Me: “Things I can blame on genetics: dunking a donut in my coffee.”

Willow: “What about the lack of sharing, human?”
Me: “Ummm, the baker?”
Misty: “Bastard….”
Corky: snorts
And may the coffee flow. 

It’s pretty much a given that Willow aims to be comfortable.

And then there’s the point that Willow finds taking over my the bed more comfortable. Which between how early I fall asleep these days, and the comfort of dogs, is usually how I decide what room to be in by now, lol.

For Corky’s sake: I kind of hope that I taste good or at least sweat gravy.

Passing thought: omnitasking

A thought reoccurring to me often of late: is how many updates I’ve been meaning to write here in my journal, and filed under “Do that later.”

The answer is of course: too many.

My time has been pretty much a simple cycle of work, taking care home, or trying to garner enough downtime to recover from the formers. On the positive side, I’m not dead yet.

The positive side of my day can be summarized as a series of meals, and dogs staring.

Having a coupon, I decided to splurge on breakfast from Burger King. It’s amazing how happy a little bit of hash brown will make a dog, lol.

Dinner was pasta, and I was much stared at. Sadly unlike breakfast there was no sharing.

Reactions to pasta didn’t stop Willow from being comfy but alert. Also helps that they got meat and gravy treaty goodness after dinner.

After a while, I wondered if Misty licking her chops was due to me thinking about cake, or it almost being time for her medication; which means peanut butter.

The decision to have some cake later lead to a hole being stared into my head.

Needless to say: I had to give everyone a dog treat to purchase some forgiveness, just to be sure I’m not found dead with teeth marks by morning.

Probably the most cooking effort I’ve put in since the stew-periment.

Seasoned and baked some broccoli and carrots, while I then chopped and sautéed onion and pepper. Mix in some leftover chicken, rice, and more seasoning. Finished with mixing in the baked yummies and finished.
Fried rice is a great use of fresh, and leftover foods. Because the results are delicious and basically defined by what’s available, lol.

Post dinner beard inspection is also mandatory according to Willow.

Pretty much as soon I start cooking, Corky hides behind the toilet and Misty often aims for her perch:

There’s really not a good reason for this, especially with how lax my cooking has been and how rarely I fry foods.