rules out of /etc/pf.conf. I think I’ll keep a close eye on my mounts for awhile, XMMS will keep its eyes even closer on them I guess lol.

Hahaha I think the Windows Recycle bin must have a size limit.

I’ve been cleaning and organising the files on my XP machines desktop, moving most to the recycle bin, \vectrabackups or other file shares on the OpenBSD box (Vectra).

What is probably several hundred files (recursively of course) and more then 5GB of crud later, there was only the last 3 files I deleted, and I have not emptied the thing in months either >_>

My Desktop is down to the shortcuts to my RvS and S4 installations, a folder for downloading files to, recyclebin, my computer. and flock icons.

My RocketDock on the other side though has a CPU monitor, My Computer, Network Places, Flock, GVim, Winamp, RvS, S4, TS, Pidgin, XFire, PuTTY, and Gimp shortcut in the doc. One thing I like about using a doc is Raven Shield doesn’t dis-sort them on me hehe.

Needless to say, cleaning up the Doc is the next phase loool.

Willow in the Pillow

Last night I logged off around 0430Q to go to sleep.

I sat on the bed to tell Willow there were two problems, one she was in my spot, sleeping right near the pillows. And Two she was sleeping under my pillow!

When I went to lift the pillow off her, I realized she wasn’t underneath it she was sleeping in my pillow !!!

Hey that's my spot!

I turned on the overhead and snapped a picture before taking back my new pillows lol. I should get a sign like one of our clients has, “If you want the best spot in the house, just move the dog”.

Willow needs to have that one haha

People still arguing over the ruddy pictures…I’m like the only non-fighting one in the Family… I wish I could just be free of this place.

What is it they said? Nero fiddled while Rome burned?

In the mean time I’ve been tinkering about, learning a little bit about XMMS skining by picking apart the skins I have installed. I’m not sure if XMMS skins are compatible with WinAmp but I know classic WinAmp skins are generally compatible with XMMS. So I could probably Google a winamp skinning guide if I wanted to but why bother, it’s fairly straight forward for XMMS afai can see. I don’t often use WinAmp on the WinMachine but XMMS I’ve been using on my laptop a lot along with MPlayer. Took a screen shot of the default xmms skin (which I love) and made a template for the main.bmp out of it. Been working on doing green text, gold keys (that go green when pushed), including an [SAS] Insignia, etc. Dunno if I will ever finish (or use) it but it is good to get my mind off things for awhile…

The internet connection has been total crud lately, every thing is working slow as a snail in the middle of a blizzard 8=). Download speeds varying between 20 and 150kb/sec, web pages are loading like it’s connected at 28.8K instead of the 3M we pay for. I love Bellsouth… wish they would go suck an egg, and choke on it.

I wonder if I’ll ever get out of here alive, wonder if I’ll ever find what I seek. There was once a narrow window for happiness but that is long since extinct. Who knows what the future will bring, doom or salvation… At least it might be an improvement.

Writer’s Block: Where in the World…

If you were independently wealthy, where in the world would you live and how would you spend your time?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

I’d probably settle down, maybe in Tennessee or in Texas out in the country som where. It would be good to be able to travel though, maybe regularly visit Britain, Germany, and Japan (technology xD) but that would cost an arm and a leg.

As far as how I would spend my time? Learning about, doing, and creating things and it would also be nice to go to Church every Sunday again.

Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, are some of the topics many of my interests usually get categorized into by other people but I’m rarely free to go far enough in studying any thing for my tastes.

Being free to do so, why not go all the way?

Just like if I ever devoted my life to inventing things, I’d probably try to create a force-field like in Star Trek. Because it is a nifty invention and learning the sciences and technologies involved in studying the theories would be more fun then becoming a human light bulb in the process >_>.

The only other thing I could fathom filling that much free time with, is a family.